Increase in participants in the room.

Posted 24 days ago by Maicol

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A warm greeting to the entire Imvu team.

Grateful for the service they provide, the game itself or social network, and without leaving behind, thanking the good support that I have recently received through the chat with support, I will tell you a suggestion that I have about the "chat".

A few days ago I saw the need to be able to whisper with several people at the same time, that is, a group whisper, this is why I think the idea that VIP users can open a whisper with one person and at the same time be able to add more people to the same whisper is valid, so that ultimately, we can whisper with a group of people that we choose in a room.

In the same way and avoiding creating so many new topics in the forum, I have the following idea:

Increase the number of users allowed per room. Currently we can create and open a room for 10 people publicly, but we are falling short. Lately the rooms I visit are full, which prevents me from sharing with friends if someone else does not invite me.

This is why I suggest that we can increase, under the limitations that IMVU has, the number of users who can be and visit our rooms.

A requirement that we can have to carry this out and not be exploited in a bad way by anyone, is to require that the owner of the room be a VIP or that he has purchased an "Increase in spaces in the room for users" either 15 or if the room allows it and is large, 20. Allowing us to stay with a larger group.

I understand that this suggestion can be carried out and at the same time contribute to the development and improvement of IMVU, taking into account that this improvement can also bring more monetary benefits to the company.

Thank you for reading me.

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DonnaLuise posted 2 days ago

I have two pages of favorite rooms, and only about one or two of them ever have a crowd of 10 or more, and that's only at certain times. Believe me, not all rooms are

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