[Archived - malenium] I've submitted a ticket days ago and still haven't gotten a response to my account being on hold! Is there a number I can call to get this sorted out or when can i expect a response?!
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[Archived - Obstinado] Why do i lost my clothes of my inventory? I just realized tonight...
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[Archived - MrsAngelSparks] new or old clothes i cant post any pictures for 3 days now, it get annoying. i dont wear ap things and old things whats past the peer is also not work for post a picture on my feed. what is going on?
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[Archived - Starry777] I have done age verification but it still showing failed what reason or how to fix it?
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[Archived - Cantbeliketati] I can't post any pics
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[Archived - Tink529051] How do I change my age
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[Archived - AcDaDonMMB] they placed my account on hold i cant purchase anything can yall remove that hold so i can spend money with yall
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[Archived - Amanda211549] I'm trying to log on and says I have the wrong password I know my password and don't let me in please fix that
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[Archived - MRKINGNEWY0RK] I bought my marriage package and I didn’t get it
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[Archived - sunflower013] I've tried to delete my account on my laptop
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