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Community Admin

Posted by “Nums” on March 31, 2023.


Meshers Manipulating MCG is getting out of hand


I've spoken/been ignored by imvu for years on this. But why do meshers not get punished for breaking the IMVU ToS? And please do not say report the item. It does not work. Frankly I believe the only reason meshers are doing it in the first place is because they see other meshers getting away with it, so it spreads like wildfire. And I get their frustrations, because they have to compete against people who don't get punished for it. I do not think most of these meshers would manipulate the MCG in the first place if it weren't the fact IMVU refuses to ever punish a mesher for it. So naturally they have to risk their accounts to have a fighting chance against those who do. It's absolutely ridiculous and needs to be addressed. Not just addressed, but action needs to be taken. Clearly every mesher has seen IMVU is not home when it comes to enforcing the rules.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Vorvolaka” on June 21, 2023.


I just sent them an email last night as well with a bunch of links of that body shape. Hopefully they see it soon. Honestly I’m afraid to flag the products directly because I found over 10 and I don’t want to be accused of abusing the flagging system.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Parcel” on June 20, 2023.


Yup its still happening.

I forwarded a bikini bottom to the creator advocate that was made with the modified mcg (delta) body that was plaguing the front pages 2 months back when this discussion started, as well as forwarding the creator's shop (as they have the bottoms in multiple colors) a few days back. At the time of my email, this pair of bottoms was not yet on the front pages. Not only has that item NOT been removed or rerated, said product is now on the front page because of sales.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Vorvolaka” on June 17, 2023.


**I should say that adult toys aren't allowed, even for AP.** I misspoke there.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Vorvolaka” on June 17, 2023.


Still noticing this issue in shop today. My peer review "privileges" got revoked at one point because I misrated 2 products out of like, idk probably 3-400. One was fair, I didn't know adult toys (even plainly shaped ones) were AP. But the other one I misrated was a bikini top with the mcg so manipulated it was ridiculous. There's a GA thong on the first page of bottoms in shop right now. Did IMVU ever take that idea of sending out a bulletin to creators about this topic?

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on April 25, 2023.


I honestly think the biggest issue with Peer Review is that they changed the wording of a lot of the rating system.


It used to explain that "Nudity: MCG coverage" was something to flag for. Now that's filed under "Nudity" but like ... a dress missing it's MCG that I can only see that it's gone by clipping through the dress isn't Sexual Nudity like the flag wants you to say it is. YES if you click the [?] it explains that the MCG thing is there but it's not something everyone clicks so most people go "Well the red is showing but the dress covers it from all angles so it's not nudity. THUS I won't flag it for that because I heard if you get 1 wrong out of 100 votes you can get banned from Peer Review!!"


And yes, some people probably are exaggerating but ... I don't know. Why do people believe this if it's genuinely not true? I mean even I've been cautious flagging items because when I go to flag them, I'd been getting confused. Because the page that comes up is the "Here is what's acceptable for Ap!" flagging page ... but ... I'm trying to say the item is GA - so to my brain I wondered "Has it been properly re-rated to AP and some error makes it look GA to me?" [i.e it says it's GA but it's actually rated AP in the system] -- but no, any time you go to flag GA items now, it gives you the "How to flag an AP item for being UFI" page - so you really can't properly flag anything. I'm not the only one either, there was a pretty big discussion a while back about people being scared to flag because the wrong pages [or confusing pages] were popping up and it's like "IF I pick anything on this page I might get in trouble for flagging improperly."


And genuinely, if you rely on your users to do this stuff, you need to actually ALLOW them to do this job. Ya know? If people are too scared to do the job that needs to be done, it won't get done. I mean yes we want to punish those intentionally abusing the system, but if that's gone so far people doing the right thing are also being punished, no one will do anything.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “QBL” on April 25, 2023.


Iam all about that Bounty Idea for me it would be GREAT!!.... But then we will have all these little never read a inch of T.O.S or the creator agreement wannabes trying to cash in with false claims... just to get a few creds or dollars..

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on April 25, 2023.


Thank you folks! We're working on preventing those derivations as well. Appreciate you flagging those!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “oxPrincessLeighxo” on April 24, 2023.


this happened to me a long time ago and I was supposed to be re-instated but tbh when that happened i really became disheartened

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “QBL” on April 24, 2023.


