I am trying to find out what words specifically imvu would consider to be curse words. Is there a list somewhere? It looks like there used to be, but now the link redirects to the community homepage.
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6 months ago
It *is* unclear. It seems to be How the Word is Used.
If it is used toward another person it is probably AP. If it si used in general it *may* be GA.
Some people take a "vote" with the GA Catalog. Search the GA catalog and see how many results you get for your curse word. Now search again against the AP catalog. "Weigh" the results and make a decision. Finally, ask in a Help Ticket. IMVU Staff always have the final word.
The best rule of thumb is to Not use curse words in the GA audience unless you are abloslutely sure.
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6 months ago
A question that is difficult to find a clear answer to. It only gets more complicated when some folk seem to be able to get away with more than others; AKA differential enforcement of unclear rules.
I am trying to find out what words specifically imvu would consider to be curse words. Is there a list somewhere? It looks like there used to be, but now the link redirects to the community homepage.
1 Votes
LestatDeLioncourt posted 6 months ago
It *is* unclear. It seems to be How the Word is Used.
If it is used toward another person it is probably AP. If it si used in general it *may* be GA.
Some people take a "vote" with the GA Catalog. Search the GA catalog and see how many results you get for your curse word. Now search again against the AP catalog. "Weigh" the results and make a decision. Finally, ask in a Help Ticket. IMVU Staff always have the final word.
The best rule of thumb is to Not use curse words in the GA audience unless you are abloslutely sure.
0 Votes
Petrazenka posted 6 months ago
A question that is difficult to find a clear answer to. It only gets more complicated when some folk seem to be able to get away with more than others; AKA differential enforcement of unclear rules.
0 Votes
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