Posted about 1 month ago by OshunKaamaari

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I wish imvu controled the ammount of accounts one can have, I am being bombareded by followers and friend request of these scamemrs thta are askign for everyones cash app. I feel bad for those of us that fall for it. but this is ludacris. and it is begingin to get out of hand. I really dislike getting followed by cash mommys thta are probably not even what they say they are. it feels disgusting to even see it, please control the ammount of scammers you are allowing on your platform. or bann thier ip for they wont be able to create more. they are using imvu to scam the community. Something needs to be done. these scammer ugly people need to be reported and banned perm from imvu. go panhandle at the supermarket or something.

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Maicol posted 20 days ago

I just agree, my profile is flooded with messages on my photos offering followers. It's disgusting.

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DonnaLuise posted 22 days ago

I completely agree. I get several scam sugarmommy folks per day. There are way too many to block, though IMVU does get rid of them eventually. I just wish they could prevent them from coming here in the first place. And I agree that the number of accounts should be one per person. It would make a far more honest community, though the number of people we see on here per day would probably decrease quite a bit because I'm sure all the alts are counted in the numbers. IMVU needs to try to get all the folks back who have left (or get lots of new people). We used to have nearly half a million people here; now we're down to barely 40,000 on most days and most of the room are empty. There isn't much of IMVU left as it is, so the last thing we need are spammers making everything worse.

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