What do editors charge on average?

Posted 6 days ago by DaniDior

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DaniDior DaniDior

I am curious what editors charge for promoting a shop on insta and how it works. Are there editors that take credits as payment? I guess it's mostly VCOIN right? And how independent are they, do I give them a picture to edit or do they like to do it themselves generally? ( Don't look at my shop, I'm not asking for this account :P ) I am asking here publicly so I don't get scammed but feel free to dm me on vu:  DaniDior

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DaniDior DaniDior

DaniDior posted 5 days ago

I'm starting to think this may be the wrong place to ask, but where else can I find guidance on editor fees? Messages I sent on instagram end up in a requests folder or don't get answered for some reason. 

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