[Archived - RigsK] Important Update - Requiring VIP for Earn Money Program

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Community Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on May 15, 2023.


This is an important update for Grandfathered Creators.


In the announcement below we stated that starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators, including Grandfathered Creators, will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to be in the Earn Money Program and receive cash payouts. 


(This requirement does not affect Grandfathered Creators who are subscribed to legacy VIP (from before Tiered VIP launched).


We realize this is a huge change for many Grandfathered Creators and have been closely following feedback regarding this new policy.


Based on your valuable input, we have come up with a solution that should make it easier for affected Creators to transition. 


Details are as follows:




  1. Starting July 1, 2023, Creators will be able to link three Grandfathered Creator accounts together, with only one VIP subscription.
  2. Creators will choose one Grandfathered account for their VIP subscription, and two additional Grandfathered accounts that will not need VIP.
  3. If a Creator already pays for Platinum or Diamond VIP on a non-Grandfathered account, they can apply it to two of their Grandfathered accounts.
  4. All three linked accounts will be eligible for the Earn Money Program and payouts.
  5. Once the accounts are linked, new earnings from these accounts will be combined into one MASA balance. Earnings from before the accounts are linked will not be combined.
  6. Grandfathered accounts that are grouped with a VIP account will not need to apply for the Earn Money Program as long as they have already been approved to participate in the Earn Money Program prior.
  7. Starting August 2023, earnings from the linked accounts can be set up to funnel into the VIP account.




Here’s how to link a Platinum or Diamond VIP Grandfathered account with two additional accounts.


  1. Make sure one of your Creator accounts has Platinum or Diamond VIP
  2. Submit a help ticket to the Earn Money Program, requesting linked accounts. List an account that has VIP, and two Grandfathered accounts that do not have VIP.
  3. If any of the linked accounts is not in the Earn Money Program, those account(s) will need to join to earn money and request a payout. All accounts will be able to apply to the Earn Money Program without a VIP subscription. However, you will not be able to earn money or request a payout until the account has a qualified VIP subscription or is linked to a Grandfathered account with a qualified VIP subscription.
  4. Once the team receives your ticket (and your Earn Money application(s) if applicable), they will:
    1. Check to make sure the accounts are owned by you
    2. Confirm your Earn Money Program application has been accepted.
  5. As soon as your accounts are approved, the team will link them together, so all three can be in the Earn Money Program with only one VIP subscription




Between July 1 and July 30, Earn Money accounts with less than $50 can convert their balances into Credits. To receive Credits, send a help ticket to the Earn Money team.


FAQ http://im.vu/help1072



Original Message 5/18/23


Attention Creators - Starting July 1 Earn Money Payouts will require VIP


This is an important notice for Creators who are not signed up for VIP but still receive cash payouts in the Earn Money Program.


Starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to receive cash payouts.


This does not include legacy Creators who signed up for VIP before the Tiered VIP system launched. They already have the equivalent of Platinum VIP and do not need to take any action.



  1. Added 5/18/23: By "legacy Creators" we mean Grandfathered Creators. Grandfathered Creators without VIP will still be able to create, submit to their shop and earn Credits.
  2. When this new requirement is introduced, Grandfathered Creators without VIP will still be able to create, submit to their shop and earn Credits.
  3. Added 5/23/23 - You will not be able to earn cash or receive payouts unless you purchase Platinum or Diamond VIP. Once you join VIP you can earn cash and receive payouts. You will not lose existing cash balances. They will simply not be available without VIP.


The Platinum and Diamond VIP memberships offer exclusive benefits that will help Creators make the most of their IMVU experience, including free live chat rooms, live voice broadcasting, and catalog discounts. See our store https://www.imvu.com/next/store/ for more details.


We realize VIP is new to many of you, and to that end, we have provided several weeks of notice so that you can review the Platinum and Diamond VIP offerings and decide which is right for you. See our store https://www.imvu.com/next/store/ for more details.


Thank you!


The IMVU Creator Team

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on August 14, 2023.


Or could it just be they have seen lots of devs down tools and not create and leave, vcoin is doing very well, and have decided to change some of its rules. Either way imvu the best thing you can do is reverse the decision, you know you have made a huge mistake.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Sylaraia” on August 14, 2023.


Oh, I effing love this. Of ALL the spam I have to go through with VU, they never send a warning message that your VIP is about to expire, when that would be in their financial interest to do. Instead, they put it in a small font on your web page that's easily overlooked, so of course I missed my notification and found out the hard way I'm not a very important person anymore. :(

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LovedWarrior” on August 14, 2023.


I don't think they are doing it on purpose but who knows? One thing I am sure about is that they are too slow in making decisions and implementing them.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LovedWarrior” on August 14, 2023.


