Unsafe for work?

Posted 4 days ago by JanXuan

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One of my room mods got a warning for my public room saying that the room may contain contebnt that "may be considered not safe for work" because it has not been reviewed by IMVU.

Why does someone get this warning? Is this something new? I know UFI content, but NSFW? And why would my room contain NSFW content? Why do people get this message. There is notyhing illegal or UFI in my room, 

Do I get this negative publicity just because "IMVU has not reviewed the room? Hoe many rooms are not reviewed by IMVU? What is the reason for this warning? This feels like all room owners are suspected of having UFI content in their room because IMVU did not review it. I would like an explanation for th\is. @Saturi @Drosselmeyer

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JanXuan posted 1 day ago

@Ashleyellen I can understand that they want to protect minors, but then they should restrict this feature to the rooms for under 18 years. Now it does not only harm my name as a room owner for no reason, but people are easily to think that "Oh, there is something wrong with his room, then there is also something wrong with his shop."  

This does not only keep people from visiting my room, which does not have any UFI items. It can also result in people not buying from my shop, because my room was flagged so I am a bad person. 

This is another new feature which has been implmented without thinking over the effects for innocent room owners and creators. If there is something wrong in a room, people have already enough options to flag a chat or product.

@IMVU_staff @Saturi @Drosselmeyer please bring this into discussion in the team to restrict this to minors.

On a side note you might want to do something against 18+ users who invite minors to 18+ chats, or UFI items in minor chat rooms. Block minors from going to 18+ roomsI think that will have more effects than this counter productive new feature.

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Ashleyellen posted 3 days ago

You can contact imvu to find out why . https://support.imvu.com/support/tickets/new

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JanXuan posted 4 days ago

@Ashleyellen  Thank you for the link, but that does not explain why my room gets triggered by that feature. There is no unsafe content in my room. This feature flags rooms for no reason. This should be reverted!

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Ashleyellen posted 4 days ago

Hello, this article explains about warning sign room https://support.imvu.com/support/solutions/articles/154000211583-what-is-safe-mode-

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Kyelaa posted 4 days ago

What on earth even is that!? Why would we need it? Do our rooms have to be approved by IMVU now before we use them or something, I'm so confused. Commenting so I can see if anyone ever responds to you smh 

3 Votes


Guest posted 4 days ago

Typical IMVU. They always do this. Drop bombs on you that no one asked for or wanted.

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