One step process issues regarding account hold

Posted about 2 months ago by Sukihana8

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Hello , so unfortunately I have been put in this horrible situation , my ex situationship had my log ins to everything you know because he wanted to check if I was texting other men or something . When we broke up and called it quits he logged into my account and bought ap and then did chargeback immediately. Therefore he knew he would get my account on hold on purpose. I’ve explained this to imvu vip support chat multiple times . They are expecting me to ask him to contact them to

Give details and authorise. When I did ask he told me he hopes im crying and laughed at the fact my account is on hold and refused to help . I told Imvu this and they said my account will be on hold forever unless he does. Because of a “one process” rule. This situation is not a one size fits all and there should be other way around of things for each personal situation. The support has gone really down hill and I feel very mistreated. Does anyone have any advice or ways around this?

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Ashleyellen Ashleyellen

Ashleyellen posted about 2 months ago

Your ID take picture only . And then your ID and your real face to take a picture of yourself with ID holding next to your face . Make sure it not blurry . 

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Sukihana8 posted about 2 months ago

Thankyou so much!! So just do a support ticket and they will know off it? And what do I need to do to verify myself 

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Sukihana8 posted about 2 months ago

Thankyou so much!! So just do a support ticket and they will know off it? And what do I need to do to verify myself 

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Ashleyellen Ashleyellen

Ashleyellen posted about 2 months ago

Hello, @Sukihana8 . I have a great news for you 

they can remove the hold, but the account owner “sukihana8” will need to verify their identity. Reply the ticket again to start the process. 

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Ashleyellen Ashleyellen

Ashleyellen posted about 2 months ago

No problem. Will be taken times to hear from them what we can do for you. 

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Sukihana8 posted about 2 months ago

Thankyou Ashley . I really hope there is a way off help and support. I just want to be able to enjoy the app

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Ashleyellen Ashleyellen

Ashleyellen posted about 2 months ago

Good news Staff will look into it to see if there is another way . Give them times to look into your case . Thanks 

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Sukihana8 posted about 2 months ago

Thankyou Ashley i appreciate you , im gonna send the lengthy explaination of the situation that I told them so you can see what I mean . 

Hello , so my account is on hold . I don’t know exactly why this has all caused MY accounts to be on hold but im going to explain best I can , but I do believe that the card details you want that are my ex partners I can not give . And yes he used his card on my account kayyviolet but I never asked or knew until my account was placed on hold . please read with an open and understanding mind. I was in an off and off relationship with a toxic man . He did know my log ins to everything as he wanted too and manipulated me into giving but never did log in . When we was broken up he logged into my account without my knowledge and bought ap and then charge back straight away so my account would face these issues and be placed on hold . He did this purposefully and knew this would happen . Whoever I have spoke to here in this chat has claimed there is a one process for everything and you want me to contact him to get him to contact you guys to give details . But this is not a one size fits all type of issue and it is personal and different each time .  after begging for a way around this and kept being told to contact him , I did attempt to . When I explained he said “hahaha I got your account messed up” “f*** your self” “I will never help you I hope your crying over this now you can never use imvu” and then he has blocked me . So there is no way he is going to contact you and give details that just is not an option he wants me to be on hold and stuck in this situation. He is a nasty bitter person like that and if im being honest I find it very unfair im being asked by you guys to depend on him to miraculously just give you guys details. This is completely out of my control and I simply don’t know what to do

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Ashleyellen Ashleyellen

Ashleyellen posted about 2 months ago

I will see if they can help you resolve . If not I’m really sorry he is responsible to take off hold . 

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Sukihana8 posted about 2 months ago

But I have proved I am not hacked and that it’s me. They keep telling me for him to contact them and give card details of the card he used on my account to “authorise” but he is refusing to do that for me as he isn’t a very nice person . Imvu keeps telling me that has to be done no matter what and doesn’t want to hear my situation and help me 

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Ashleyellen Ashleyellen

Ashleyellen posted about 2 months ago

I’m really sorry . Imvu is tryna protest your account that’s why it on hold making sure it not hacked . 

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Sukihana8 posted about 2 months ago

I have asked him , he has completely refused and I asked imvu for another way around it and they have said there isn’t . And this is what is frustrating. They keep telling me “we have a one process” but this is a not one size fits all personal situation. I genuinely don’t know what to do because if I make new accounts the issue follows because the accounts get linked. So im genuinely on hold forever and imvu don’t seem to want to support and help

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Ashleyellen Ashleyellen

Ashleyellen posted about 2 months ago

Hello, yes user who was on your account which not allow to share information as it is against ToS rules . You still have to ask user their information because he is responsible to get it off hold .you can try ask imvu if there another way you can resolve it . 

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