[Archived - null] Particles showing up in Studio but not the beta client.
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[Archived - null] How do I open Studio under this account? It keeps opening on my alternate account Angellee731. No matter what I try to do it still only will open in angellee731 and not Uniquelyu's
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[Archived - null] Will there be an update to studio to support windows 11 devices?
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[Archived - null] IMVU Studio ver 1.1.6 hotfix
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[Archived - null] Peer Review on Studio or Desktop Beta?
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[Archived - null] Studio products do not have priority in mobile searches.
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[Archived - null] I dabbled a tiny itty bitty bit in the IMVU Studio to create. I make my own meshes. So my question is this: "Uploading" a mesh intending to Replace the original mesh (IMVU Chair) into IMVU Studio is fairly the same as "adding" an .xs
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[Archived - null] I just did the Studio update. Where would I find what update I am using in Studio? ty
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[Archived - null] I want to make a suggestion about adding 2 things to studio beta
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[Archived - null] New empty derivables
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