Hi! I'd like the option to activate in our settings the ability to be notified when someone enters our 3D Chatrooms that we've set publicly or that we've been appointed Moderator to! (like the way we get notified when someone comments/likes/follows/adds us).
I think this would really help us bring more activity and engagement to the site. Also since it's in our settings, people can opt out if they don't wish to receive these kinds of notifications about their rooms. I like this idea because it would let me (and others know) when to come instead of always waiting around and getting anxious.
I think this would also be great for the vip option of friends only rooms, etc.
Thx!- Dia
0 Votes
5 months ago
I like the way the old Classic CLient makes a noise and Flashes the Icon on the Task Bar when someone enters. It is a very handy feature. Maybe they will transpose these to the newer clients too?
Hi! I'd like the option to activate in our settings the ability to be notified when someone enters our 3D Chatrooms that we've set publicly or that we've been appointed Moderator to! (like the way we get notified when someone comments/likes/follows/adds us).
I think this would really help us bring more activity and engagement to the site. Also since it's in our settings, people can opt out if they don't wish to receive these kinds of notifications about their rooms. I like this idea because it would let me (and others know) when to come instead of always waiting around and getting anxious.
I think this would also be great for the vip option of friends only rooms, etc.
Thx!- Dia
0 Votes
LestatDeLioncourt posted 5 months ago
I like the way the old Classic CLient makes a noise and Flashes the Icon on the Task Bar when someone enters.
It is a very handy feature. Maybe they will transpose these to the newer clients too?
1 Votes
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