Censorship in my private rooms

Posted 5 months ago by ASultryWoman

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Just what is going on with IMVU. Do we have new leadership steering the boat? If so Fire that !@# right now! They don't know what they are doing and they just cost you me paying for Upgraded VIP. Not spending another dime on here  While being censored in my private rooms. I can walk around naked but can't say words like cock a doodle do. or my pussycat. What the Same Hill is that nonsense about? You better get with the program and fast if you want to stay competitive with the other adult sites on the net. As in Second life or 3D Chat and the staple Redlightlight Center aka Utheverse. I spend my money where I can speak as I want in the privacy of my room and don't have to worry will some  easily offended virgin raid my closet. Can you tell this has hurled me into the state of I want my money back.

38 Votes


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FungkSta posted 2 days ago

@DeadlyDesiredSin  Totally untrue, was alone with wifey in one of our private Shared Rooms and said a lil' slang term and a warning prompt popped up within seconds of me hitting the enter key


It's just like YouTube but faster

0 Votes


Guest posted 13 days ago

Completely agree. My adult wife and I use the app to roleplay and after being verified as adults were treated like kids. The woke have arrived. And they’re asleep. They do censorship like this in private chats while selling child avatars to grown ups. All logic has left the building. 

4 Votes


DeadlyDesiredSin posted about 2 months ago

llMXll  IMVU takes 24 -72hrs to review a flag, I think someone in a chat room or even private (might even be a friend) flagged you. They don't just look at a Flag in seconds or a few minutes. Sorry that your account is disabled perm

0 Votes


FungkSta posted 3 months ago

1 Votes


FungkSta posted 3 months ago

1 Votes


FungkSta posted 3 months ago

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FungkSta posted 3 months ago

0 Votes


BlaqueJaqueShellaq posted 3 months ago

Sounds like the blatant suppression of free speech if it's a private chat and no party in the chat flagged it

Seems like the agenda of getting rid of First Amendment Rights is true

4 Votes


Guest posted 3 months ago

Agente pagou caro pra obter AP e AGE e depois ser censurado nossas conversas até mesmo no sussurro  isso tá errado o próprio imvu deu essas opções pra escolher e agora muitos de nós perde a conta por causa disso? Eu sou usuário com passo de acesso e verificação de idade e mesmo assim sou censurado na minha própria sala AP? 

0 Votes


6aII posted 3 months ago

I want to speak loudly in my own room, why should I pay money for nonsense? 

1 Votes


XxDragonSWolfxX posted 3 months ago

Second Life sounding more and more appealing

0 Votes


Guest posted 3 months ago

It's getting ridiculous, all we can do is make it more public, stop spending money and don't even bother logging in and be more vocal on social media soon they will realise the mistake they have made by this unconstitutional censorship. 

3 Votes


ASultryWoman posted 3 months ago

Frankly I was thinking somebody is jealous of people getting their freak on and was wondering what are they doing while looking at us engaged in whatever while talking trash. Kind makes one think somebody has Voyeur Issues, Because the fix is taking to long. I'm going to stop spending until it is fixed

1 Votes


llMXll posted 3 months ago

im living with computer since 1998 daily , This is the most humiliating and disrespectful experience i've ever seen over the internet in my whole entire life , no service over the internet do what you guys do here , stop taking everything personally and seriously , if you cant respect and understand the whole world , So limit your service to be within U.S and Canada.

1 Votes


llMXll posted 3 months ago

guys they just disabled me for talking to a friend in private room , and unfort. its permanently without any warning or even banned for days , just been there next 15 mins poof im on my desktop 

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