Hello Amview Company, I am Israa, the owner of the email address is AS09. I have my avatar address and password, but I ran into a problem. I forgot my email address, and I activated the two-factor authentication mode, and I could not open the account bec

Posted 4 months ago by Guest

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Hello Amview Company, I am Israa, the owner of the email address is AS09. I have my avatar address and password, but I ran into a problem. I forgot my email address, and I activated the two-factor authentication mode, and I could not open the account because I forgot the email address. How can I retrieve it? My account. Please help me

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Ashleyellen posted 4 months ago

Hello, this article explains what to do if you are having issues logging into IMVU http://im.vu/help419


Contact imvu https://support.imvu.com/support/tickets/new

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