as a AP member who also has age Verified.. I find it stupid I cannot engage in Erotica roleplay no more. as virtually every /me action post gets flagged and censored it seems.. sure i found out some words are allowed but they are only allowed if you dont try to depict an action. Its like What did I pay all the cash for and even share my SSN for? It feels like Imvu is Adopting Roblox Censorship to extremes.. just last week no problems at all in Roleplays, but this week extreme Anti- AP movement. is Imvu gonna remove all the other features of being AP? is nudity next? I do feel like theres a solid ground for a lawsuit due to this.. its like What Imvu did you guys start letting Sweet baby inc take part in your reigns?
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4 months ago
We are having the same issue. I reported it and got nowhere. Flagged for things that shouldn't even be flagged, slang from other countries flagged when its in general vocabulary, words that I never would have imagined being flagged are being flagged that have no explicit or malicious meaning to them. We are having to do one letter per line in our private room to have conversations at times as a married couple and its only us in there. This is ridiculous, many are jumping ship and going elsewhere, and canceling VIP already. I too feel there has to be something here that is illegal. I proved my age, gave my id, ssn, etc, paid all the money for both.
0 Votes
4 months ago
is suspicius a bad word? I cant say that in chats.....
as a AP member who also has age Verified.. I find it stupid I cannot engage in Erotica roleplay no more. as virtually every /me action post gets flagged and censored it seems.. sure i found out some words are allowed but they are only allowed if you dont try to depict an action. Its like What did I pay all the cash for and even share my SSN for? It feels like Imvu is Adopting Roblox Censorship to extremes.. just last week no problems at all in Roleplays, but this week extreme Anti- AP movement. is Imvu gonna remove all the other features of being AP? is nudity next? I do feel like theres a solid ground for a lawsuit due to this.. its like What Imvu did you guys start letting Sweet baby inc take part in your reigns?
5 Votes
lxKyexl posted 4 months ago
We are having the same issue. I reported it and got nowhere. Flagged for things that shouldn't even be flagged, slang from other countries flagged when its in general vocabulary, words that I never would have imagined being flagged are being flagged that have no explicit or malicious meaning to them. We are having to do one letter per line in our private room to have conversations at times as a married couple and its only us in there. This is ridiculous, many are jumping ship and going elsewhere, and canceling VIP already. I too feel there has to be something here that is illegal. I proved my age, gave my id, ssn, etc, paid all the money for both.
0 Votes
OlinaDiMore posted 4 months ago
is suspicius a bad word? I cant say that in chats.....
0 Votes
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