[Archived - null] Hi! @Rigsk about the disscusion in "Learning studio" related to the studio naming project, the IMVU studio won't let us post the product with emojis, I attached a screenshot
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[Archived - null] How do I start up in the studio with my mobile phone
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[Archived - null] Using Studio - I derived a few items that look great to me (and in the studio and Beta). A few friends have told me that the items still show legacy textures from the original derivation. How can I fix this?
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[Archived - null] How do I start up in studio
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[Archived - null] Classic Client Crashing
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[Archived - null] UNABLE TO SAVE IMAGE. Does anyone else have this problem when taking a photo for the icon in studio imvu?
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[Archived - null] Where are the Basic IMVU Skins?
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[Archived - null] IMVU Studio version 1.1.7 has been released
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[Archived - null] do more creators have the issue that hiressnap and hiresnobg don't work in studio anymore ?
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[Archived - null] Unable to use most actions such as "head controller" & "arm controller" in Studio. Triggers not working. *hiresnobg not working. The Studio system message says the photo was taken, however; the hires is not found in snapshots. Please fix
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