when frustration builds and no one wants to help but they want ur money

Posted 3 months ago by 8erika8

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i am a new creator and i recently made my first mesh room and i never thought of testing adding furniture before i would even cosider creating a room but i was looking for a one bedroom and kitchen room i found such room i mesh it and it came out beautiful upon finishing and trying to add furniture after 9 hours of me working on the room i could not add no furniture the furniture got stuck to the wall and could not bring them to the floor it almost felt like i ws moving a picture frame that just cant be moved to the floor this hapen with anything i try to add... i contact the mesh which has so many accounts i send message two  of her accounts to let her know if she could help i havent heard back as of yet.. imvu chat live cant help they keep saying unlocking the room but they do not understand that theres nothing wrong w the created room but with the knots to add furniture they not position right its disturbing that no one can help and its dirturbing that theres no help from others not even live chat... i lost on this credits and i doubt anyone can help but this needs to serve as a cautinary to all that when you create you need to take this into consideration that you able to add furniture and if you cant then you dont derive from them they all about money not helping and those who have cheap mesh it shows i hope this can serve as a warning to others and be mindful this is happening.. ill take my loses imvu and ty after so many yrs the service has gone from top of the line to poor quality cant even get help w a room and it feels like i am speaking to an automated person instead of a life person too much repeating and no understanding like its not human..

IMVU Product: H. Apartment w/ Kitchen by HunnyBun 

this is the mesh room and it wont work not even as her mesh not even as my creation cant add no furniture at all and this is what is bothering me i waited my time and my money 

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