[Archived - null] Lately the projects in imvu studio get error and do not allow to supply it.
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[Archived - null] Derived Skin Changed After Submission
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[Archived - null] With the new IMVU studio, it is only allowing me to load fbx's that are under 10600 polygons.
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[Archived - null] Catalogue icons
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[Archived - null] Mesh Head Skin Composite Error
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[Archived - null] Hello! I'm trying to derive a skin and after I edit the product image and click "preview" after the change, nothing happens on the avatar. Does anyone know what the problem could be? Or what am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance!
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[Archived - null] I am having a problem with the display of my draft outfits.
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[Archived - null] [issue] female eye texture diffuse layer not updating
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[Archived - null] When I search my name under CREATE, there are several products that show derivable that should NOT be. How do I get them removed so they are not derivable?
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[Archived - null] Hi! @Rigsk about the disscusion in "Learning studio" related to the studio naming project, the IMVU studio won't let us post the product with emojis, I attached a screenshot
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