The classic client should of been advertising still

Posted 3 months ago by Kuvi

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I remember I found out about the classic client years ago(2012). I found it advertising on youtube. Now you can't find the classic client advertising anywhere because the imvu next mobile/desktop taken over. I find it sad because it feels like the client is being abandoned and imvu could careless about it. They're still many people using it and a lot more could of use it if imvu had continued advertising it. I remember over like 100k+ people use to be on but now it can't even reach 50k, that's a big downgrade for a virtual game like imvu but it is what it is. I just feel extremely sad about it.

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Nayomin posted 3 months ago

Your so right and the reason being in my thoughts that is. Its not a place to come and chat.I dont even know why I make or waste my credits here.I wish I could just sell all my credits and leave this place. there is nothing but drams of someone is in my room saying God knows what or sex.. Right now there is only 34,000 and I am sure half are on phones... They dont care about the classic anymore. I dont use the phone did it once only for I had to log in for some trouble in one of my rooms. Other than that I dont use that app in fact as soon as I use it I removed it

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