AP+ should be one time purchase not monthly

Posted 3 months ago by GazerWelshBeast

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I think AP+ should be a one time payment like the normal AP otherwise AP+ falls under a scam as i was told by support i have to keep paying for AP+ to access the AP+ items i paid for using my credits so stuff that i own i cant use them unless i keep paying for this AP+ 

it be like paying for exclusive phone events where u can try out phones and new tech that havent hit public yet but also can buy these phones so u buy a phone there costing £3000 u walk out with your new phone that you just bought with your ouwn money you get home use it for a month as you still got a month of that exclusive event left so you then decide you no longer want to go to them events no more you got the phone you wanted but then u come accross a big problem u can no longer unlock or use the phone u bought because you dont want to pay for exclusive event no more even tho you already own this phone and legally its yours 

thats now i feel that this AP+ feels like u can use the products you bought unless u keep paying for AP+ monthly 

it be fair if u paid for this AP+ and all the AP+ items was free then u lose access to them if u dont carry on paying monthly but if im still paying for the items then i shouldnt lose access to items i bought and own 

lets look at vip u pay for access to features but if i stop paying for that i just lose access to them features i dont lose the credits i got with my vip i had i only just dont get more of them in the comming months but imvu dont just take my credits away from me or take my items i used vip discount on 

so why is AP+ stopping us from using the items we bought using credits 

so please imvu change this to a one time purchase and not a monthly 

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