Classic Client vs Next/Mobile

Posted 4 months ago by Rayiven

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I am posting this feedback in the hops that that IMVU always, always, keeps the Classic Client available to us older users and creators who actually use IMCU as a creative outlet rather than some dating site. 

Next and Mobile do not have the quality or capability that the Classic Client has, and you cannot even use half of the products properly and on Next/Mobile, most of the products creators have poured their hearts into making do not even animate properly. 

Everything works ~perfectly~ on the classic client, and I really think if the classic client were ever disabled, that it would drive away a huge portion of the users as many (if not most) old timers like myself still use it. Not only is the creator tools superior upon the Classic Client, everything from assembling rooms, to browser, to chatting, to exploring rooms is all completely superior on the Classic Client in comparison.

I hope, if they value onsider making a 64 bit version of the Classic Client to keep it working exactly as it is, or at least keep support for the original 32 bit Classic Client so it may be available to us users who value it. It would actually be completely detrimental to my mental health (And that of others) if it were ever to disappear.

I hope IMVU will consider this feedback deeply, and I'm sure they must have ways to see the traffic the classic client still gets from us nerdy 30 year old people who use IMVU as a world-building tool for stories and roleplays rather than a dating chat website for your everyday normie.

I've provided a side-by-side of the crispness of the Classic animation standards, and how Next is blurry, and nowhere near the same quality especially for the money it costs to build lovely avatars.

Example from Classic:
Example from Next:

Reddit poll showing Classic is preferred and favored:
Please note the following: 

On Classic, you can make out every lovely detail of the products, even though it is all black. It is able to be easily seen and rendered.

On Next desktop, it is so dark and undefined you cannot make out any details at all and it is so unbearably blurry.

I hope you will take this feedback and escalate it to the proper teams and consider keeping the classic client, for the day it is ever taken away would be an extremely dark one for all who would suddenly be missing an essential tool for their mental health to live in a world that brings us comfort rather than the chaos we all have to deal with on the outside.

I hope this feedback is valued, and thank you so kindly for your time and for IMVU in general for saving my life when I was a teenager by giving me somewhere to call home where people accepted me.


12 Votes


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0Novena0 posted 4 days ago

Imvu Classic is the best and need some updates, I make a post about Imvu Classic Gif. Hope you guys can read it <3 

0 Votes


RickEros posted 4 days ago

I am always going to be of the mind that they need to finish desktop so it has every single feature that classic had. I would definitely try to move over and use it more if it had a couple of missing features that I keep waiting for them to do. 

Regardless, I am trying to use desktop more now, especially with the new radio function, but also just because I am noticing there's a lot more traffic coming out of mobile and those that don't know where to get classic. I see those live rooms getting a lot of traffic while old school rooms are empty. 

I'm not going to hold on to some hope that classic will be around forever and ever, but at the very least if it gets to a point that we can't use it anymore, at least we can say that desktop has everything in it that classic had.

Graphically, I think some of that blurring is the anti-aliasing, as I notice in classic everything is very crisp and pixelated. I actually took a picture of somebody in the shop and managed to easily get the background out because there was no anti-aliasing on it. 

I've also gone into some of these rooms now in desktop and it's amazing how much better they look because you can do all sorts of tricks with lighting and glows. I walked into one room through imvu Labs, and was just marveled at the color change that you saw through a glass window, or little lamps on the walls that suddenly put off a nice glow. I do agree though, the colors are a bit different, as now when I create and I make dark clothing, I make it a little lighter so it looks ideal in the new platform. 

Still, I'm just waiting for them to get those missing features in and then I'll try using it more. 

0 Votes


JanXuan posted 3 months ago

It would be a good idea to make the desktop/Next work like the classic client. Unfortunately IMVU won't be able to keep the classic client running when Microsoft ends support for 32 bits applications, because that is what the Classic client is. 32 bits. Is Windows ceases to support 32 bits, there is unfortunately nothing that IMVU can do but improve the dektop, but as they are doing now, I feel like that is never going to happen. The Classic client will eventually die, and with it my avatar will die.

0 Votes


BlaqueJaqueShellaq posted 3 months ago

Editing is easier in the client and I've noticed on mobile that "Shared Rooms & Our Room" not displayed and a lack of mobility in large rooms, like being able to click to a distant area in the client but unable to do the same in mobile

So, hoping that corporate greed won't make them ditch the client cause I believe that's what's in play in not making Platinum VIP (Going by room count) the same level as Legacy VIP instead of having to purchase 2 VIP subscriptions

2 Votes


Kuvi posted 4 months ago

I totally agree with this. For me I can't for the life of me get use to this imvu next on mobile/desktop and I don't think I ever will. I really don't care about how many upgrades it gets etc I still don't like it. Nothing compares to the imvu classic client and I would want it to last forever. It sucks we can't get  a 64 bit classic client but it is what it is I guess. At least the classic client is still around for us client users to enjoy for the time being.

2 Votes


Mowji posted 4 months ago

I agree. There is a feature of Next I like: seeing the pose itself before you decide to land on it. I am a decorator at heart and the feature how to handle furniture in Next is something to get used to. That feature sucked in the beginning, but last time I checked Next, I noticed the changes. 

The mobile system.. I only use it to chat with my IMVU spouse when I'm not near a computer, send messages and the rewards feature when I log in. It's nice that I can do that BUT for shopping, decorating and dressing up it's an abomination. 

I still use Classic as my main. Mostly because dressing up is so much easier in the Classic version. I have several female items that I can use with a male avatar. How ever, in Next I'm unable to select it. 

In Next and in the mobile system I don't even recognize my own products, let alone those products I bought. 

I am not able to go back to the deriveble product a product is derrived from in the none Classic systems.

The list goes on and on. 

Why can't IMVU listen to the features we like in each system and starts building one from scratch, matching our preferences? I have the feeling that Next and Mobile are rushed systems. Rushed to get it out in the open as soon as possible. And us, the users are the unpaid field testers.

4 Votes


Rayiven posted 4 months ago

We need an edit feature, as more feedback. Lol.

2 Votes


Rayiven posted 4 months ago

Goodness, IMVU* in the beginning as well. I need more coffee.

0 Votes


Rayiven posted 4 months ago

Hopes* not hops in the beginning. Apologies for any typos.

0 Votes

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