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[Archived - WazLaRouge]
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[Archived - Lexique] Is there a way to determine if a product is an imvu studio product from within imvu studio? Like, where is the button to only show imvu+ products? Not that I only want to see these, but if they already have normal and shiny maps, that
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[Archived - DiamondBones] Anyway to fix this? Mesher might have built this inside out.
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[Archived - Lexique] IMVU+ eyes - is there any benefit to devving eyes in IMVU Studio?
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[Archived - RickEros] If I edit an IMVU+ item in Classic, what will happen to it?
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[Archived - LestatDeLioncourt]
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[Archived - Lexique]
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[Archived - Lexique] studio flaked out
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[Archived - RigsK] IMVU Studio 1.15.3 Release
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[Archived - a1i5]
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