[Archived - MaxSMoke777] When are they going to fix the avie skins for advanced materials?
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[Archived - lElysel] How do I fix this issue? File placement is wrong and items that are not in the product are showing.
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[Archived - Ophelia533266] Base product not loading when I click on it.
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[Archived - DiamondBones] How do I change the names of my actors?
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[Archived - DiamondBones] Is there a reason why we must have our profile icons above our heads?
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[Archived - DiamondBones] How can I make a smooth color change transition in the action ensembles (for color gradient)?
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[Archived - TauntaunTonic] IMVU Studio version 1.22.1 has been released
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[Archived - DiamondBones] www.imvu.com
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[Archived - MaxSMoke777] Animated Textures not working in Studio?
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[Archived - bibirasta] Question regarding NFT catalog
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