I totally agree. I am in the same boat. I am waiting for an IMVU person officially make the announcement. In my opinion, IMVU right now is going though a shuffle of stuff or something like that and nothing is set and they are just not sure what is going on. Some staff is not even informed of the new changes. That's just my opinion.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Polystyrene” on August 14, 2023.


So they wait til AFTER everyone has bought VIP to change things.....and then don't even bother to tell us about it?

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Sylaraia” on August 14, 2023.


Well, let's see ... as I recall, on the leadup to the implementation of this new 'feature,' as they promoted it, RigsK went on leave for 6 weeks, and IMVU couldn't even be bothered to drag a homeless person in from the street and put them in charge of responding to posts. Soooooo ... to answer your question about whether or not they care; no, no they do not.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “QBL” on August 14, 2023.


@LovedWarrior​  Its like do they even really care? Is the earn money program and C.S just saying what they <think> is right.. IDK anymore but its clear you are right. I don't even think staff has a decisive plan of action.. And if they do they sure are not cementing it in forum.. We need clear answers so that we as creators can make informed decisions going forward to best suit our households.

~Just Hanging out in the wind here~ resisting-wind

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Erieann” on August 14, 2023.


vip earn cash

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “QBL” on August 13, 2023.


@LovedWarrior​ Right and I don't doubt you were told that at all.. But with all these inconsistencies IMVU has been leveling at us. We need to hear it from Staff. They need to make a formal announcement because...... We have all been dealing with different scenarios and told different things. We Need to know if this is something that we can stand on or are they just going to say WHOOPSY... and pull the rug out from under us.. Is this something they are going to Famously change in the near future? I don't want to axe VIP on a account for a month or 2 and have them just one day all willy nilly turn my earnings into Credits. That kind of trust is completely shattered... As much as I trust you and I do always have... But I cant trust The>>>"Another account holder was told Scenario" At this point we all need this concretely cemented by staff so we have them to hold accountable..

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LovedWarrior” on August 13, 2023.


I also have a feeling that not all IMVU employees have heard of these changes yet.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LovedWarrior” on August 13, 2023.


you are welcome!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LovedWarrior” on August 13, 2023.


I was told we will still earn cash without VIP but have to buy VIP to cash it out.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “QBL” on August 13, 2023.


@EMpulse​ This is right on top for everyone to read and this is what is now in Question. We need clarification if this has indeed changed. Untitledbbbbbged. What Exactly is going on?

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “HunnyHer” on August 13, 2023.


So I came here to say- I did not realize my VIP lapsed. I, as well as others, bought vip for my alts and linked grandfathered accts- I had 10 in total. However, my main acct HunnyHer was on a "year gift card" for my vip and I did not realize it expired on 8/5 until TODAY. I went to do a payout and it said I needed vip- of course I was very confused as to where my vip went. Long story short I found out why, repurchased vip, BUT I did not lose any earnings......My income has still been rolling in since 8/5 even tho I did not have vip. So, for whatever that is worth my income did not stop- However, I am not willing to take the risk as I cash out all 10 of my accts every 2 weeks so I will keep my vip- but for those of you wondering if your earnings will still be there- mine were. I know we were told we could not EARN without vip but I did for 8 days (by accident) Good Luck, hopefully we will get some confirmation of this!!


Also, I was willing to backpay for the vip to 8/5 if needed to collect my earnings so vu - dont come back and take them

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “QBL” on August 13, 2023.


@Sonic​  Thanx for digging that up.. I was reading my email and saw these forum posts come through of course I read all of them and have been reading all of them since the beginning. When I saw that grandfathered accounts were still earning cash I almost hit the fan. There has been Zero ZERO communication with staff about this. We need solid clarification. If my husband and I would have known this, we would have applied our finances differently due to one account with sales of a dumpster fire not even making enough cash a month to cash out anymore. This would have been a huge help but we bought our VIP like we were told because as Thugisa clearly shows in that screen shot we were told we would not even have the opportunity to earn cash without VIP. Does anyone seriously think that myself along with so many others would ever run the risk of our cash that we depend on to pay our bills roll over to in game currency "CREDITS". NO So We bought the VIP.. So now I feel completely duped. Some of us were strong armed into VIP when in reality we would only have to buy it a few times a year to cash out.. Why were we not told of the change before their SO CALLED deadline. @EMpulse​  Now that you are officially Head of community and Rigsk is not around anymore we are looking to you for answers. Is our cash just one day going to turn into credits like Cinderella? Are we going to be able to continue to earn cash without VIP? For how long are we going to be able to keep earning cash? Are we going to be able to withdraw the cash that has occurred during the time we didn't have VIP? Are we going to have to carry VIP for certain amount of time before we can cash out or can we just buy VIP for the months we decide to cash out? This is all to wishy washy for my liking we all need solid clarity from Staff.

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