[Archived - DiamondBones]

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Community Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on March 06, 2023.

[Archived] List changes you think would make you want to do more peer reviews: If I remember right, it takes around 10 passing votes for each 1 item to exit pr successfully... and it's a long wait because most submit more new items than they've reviewed, so there's a lot of backed up work for the community to do. "Peer Review ---- Up to 30 --- 46 --- 0" I thought 46 was many but clearly not! 30 use to be enough to push my new items out right away, but not anymore, and the recent msgs from imvu do mention that not enough of us are doing pr which is slowing things down even more lately. I miss the bots, but obviously those were not a good solution. Bless all, Dia

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “cbmvb” on March 28, 2023.


Correction, I meant to write "If the item itself has NOT changed, save..."

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “cbmvb” on March 28, 2023.


Something else that might save some time for peer reviewers....


If something is in peer review merely because something about the item has changed (keywords, name / title, icon, description, etc.) but not the item itself, let the reviewer know specifically know what has changed (icon, name / title, description, keywords, whatever). If the item itself has changed, save the reviewer's time by not making them check over the item itself. If there was no change to the item specifically and it has already passed peer review, no need for the reviewer to go through the item again, check MCG or poses, etc.


Likewise, when reviewing a bundle, we just review the icon, title, description, and keywords. We don't look at the items bundled as they have already been approved in peer review.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “CBholidays” on March 26, 2023.


One thing that is already built into peer review in the last couple of years is that your account has to exist for 6 months before it can do peer review. So, it does deter people from getting locked out and opening a new account to get back in. The mobile people who are not serious aren't going to wait for half a year to get back into peer review.


But absolutely guidelines would have to be broken down for total ease of understanding for mobile users. Maybe the key would be to make a mini course with quizzes for mobile users. If someone is already doing peer via desktop they can skip the course and do it on mobile. But if they try to do their first ever peer review on mobile, they might need to go through the mini course. Only the most serious mobile users would actually complete the course.


But I totally agree about lesser quality for items created on mobile if creating was ever possible on mobile.


I think really at this point full laptops / desktops are for people wanting to either produce media or something beyond typing or those who want to play resource intensive games. Those who want more casual games or who just want to consume media probably don't need a real computer now. They just need a tablet or smartphone

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “CBholidays” on March 26, 2023.


Oh I agree totally. Most can't do more. But for those who are new or who need the boost in tier levels, adding the ability to earn a few more tier levels if they do more peer review might help. As it is now, you can get 30 bonus points (3 tier levels) if you do 300 peer reviews. If you do more, all you get are the dev tokens / promo credits (whichever is chosen) but no further bonus points. If they allowed 50 to 60 bonus points for peer review, it might give people an incentive to do more. They could also continue doing 300 to get the 30 points. Their choice. But the option should be available to move things along. For my two accounts, I don't need peer review bonus points though I do peer review on the alt at least out of habit. But if I wanted to open another shop, I would love the opportunity to have 50 to 60 bonus points via peer review as that shop would be new to get its tiers up faster.


But still --- the best way to fix the peer review issue is to somehow allow it on mobile and deal with issues like zooming in and anything else. That is really the only way forward. I could do a lot more peer reviews if I had mobile access as I have time taking family members to doctor appointments. I can't bring my laptop but I always have my phone with me.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on March 22, 2023.


@Lovestory I agree opening it to mobile will probably flood in with more voters, but since most of them are not creators, they'll not know the guidelines as well, so I'm worried that it will bring in mostly false passes, people getting their pr privileges removed, and opening more accounts to try again.

Mobile users don't like reading long explanations...​ We'd need a video tutorial of the guidelines or something broken down enough for a baby to grasp. I don't mean that the majority of folks are immature, just that they come here to have fun, not to actually take things seriously and work for real.

If that could be done, maybe mobile would also be ready for creating too, because some derivable meshes already have painted textures that can be easily modified with the color saturation tools in Studio.

Just would be an issue as most will also be uploading textures they made on their phones... Which won't be ... Great. If mobile studio could be limited and not allow texture uploads... Lol. At least until there are more paint aps on mobile! And tutorials for imvu do

I know the future is mobile. While Greeting, I've mostly met people who have zero interest in getting a computer! Even students don't need computers so much anymore, they rely more on tablets or chrome books for writing up essays. I think imvu ought to return their efforts to appealing to the gamers if they want to survive against the mobile takeover.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lovestory” on March 20, 2023.


