Link to FM radio

Posted 2 days ago by Riplash

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I would like to get a link to songs to play in my rooms

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JesseLiStarseed posted about 20 hours ago

For those with online radio stations (such as DJ's) who want to play music in a "Live" room (Desktop/Beta):

The main URL (address) for your radio station page usually will not work for the majority of these platforms.  Some do and some don't.  If for any reason the main URL to your radio page doesn't work in the streaming radio player, try to look for an "alternate" URL address in your radio stations account "control panel" or dashboard settings.  An example of this is my own radio station.

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Davon posted 1 day ago

Olá, @Guest não podemos atualizar nossas próprias músicas, não sei se isso é possível, vou perguntar à equipe do IMVU sobre esse assunto. obrigado

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Guest posted 1 day ago

como eu coloco minhas próprias músicas?

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Davon posted 1 day ago

Hi to play stream music you would have to go into LAUT.FM. and from there we need to searceh for a DJ brand name example: radio500 and then copy the stream link where it says something like this one: put the URL on the media settings whenever you enable radio streaming. Your music will be playing ^^

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Riplash posted 2 days ago

I can't find the music store to buy playlist 

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