@Parcel​  Yep I was just sent another link to a product that was in Violation. IDK why people are sending me these links. Like I can do something about it. I have been sent 4 violations over the past week. these accounts should have been disabled and Banned. They are literally hiding the derive tree products as well. IMVU Needs to go in figure out where the hidden products are and start putting down the Ban hammer. These devs know they are in violation they simply don't care spitting directly in the face of IMVU and the Developers that follow the rules. I have been here for almost 15 years and before I even started deving I read T.O.S and the Creator agreement up down and sideways.. and I have read it for changes every year prior. IMVU is where my bread is buttered, Where I can express my artistic outlet, Where my friends are, if you cant respect it enough to not Pee Pee in your own back yard then its very simple We Don't Want You Here.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Parcel” on April 24, 2023.



There's more of that body type on the front pages again. I emailed to the creator advocate email again, but this is getting ridiculous.


Why wasn't delta body mesh rerated to AP? (which would then rerate the derives, correct me if I'm wrong)


Again, I would recommend issuing a statement to all creators about the usage of manipulated MCGs and adding statements to the peer review pages.

I'm getting tired of repeating myself on this: These items should not be passing review in the first place, let alone making it to the front pages of the catalog.


Prevention of problems is often easier and faster than cleaning them up later.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “QBL” on April 24, 2023.


@Polystyrene​  And the huge issue is you get dinged for "incorrect votes" Even when you have know you have properly rated the product. And those Incorrect votes never come off your Peer review history.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Polystyrene” on April 24, 2023.


That is separate to PR though. It sounds like flagging is the only thing that prevents misrated products from showing up in the catalogue, making PR irrelevant.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on April 24, 2023.


Hi @shopdaisylogo​ Great points. We have given the CS team the latest examples you've provided. They are using these for training purposes. Much appreciated!

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on April 24, 2023.


Thats ok as long as they know what and why your flagging, this is the problem....

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on April 24, 2023.


@RIGSK Then the people who are doing this in customer service need more training as to what tos are on skin coverage, bumping the item, to seeing the shop pics do not contain ap. We are giving feedback so you can improve where the weaknesses is in peer. I have items i flagged weeks and weeks ago unchanged, no skin coverage. So instead of the generated message you get from imvu cs saying they will look into and don't, maybe you can feed this back to the team. That they need trained cs to spot the mistakes, if not a caption box in peer to say why it is being flagged. Otherwise the tos are just hot air written to make imvu look good.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on April 24, 2023.


Great question @Polystyrene​. Our staff goes through all items that have been flagged by the community.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on April 23, 2023.


I like the idea of IMVU paying a "bounty" for finding the infractions published in the Catalog.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “QBL” on April 23, 2023.


Meshers should NEVER get a pass.... We need another clean Sweep like we did a few years back when Mesh Houses were Blocked and Banned.. dancing-happy-dance

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Parcel” on April 22, 2023.


That doesn't feel like a great solution to be honest.​

I would suggest either adding a flag feature to Peer review, Or send out a reminder to ALL creators about manipulating the mcg being against the TOS and being a bannable offense.

Plus reminding people when doing peer to make sure the mcg is an appropriate size/hasnt been modified and to fail it if it does (which literally is just adding a sentence or 2 to the PR page's html, it should take less than 5 minutes to add).

These products should not be passing PR in the first place, let alone getting to the front pages of the catalog in sales.​ To allow them to do so sets a very bad precedent and rehashes all the points members have made in this thread.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “Polystyrene” on April 22, 2023.


If this is the case, then what is the point of having PR?

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on April 22, 2023.


IKR, I have been flaggig a GA product with semi-nude Icon for weeks (nudity). CS Staff doesn't get it.

I wish we had 20 character Note: on the Product Flag Page to give them a "hint" of what they are looking for... :/

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on April 22, 2023.


Hi All,

Thank you again for flagging these. Just a reminder that if you see MCG violations, we encourage you to flag them. The vast majority of products go through peer review without being escalated to staff.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on April 21, 2023.


I am seeing one on the front page and the mesher still has the mesh active.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on April 21, 2023.


Even the shop pictures should be flagged as AP, this just shows you how broken the system is.

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Community posted about 2 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on April 20, 2023.


Awesome. Thank all of those (members & Staff) who took time to protect our young people!


Now the next Milestones...


Getting more Members of IMVU to see and flag these in the catalog & be brave enough to Fail in Peer Review.

Training all Staff so they understand the next time those Help Cases come in...

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