It's the only way forward, difficult or not. That is something that will need addressed. I think well over 70% of users (and I am lowballing the numbers here) are mobile exclusively so it makes sense to integrate peer review to mobile.


There is no other way to get peer-review to go faster.


Most creators dislike doing peer-review or cant because they maybe have limited time online and that time MUST be spent creating...or even maybe just not interested in the rewards?


The we must bring the opportunity to those that will want take advantage of it. It is a problem when the platform with most users on it can't do peer review.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on March 19, 2023.


oh my goodness, yes! I'd adore this! Just it's really difficult to zoom in for a proper inspection on mobile since the screen is so much smaller. Maybe if there were some added help features to aid with that? Because zooming in to see if the layer underneath tight clothes has any MCG red zones is already complicated enough for those on Desktop who haven't built that dexterity yet.


Even on Desktop, Staff have a hard time with this, as I learned to just skip GA products that have nudity underneath clothing that can only be seen when you zoom in through the layers. I think staff just uses the MCG pose or something... I don't know! Just, any help feature that would help us on mobile, would probably help them too!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on March 19, 2023.


I find it really tough to get people who are already doing so many, to do so much more. I couldn't bare to think of pushing them even further. Since I already know that the majority of creators don't do PR, I'd love to find a way to encourage them to join the efforts, as that seems less stressful.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “cbmvb” on March 18, 2023.


Another possibility is to allow up to 50 or 60 bonus points (getting up to Level 5 or 6) by doing peer reviews -- 500 to 600 peer reviews. Don't cut off the points at 300 peer reviews. Level 7 is pro so cut off the points before that. More incentives are needed to get people to regularly do peer reviews.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “cbmvb” on March 18, 2023.


Absolutely! It opens things up to users who cannot create and moreover, allows creators who are in situations where they are away from their laptops (taking relatives to doctor appointments for example) to do peer review at those times. I have a lot of "hurry up and wait" situations in real life where I can bring my phone. I could get peer reviews done in those times.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lovestory” on March 17, 2023.


Also, I wouldnt mind to see it integrated into IMVU studio

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lovestory” on March 17, 2023.


Integration of peer review to mobile is the only viable solution I see.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “cbmvb” on March 12, 2023.


What I have seen with the alt (not necessarily the main account) is that any time I submit items on the alt, they tend to go up faster than on the main account. I've done at least 400 per month every month on that account since 2020 and it just seems like everything goes faster with that one. It's been a few days since I did peer review on the main account so I'm going to see how long it will take when I submit a few more items on this one.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on March 12, 2023.


I too have not noticed doing peer review changes anything in the amount of time products take to go through.


I do understand the "logic" that if I do 400 Peer Reviews (now), then my products will go through faster as this is 400 Peer Reviews I do not have to wait for someone else to do. This makes sense BUT when there are 50,000 products in Peer Review, the difference is no noticed.


Moving mountains with a spoon is not fun :/


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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “cbmvb” on March 11, 2023.


In terms of suggestions for PR, I think the biggest and best thing would be to allow PR on mobile. It's already on the web and since we can have a mobile experience kind of like the web design, why not make PR available on mobile? My laptop is situated in one place and is not going to move. But there are many places where I have to physically be somewhere but am in "hurry up and wait" mode. I could get a few peer reviews done in that time when I am bored / waiting for something to be done in real life. Going to doctor appointments or taking a relative, etc. I can't bring my laptop but I can do things on my phone.


Moreover there are mobile only users who would do peer review for promo credits (yeah I know, we don't need more promo credits but if they can help us get things through peer review then I don't mind if the users spend their reward promo credits in my shop).


I would also say to increase the dev tokens given out. Maybe 2-5 dev tokens per PR not just 1. Newer creators who want to build up enough dev tokens to not need to pay the submission fee would be more likely to do peer reviews with that incentive. As to creators who have hundreds of thousands of dev tokens already due to items being purchased by promo credit sales --- we're never going to spend them all so no difference if we get more.


Definitely increase dev tokens on room reviews or anything where there are many poses or positions. Looking at a hair style or shoes is basically only worth 1 dev token but reviewing a room or furniture with many poses takes more time.

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