I remember the days back in the 2010s when I would upload an item, and within minutes I'd get notified that my item has passed peer review. Now, it takes around 2-3 days for an item to go through
--but I don't think it has to be like this. With a few improvements I think we can get back to how it used to be (or at least very similar)
Note: I mainly use the IMVU Client, so both my suggestions will be mostly focused there.
- Make a peer review button on the homepage in the IMVU client so that we can find it easier.
It's slightly inconvenient to have to go to the IMVU website > Community > Creator Program > Peer Review. Adding a button in the main menu would be more motivating so we could just click and go.
- Make the user experience more efficient
Currently, I have to have the IMVU Client open PLUS the IMVU website open to do peer review. Because I have 2 monitors, this isn't that much of an issue for me, but I know there are many people who are only using 1 monitor that this could possibly cause them to lose motivation to do peer review consistently due to having to minimize windows over and over.
My suggestion for the client would be to pack everything on one page, making it so you can view the product and rate it all in one go. No loading different pages or minimizing windows repeatedly. I'm thinking something that functions like the Get Matched feature that makes it easy to look, rate, and move on to the next. (while obviously taking your time to ensure the products meets the guidelines)
And that's it! There's so many creators on IMVU and I'm sure more of them would be motivated to participate in peer review if it were just a little more convenient. I actually really enjoy doing peer review and would do it way more often if features like these could possibly be added.
Also, I do understand that my complaints aren't huge, but little things like these can be a turn off for doing peer review. Having a button just right there on the homepage for it, I know I'd just click it and do it out of boredom since it's right there.
0 Votes
about 2 months ago
just remembered you can find peer review through the client in the create tab
I remember the days back in the 2010s when I would upload an item, and within minutes I'd get notified that my item has passed peer review. Now, it takes around 2-3 days for an item to go through
--but I don't think it has to be like this. With a few improvements I think we can get back to how it used to be (or at least very similar)
Note: I mainly use the IMVU Client, so both my suggestions will be mostly focused there.
- Make a peer review button on the homepage in the IMVU client so that we can find it easier.
It's slightly inconvenient to have to go to the IMVU website > Community > Creator Program > Peer Review. Adding a button in the main menu would be more motivating so we could just click and go.
- Make the user experience more efficient
Currently, I have to have the IMVU Client open PLUS the IMVU website open to do peer review. Because I have 2 monitors, this isn't that much of an issue for me, but I know there are many people who are only using 1 monitor that this could possibly cause them to lose motivation to do peer review consistently due to having to minimize windows over and over.
My suggestion for the client would be to pack everything on one page, making it so you can view the product and rate it all in one go. No loading different pages or minimizing windows repeatedly. I'm thinking something that functions like the Get Matched feature that makes it easy to look, rate, and move on to the next. (while obviously taking your time to ensure the products meets the guidelines)
And that's it! There's so many creators on IMVU and I'm sure more of them would be motivated to participate in peer review if it were just a little more convenient. I actually really enjoy doing peer review and would do it way more often if features like these could possibly be added.
Also, I do understand that my complaints aren't huge, but little things like these can be a turn off for doing peer review. Having a button just right there on the homepage for it, I know I'd just click it and do it out of boredom since it's right there.
0 Votes
Love posted about 2 months ago
just remembered you can find peer review through the client in the create tab
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