Posted 6 months ago by ASultryWoman

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Getting tired of waiting. When will Ap+ launch?

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Firgie4 posted 2 days ago

i cant doing verification Age it say failed what wrong ?

1 Votes

DiamondBones DiamondBones

DiamondBones posted 6 days ago

5$ a month is incredibly cheap! But I wouldn't want to add that on to an already existing VIP membership. I've been spoiled asfk here for my volunteering ♥ But I am trying to prepare my financial habits to support my own upgrades iit's all over, and I know I wouldn't want to add this as an extra fee, eventhough it's not much, it will add up. 

I'd love to suggest a sexy vip instead please!

I love how there's a new Emerald VIP that gives people more credits than Diamond VIP.

I think it would make sense to have a pink colored VIP for AP+. Maybe call it Ruby VIP so the colors sort of match? I love that idea, thinking outloud, maybe it would ruin the other vips, so better to just have it as an add on instead like originally planned here.

I hope VIP members can have a discount on this price though, I don't want to add 60$ USD a year to my account, especially if I switch to paying for my own vip in the future. Maybe if I can suggest... since Diamond VIP has a secret offer where we can send a free 5$ Gold VIP membership to someone or ourselves, can we switch that to  AP+ instead? And make it more known, to encourage others to use it more?

One thing that saddened me about VIP only chatrooms was how it cut people out, so they never got popular among the people I've met. I would hate for that same ordeal to happen AP+, so I'd love to support it as much as possible!

Please at least offer VIPs a cheap AP+ upgrade

0 Votes


Guest posted 7 days ago

I can already see this is going to be a big crash and burn.

$4.99 per month - Try making that pitch to people already paying monthly or yearly for VIP.

Plus, all of this stuff is only available to those with AP+? Meaning if you're a guy and you start paying $5 a month and get all of the stuff, you can only use it on someone else with AP+? Meaning you can't just go out, socialize, meet a girl, invite her to your AP+ room, and find out she needs to pay $5 a month in order to join you?

I can already imagine we're going to see a load of guys paying and then complaining they can't find anyone to play with.

And of course, only on IMVU Desktop, when we are still having an issue where a lot of people that are willing to spend money in IMVU are also unwilling to get off classic. I mean, we all knew this stuff was only going to be on the new platform, but it's again going to be a hard sell to get someone to want to use this when they are going to just patch things together with poses, or just buy something BM.

I knew this was going to happen. Even when I did that focus group interview with them, I told them not to make it a subscription. People already are fatigued enough and that's why they are running out and buying CDs and DVDs because they are tired of paying subscriptions.

If I ever get the invite I will probably try it for one month to take a look and see what it is, but I have little to no faith that's going to actually go anywhere.

2 Votes


ASultryWoman posted 26 days ago

As long as 3Dx is only charging 45 bucks for a year and Utheverse is 19.99 a month also payable in increments of 3,6, or 12 months They can drag their feet with releasing Ap+ all they want I been a paid member on both the other sites for years. The avatars may not be as nice looking as here but you can see a fully erect..... the bodies make full contact and line up for penetration correctly.

2 Votes


Petrazenka posted 27 days ago

The thought of loosing access to expensive AP+ items bought if AP+ subscription is not paid for again and again every month is something to think about. 

I am not a fan of subscriptions since it's a never ending payment.

3 Votes


SydneyVicious posted 28 days ago

AP+ Will be so expensive if we ever do see it go live.  Fight back, don't give them your hard earned money to make yet another platform that is subpar.  Fix your issues with the platform you have before you decide to expand into a new venture.  The amount they will charge for items, poses and rooms will be very expensive. I personally will not be switching to this new AP+.. just another way for IMVU to make more money off us.

5 Votes


Kaa265012 posted about 2 months ago

So yet more months go by and still not a word from IMVU about what is happening with AP+...Is it too much to ask for some notification as to what is happening or at least have a Poll of all who use their service and take the majority decision as how it should operate FREE to those who have AP and AGE Verification or a subscription one off or monthly. I already have read so many will not pay an extra monthly price to have items that as AP we should already be able to have. Come on IMVU talk too us after all we make this site operate

3 Votes


Guest posted 3 months ago

guy's i'm this close to jumping ship, to second life who's ever in charge, need's to be fire ain't know where in hell imvu charging 5 dollar's month for ap+ whoever running this need to get back down earth, and stop scamming people, don't get me wrong i love imvu but this is lil to much

5 Votes


Kaa265012 posted 3 months ago

This is a adult site and everyone has the right to do as they wish as long as no harm is done to others..We all want to know when and how AP+ will be implemented..yet not a word has been said by IMVU..the silence is deafening and all we want is an update about it. Anyone who wishes to join it deserves the knowledge first hand from IMVU and not speculations as to costs and its format..surely by now they know and have made a decision and its time to let us know..so come on IMVU let us know.

5 Votes


Nathaiell posted 3 months ago

This Ap thing is way out if control this isn't a site you want to bring your children too, I know I dont want them to even see this site anymore. almost every room is full of young kids and sex all over them. So out of control

2 Votes

DiamondBones DiamondBones

DiamondBones posted 3 months ago

Maybe the other way would have made more sense. Let AP be what everyone assumes it is (full adult themes) and have a 3rd rating for a mild adult themed instead of AP+ ?

or at least let the loyal older community of AP users get AP+ for free or something, grandfather them in if they want it. I just hate the idea of a monthly fee for this. It's going to pressure me to use it more to validate the price I'm spending, and if I'm not using it often enough, I'll end up feeling like I've wasted my money and unsubscribe, and just perform that type of content on another site just to feel less pressured.

as for the 35k for each AP+ item, maybe it would be worth it if the quality was high and there was reassurance that the creator who made them cannot delete their files after any amount of time, like the other items in shop. Big risk to buy because of that "freedom" we creators have here. Otherwise, the price for items doesn't actually bother me, if anything, I think being so many credits each makes them feel more special, like rich-bitch vibes lol would make excellent gifts, honestly, really excite people. But obviously not the monthly subscription fees, like... fk. I think I'd rather just a yearly renewal that was like... cheap lol I guess I'm ghetto, sorry.

2 Votes


Sylaraia posted 4 months ago


  I agree with the sentiment regarding free speech, but IMVU will never be fined for it because they aren't a government agency.

2 Votes


AlphaJVicious posted 4 months ago

People complaining about 35k credits you do realize buying from black market sites is basically the same price. But I think that this generated monthly fee is nonsense but without a band of people coming together to stop it won't help and Vu wins or falls . Another thing is they think they will stop the market there wrong because they focus on GA users not AP . Not very many smart people in the VU Office all they want is to rip people off all of the time. And being censored taking away freedom of speech is a violation VU better recognize it because they can reap alot of fines .

0 Votes


Sheluhtrav posted 4 months ago

Lmaoo chill Petrazenka, has nothing to do with me not liking the answer. I asked the same question in multiple threads because i didn't know how long it would take to get an answer since it's the first time doing this. 

1 Votes


Petrazenka posted 4 months ago


Sheluhtrav posted about 3 hours ago

Can other people who don't have AP+ see your avatar when you're wearing AP+ items? Or will you be blurred for them, just like if you're wearing an AP item and people who don't have AP can't see you or join your AP rooms. 

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Sheluhtrav you have already asked this question in the thread you created for that question. You were answered 2 times by same person who is an ALPHA Tester of AP+, one answer for each version of the same question. Asking this same question in this thread won't change the facts you were given just because you do not like the answer. 

1 Votes

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