Hi. Please only allow derivable meshes be set to public if the creator includes a texture map for the public to derive properly.
Still allow themselves to derive it while hidden to not disturb their wishes to keep it to themselves. I feel this would help declutter the catalogue as the rest of us search for things to derive.
I noticed that the new Studio update no longer includes some of the texture features that helped us use/edit the texture maps built in because it wasn't directly consensual. So please help us out in other ways. At least organizing shop better may encourage creators to add in more maps if they want their items publicly visible.
Would also really love to be able to add a name list to each of our derivable products, so we can keep it hidden to the public, but only allow certain people to derive it at any time they wish!
Hi. Please only allow derivable meshes be set to public if the creator includes a texture map for the public to derive properly.
Still allow themselves to derive it while hidden to not disturb their wishes to keep it to themselves. I feel this would help declutter the catalogue as the rest of us search for things to derive.
I noticed that the new Studio update no longer includes some of the texture features that helped us use/edit the texture maps built in because it wasn't directly consensual. So please help us out in other ways. At least organizing shop better may encourage creators to add in more maps if they want their items publicly visible.
Would also really love to be able to add a name list to each of our derivable products, so we can keep it hidden to the public, but only allow certain people to derive it at any time they wish!
Thx! - Dia
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