Mi cuenta está retenida

Posted 5 months ago by Guest

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Hola, hace 1 mes aproximadamente mande mensaje para que pudieran retirarme la Retención de mi cuenta, pedí una devolución sin querer y ahorita quisiera pagarla. 

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Vanessa Bonia

Vanessa posted 4 months ago

Hola quisiera recuperar mi cuenta ya que mi correo está bien pero no me deja acceder siento que le he invertido mucho como para que me la qui

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Guest posted 4 months ago

Bonjour je vous écris car mon compte a été mis en attente et j’aimerais pouvoir retrouver l’accès intégral de mon compte 

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Guest posted 5 months ago

Estou a 4 dias esperando,  ativem minha conta por favor,  gastei muito nela e fui banido sendo que cumpri todas as regras e políticas de privacidade estabelecidas pela plataforma 

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Guest posted 5 months ago

"Dear support imvu, I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction and disagreement with the decision to suspend my account. I was unfairly labeled a "thug" without any concrete evidence or proper investigation. I would like to emphasize that I have always respected and complied with all the rules and privacy policies established by the platform. I believe there was a serious error and request an immediate investigation to clarify this situation. Considering the time and money invested in my account, I demand the immediate release of the blocked funds. It is vital that action is taken to correct this injustice and restore my reputation. I await a quick and satisfactory response. Yours sincerely, Gabriel .

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Guest posted 5 months ago

Hola que tal? Quiero saber como puedo recuperar mi cuenta anterior que fue retenida

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