Continuos Room Harassments

Posted 5 days ago by PixeIPusher

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This person and I think he also used" and is a continuos room harassment. He will go into rooms and use mods to ruin the atmosphere, always. He sits and starts using hacky programs to cause problems. Flicking off lights, hitting people, sound overlays, bringing oversized items in all in hopes to bully everyone in a room. He gets a rise out of what he does here, get it. I know I have complained about him many times. to which should tell you something about his actions in IMVU offices. He ALWAYS has to cause problems and pretends that being quiet will not get him noticed and people leave when he starts in on them. Total bullying, but he knows that if he says something against the rules he can get in immediate trouble. SO, he plays the game  bouncing from room to room to room being a troll. People like this should be removed and not after dozens of unanswered request complaints.  All he does and ever will do is harass and bully. Perhaps follow him and see how he operates to get  himself off. If something isnt done, he will continue just like he has been doing.   I also would not doubt that he is uses a hack account because he dcoesn't care what happens. I know most people don't have a blank profile card like he does when they are legit. Get him out of here.

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Ashleyellen Ashleyellen

Ashleyellen posted 3 days ago

Hello, @PixeIPusher This article explains how to flag user

Contact imvu

This article explains what to do with harassment

how to contact imvu and reply

how to created ticket on mobile

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Leona posted 4 days ago

Thanks for the heads up on this one. No one needs that nonsense in their rooms. And yes I agree something should be done from higher up.

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