[Archived - shopdaisylogo] IMVU Studio – IMVU Virtual Goods Rating PolicySo here is the question imvu, sending out the ratings message ,ufi items using trademark that dont belong to you, shop is full of them and have been dominating the sales front pages
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Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on October 26, 2021.
[Archived]0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Polystyrene” on November 03, 2021.
[Archived]So will IMVU add a disclaimer to peer review to prevent this issue? As far as people doing PR know the product doesn't work. Why can't we have a web/Next based PR window? It's going to have to happen sooner or later when the client becomes obsolete.
Just another reason why shopping without product pages is a bad idea.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “FemmeDraven” on November 03, 2021.
[Archived]@4u​ Guessing the reason classic clients are seeing studio products because peer review can't be done in studio.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Polystyrene” on November 03, 2021.
[Archived]@4u​ jesus, that is really messed up.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “4u” on November 03, 2021.
[Archived]@FemmeDraven​ Its made in Studio, for studio users, its just that someone at IMVU thought it would be brilliant to show classic client users.. studio products
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “FemmeDraven” on November 03, 2021.
[Archived]@4u​ I just attempted to try your product in the most recent version of classic and as soon as I clicked "Try It" the client crashed. I uninstalled the client and installed an older version and the same thing happened.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “4u” on November 03, 2021.
[Archived]@RigsK I've had multiple rerates of Studio products flagged for not working by Classic Client users.. just had another product: 56799927... seems falling snow is to edgy for the new imvu, and staff do say they checked..
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on November 02, 2021.
[Archived]Just to add .. when developing also
marijuanas is classed as ga on items as long as its not advertised as being smoked so no lite and not in the mouth
Alcohol this works the same way can be in a glass or a bottle but not seen to be near the mouth or drinking.
Swear words well these can be used and classed as ga but this also is a grey area,
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on November 02, 2021.
[Archived]And you can almost hear the crickets, as no answers are forthcoming , so i will give a heads up to all new developers,
1 mcg pose if any red is showing it is classed as Ap
2 skin colour for undies, make sure you draw some kind of line around them or better to steer clear of the colors that look flesh color.
3 Flesh color trousers ga unless you start shading and drawing buttocks that make them look like skin or being naked then they would be ap.
4 Erect nipples on clothing not addressed by imvu when we have asked, take your own risk but i would steer clear of this i would mark up as ap, not worth the risk if they do come back with a decision and it might be the one you don't want.
5 Poses we are unable to try them out in peer with a actor so you make your own minds up on that one.
6 If you are unsure about anything i would steer clear or mark as ap remember your own shop is your responsibility even if you derive from something that is rated wrong .
And finally i would welcome any veteran developers to add to anything i have missed,
I hope this comes in useful to all new developers lets work towards a safer community.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “QBL” on October 28, 2021.
[Archived]@FemmeDraven​ So this is how I know about the call centers. My Daughter has worked for 3 of them over a 10 year period and my husband 2 call centers. My Daughter lives in FL and we live in NV. They have both had contracts with many well known companies and brands So with that said I have had to use IMVU CS more than a few times and have gotten into actual conversations with the agent having to explain how things about how IMVU works and I understand their frustration working for a third party call center because I belong to a call center family. These agents have been more than willing to confirm their call center status with me, Escalating my tickets immediately. Its like a call center lingo I have your back you have mine type thing. So not all call centers are over seas. Even the federal government uses call centers and some call center agents even work from their homes it just so happens my daughter is doing that now, Call centers are interesting when you actually get into the guts of how they are ran. We have 3 huge ones here in Vegas alone 2 of them ran out of a old mall.. They have literally converted the old Pennys and Macys after they shut their doors. Rows and rows of tables just filled with computers one right after another. Sectioned off into different contracts with different companies. They are not allowed to have their cell phones on the floor, no paper or writing material if you do its automatic dismissal. Everything has to be put into lockers. Some call centers they will actually wand you before going on the floor. Gurl Its a whole process.. But getting back to these pants after the long dribble about call centers. @shopdaisylogo​ Here is the thing .. IMVU doesn't say enhancement's are AP on that page just some drip at the bottom about the MCG guidelines and either of those products depict how the MCG is violated. Nor does IMVU go into how to look for it. They didn't have to use those examples neither of those examples show how the MCG is violated. I mean lets get it together here.. They could have taken a GA product did the MCG pose and hand taken a Hires and DREW the MCG red in to show how the product violated MCG. They didn't Have to use a AP product exactly they could have used photoshop to alter the GA product and used those examples as a learning tool. But NOPE now we are like OOOOOOOO those pants are AP? How do they violate? Lets talk about color and enhancements and and nipples and SANTA... See now we are even going down the rabbit hole. So if we are going down the rabbit hole as seasoned vetted creators ... I could just IMAGINE what kind of rabbit hole new creators and new account holders are going down. And the MAIN EVENT IS!!!!!!!!!!! MCG 101.. I just cant! At this point we just have to find the funny in all of this shenanigans. Because Lord knows its not getting any better.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “FemmeDraven” on October 27, 2021.
