good morning! I feel indignant and sad. IMVU, by the way, does not offer enough resources to recover my account. Arbitrary guidelines in which the game user is disrespected. I'm having problems with my account, I contacted support and provided all the information requested and they still didn't resolve my situation. I have a lot of credits in my vcoin account and my account is suspended. Very dissatisfied!!!
good morning! I feel indignant and sad. IMVU, by the way, does not offer enough resources to recover my account. Arbitrary guidelines in which the game user is disrespected. I'm having problems with my account, I contacted support and provided all the information requested and they still didn't resolve my situation. I have a lot of credits in my vcoin account and my account is suspended. Very dissatisfied!!!
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Ashleyellen posted 4 months ago
Hello, ticket takes 1-5 days response. Talk to imvu to help you .
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