MY NAME IS MRS NORMA RED SHADOW HERE IN IMVU LAND Any ways i am just wondering when your website is going to be up and running again Because we as I M V U players are missing out on doing our daily spin each day to see what we can get case every time when i go on the site the golden spot is always flashing and not even coming up just the client I M V U is working which is weird because i guess you need both thoses to be connected ect ,can you let me know thank you ,
MY NAME IS MRS NORMA RED SHADOW HERE IN IMVU LAND Any ways i am just wondering when your website is going to be up and running again Because we as I M V U players are missing out on doing our daily spin each day to see what we can get case every time when i go on the site the golden spot is always flashing and not even coming up just the client I M V U is working which is weird because i guess you need both thoses to be connected ect ,can you let me know thank you ,
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Ashleyellen posted about 1 month ago
Hello, @MrsNormaRedShadow
Contact imvu to help you see what going on
how to contact imvu and reply
how to created ticket on mobile
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