[Archived]@SweetCryssy​ Three updates ago I had a CSR ask me for more details regarding what the *hiresnobg feature was when I reported that using the feature was causing the client to crash. I just let the ticket die because why bother at that point if the CSR doesn't even know what that is I shouldn't have to explain it to them. I mean, have they even been trained?
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “SweetCryssy” on October 27, 2021.
[Archived]@shopdaisylogo​ And that's the problem.. MIXED MESSAGES. When I first looked at those AP example images, I thought "WTF?" Now as a veteran creator, if I'm sitting here going.."what the hell does this image mean?" How confused do you think new creators would be to see that? NO explanation whatsoever as to WHY the example is AP. Just giving an image..with AP across it doesn't actually tell anyone why it's AP..and like QBL mentioned..as a new creator, my first thought would be.. "shirts and pants are AP?" There should be a checklist of sorts for a new creator (or anyone doing Peer Review) to go through and compare the list..to the item they are making, or reviewing.
It's not rocket science I know..but around this place, you have to EDUCATE your creators correctly, if you want them to comply. Giving ambiguous information that only causes MORE questions and confusing the creators...thats how we got here in the first place. And that's ALWAYS been IMVU's problem..doing things half-arsed in a way that only causes more issues..questions.. or problems. I guess no one at IMVU ever heard that old addage.. "if you're going to do something..do it RIGHT the first time"... If they had..we wouldnt still be sitting here after.. 14 + yrs be asking them to fix this issue thats been around since the site was started. And not only do the new creators need to be educated properly.. so does support staff..because.. going to CSR for answers is like spinning a bottle and hoping it lands on the answer you are looking for. You want creators to comply..EDUCATE them PROPERLY. You want your support staff to actually HELP and SUPPORT your users..then EDUCATE them PROPERLY as well.
@QBL I miss all my friends and fellow creators, but I don't miss the confusion, lack of support and working for hours on something that ends up stuck in PR for days. At least now, what I do is appreciated. Miss you guys loads!! xxx
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on October 27, 2021.
[Archived]@QBL​ You are spot on when it comes also to people asking about the trousers not many would spot why or ask, so it gives out the message trousers should be ap.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on October 27, 2021.
[Archived]The front trousers to clarify would be ga as they are not made to look nude, but color and adding a bum crease and buttocks would then make it look like nude so this is i think the answer to that, but questions hang in the balance and have never been addressed and only do when flagging is done, and this can mean sitting in the shop for years selling many of the items and then bam getting a flag.
I mean to ban a bum crease look to allowing erect nipples and lets face it we have tried asking over and over with no resolution on this isn't going to make the devs job or cs job any easier. What i would find a solution is imvu provide a color reel for ok undergarment, a list of what is acceptable and made more clear so new devs can also follow this without finding out the hard way.
Any trigger words with designer labels a ban should be in place so customers wont get anything up on the searches. And a ban and take down of any designer logos, how on earth can you have a set of rules when only a few are implemented, not only is this unfair to developers who follow the tos it also must be so confusing to developers starting out.
If imvu want to build a new platform for developing with studio then lets get it right from the start .....
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “FemmeDraven” on October 27, 2021.
[Archived]@QBL​ I was actually on a chat with a CSR who escalated the chat for me to get a definitive answer so I'm not sure who I was speaking to but I didn't experience any language barrier issues and felt like I was getting a clear, concise answer (it didn't feel half-baked like a normal CSR experience). However, given what I see on their copyright information page I'm not so sure now and I wonder who was assigned with making these information pages for the IMVU website and how much they actually know about the product themselves considering as well, the items they used for examples of AP.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “QBL” on October 27, 2021.
[Archived]@SweetCryssy​ and your creator family here at IMVU misses your presence.. It has not gone unnoticed that you have left..
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