[Archived - alicebee] Im trying to create a thumbnail for my clothing item. It has to be 100x80 pixels and less then 50k, Ive spent hours trying to do this but no image works, if it does work the item is so small, you can not see the picture. Pls help!!!
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[Archived - Ajeamarsley232] How can you sell outfit
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[Archived - vhrome] How will I know I got credits for creating products after 14 days?
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[Archived - xoxPaninixox] I'm new to VIP and my account got wrongfully disabled over content that is unexplained and cases ignored
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[Archived - RigsK] How to Withdraw your VCOIN
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[Archived - SarahLalaa] How i can embed url (photo) on imvu catalog?
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[Archived - RiverDesigns] Can a few devs give me an idea of the average amount of time your items take to go through peer review please?
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[Archived - MaxSMoke777] Sales keep falling, what's happening?
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[Archived - vhrome] If my vip runs out can I still receive credits when someone buys my products?
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[Archived - Ecaf] There was an error trying to read or parse this project: CFL too large
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