where did the AP Photo Feed go?

Posted about 1 month ago by Blueskyeye1

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Where did the AP Feed in the forums go?? Why did you make changes to  the forums and help section?? 

The forums were more user friendly before. Now it appears unorganized. And there is no dedicated AP section. 

I noticed that  the users of IMVU have been going OFF site to  other social media to post what they cannot post directly here on site. what direction is imvu going if no one will be on the imvu site anymore?  I'm so confused?  

How is everyone else feeling about these changes to IMVU??

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Avengelyne posted 19 days ago

Ive been thinking on this, how can IMVU not have an AP Forum, even as they are testing the waters for AP+, this makes no sense at all, AP users need this AP Forum, to post their AP creations, artwork inspired by AP clothing and such, talk with like minded users and not in any way other than an adult conversation. You cannot have 'vanilla' forums and have AP or AP+ without the support that users need, come on IMVU, you can do better than this moving forward.

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PrimroseEnchantress posted 23 days ago

I concur with all that has been said above.

When former Staff Member, ShannonMac, started the AP Photos forum, I was ecstatic! I was finally able to post my tastefully done AP photos and share them with like minded individuals. I started purchasing AP items from the shop, but...once more, there is censure; my artistic nature squelched. It makes me, anyone, wonder if AP should even be a thing to be sold on IMVU. Other than those with illicit thoughts, what's the point of buying AP? I've stopped buying AP items, now that I am forced to do vanilla pictures to meet my desire to share my talent of creativity. 

It's also changed my view on how I will do Peer Reviews in the future. I will fail rooms and items that are labeled as General if they contain anything resembling alcohol, tobacco, brand/logo, or drugs.

Yeah, I don't know what more can be said about this subject.

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Avengelyne posted about 1 month ago

I posted on the day of the change when I saw what they had omitted, it took an age just to get an AP area in the last forums, now we have to go through that again?!!this whole switch over seems poorly thought through and definitely poorly launched, There no AP, No VIP, no section for mobile users, I had expected IMVU to duplicate what it had already not start from scratch with a wholly inadequate forum, people are lost its no wonder they are going off site to express their frustration, this feels like a step backwards and a big one at that. What about our users for whom english isnt a first language theres no forums for them and theres no google translate built in so how can we as users help others get to where they need to, its a mess and a disappointment.

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