[Archived - RigsK] Important Update - Requiring VIP for Earn Money Program

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Posted by “RigsK” on May 15, 2023.


This is an important update for Grandfathered Creators.


In the announcement below we stated that starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators, including Grandfathered Creators, will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to be in the Earn Money Program and receive cash payouts. 


(This requirement does not affect Grandfathered Creators who are subscribed to legacy VIP (from before Tiered VIP launched).


We realize this is a huge change for many Grandfathered Creators and have been closely following feedback regarding this new policy.


Based on your valuable input, we have come up with a solution that should make it easier for affected Creators to transition. 


Details are as follows:




  1. Starting July 1, 2023, Creators will be able to link three Grandfathered Creator accounts together, with only one VIP subscription.
  2. Creators will choose one Grandfathered account for their VIP subscription, and two additional Grandfathered accounts that will not need VIP.
  3. If a Creator already pays for Platinum or Diamond VIP on a non-Grandfathered account, they can apply it to two of their Grandfathered accounts.
  4. All three linked accounts will be eligible for the Earn Money Program and payouts.
  5. Once the accounts are linked, new earnings from these accounts will be combined into one MASA balance. Earnings from before the accounts are linked will not be combined.
  6. Grandfathered accounts that are grouped with a VIP account will not need to apply for the Earn Money Program as long as they have already been approved to participate in the Earn Money Program prior.
  7. Starting August 2023, earnings from the linked accounts can be set up to funnel into the VIP account.




Here’s how to link a Platinum or Diamond VIP Grandfathered account with two additional accounts.


  1. Make sure one of your Creator accounts has Platinum or Diamond VIP
  2. Submit a help ticket to the Earn Money Program, requesting linked accounts. List an account that has VIP, and two Grandfathered accounts that do not have VIP.
  3. If any of the linked accounts is not in the Earn Money Program, those account(s) will need to join to earn money and request a payout. All accounts will be able to apply to the Earn Money Program without a VIP subscription. However, you will not be able to earn money or request a payout until the account has a qualified VIP subscription or is linked to a Grandfathered account with a qualified VIP subscription.
  4. Once the team receives your ticket (and your Earn Money application(s) if applicable), they will:
    1. Check to make sure the accounts are owned by you
    2. Confirm your Earn Money Program application has been accepted.
  5. As soon as your accounts are approved, the team will link them together, so all three can be in the Earn Money Program with only one VIP subscription




Between July 1 and July 30, Earn Money accounts with less than $50 can convert their balances into Credits. To receive Credits, send a help ticket to the Earn Money team.


FAQ http://im.vu/help1072



Original Message 5/18/23


Attention Creators - Starting July 1 Earn Money Payouts will require VIP


This is an important notice for Creators who are not signed up for VIP but still receive cash payouts in the Earn Money Program.


Starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to receive cash payouts.


This does not include legacy Creators who signed up for VIP before the Tiered VIP system launched. They already have the equivalent of Platinum VIP and do not need to take any action.



  1. Added 5/18/23: By "legacy Creators" we mean Grandfathered Creators. Grandfathered Creators without VIP will still be able to create, submit to their shop and earn Credits.
  2. When this new requirement is introduced, Grandfathered Creators without VIP will still be able to create, submit to their shop and earn Credits.
  3. Added 5/23/23 - You will not be able to earn cash or receive payouts unless you purchase Platinum or Diamond VIP. Once you join VIP you can earn cash and receive payouts. You will not lose existing cash balances. They will simply not be available without VIP.


The Platinum and Diamond VIP memberships offer exclusive benefits that will help Creators make the most of their IMVU experience, including free live chat rooms, live voice broadcasting, and catalog discounts. See our store https://www.imvu.com/next/store/ for more details.


We realize VIP is new to many of you, and to that end, we have provided several weeks of notice so that you can review the Platinum and Diamond VIP offerings and decide which is right for you. See our store https://www.imvu.com/next/store/ for more details.


Thank you!


The IMVU Creator Team

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “CatPoop” on June 04, 2023.


and i use this as passive income. it takes about a year to get a whopping $50 to cash out.. if i purchase vip for that month only just to cash out and cancel my subscription afterwards - is that going to be an issue. i’ve been with imvu since 2009 so i am grandfathered.


bc we don’t need to have vip to “earn” money correct? just to cash out?

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “ElusiveFlame” on June 04, 2023.


Oh and for Pete's sake fix this monstrosity you call a forum.

At the very least, load the most recent replies first so we don't have to hit "more answers" for 10 minutes to get the the most recent posts!

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “DarkEminence” on June 04, 2023.


I daresay... drastic as this may sound, this won't much detter them from their course. If you all quit and leave your products in their original form they can still tinker with the things and find a way to put them on sale for future exploit once the owner is gone. So the one TRULY hit-in-the-hurt option left to ALL of us to do is destroy each and every item we ever created before taking an ultimate leave of the platform! (something I personally know I'm not -yet- keen on doing!) - but yeah! This is about as shady a thing as anything online.

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “ElusiveFlame” on June 04, 2023.


I have been on imvu well over 13 years. I am a creator on 2 accounts, both of which I have created on more than long enough to be grandfathered.

IMVU has gotten greedier each year. They are a business, I understand that. But IMVU, you need to understand that as a business, if you keep treating your employees like sweat shop workers, eventually you wont have any left. You told us that we had to become employed to create, to fill out and file taxes. That means there is a give and take expected between all parties involved. Not this take, take take mentality you as a company now have.

You want us to buy VIP, something I for one have never, on either account bought. There has never been anything about VIP that I was interested enough to to even try. I cant stand any of the VIP features. I know a lot of people like them and that's great. To me they are an absolute waste of my money. Something I already don't have much of.

Being forced to purchase something that I will not use, just to be paid what I earned honestly, is wrong and unfair to all of us in this situation, no matter how much or how little they make.

My combined sales were never more than $900.00 a year. They have now dropped to $240.00 a year or less.

Sales dropping. Membership log-ins so far down its laughable to even try to call this a chat site or a virtual world anymore and all you IMVU can think to do, is alienate the very people who do still log-in and put in the time and creativity that makes IMVU unique.

I've been here years. Every major change happens like this. You send out a message that your going to mess up the way things work. We all get on here and tell you how much that's going to affect us and you don't care.

You throw a bone, "Oh here, one VIP will cover 3 accounts!" and expect us to be thrilled. How does losing half of what I make in a year help??

​How would you feel if you woke up on pay day and your salary had been cut in half? And what salary you had left was being held ransom until you paid for it? Or what about being charged to even work? After all that's what happens to us with every item we submit.

As countless others have already stated, we worked our butts off to become good enough creators to have items that were good enough for people to even want to buy. We PAID our dues in hundreds of thousands of credits we BOUGHT to be able to submit items. We PAY fees on every sale, FOREVER. Every sale we make is money for your pockets. As creators, most of us barely make anything. 2 cents out of every $10.00. And you're now going to basically take that away from me.

So tell us, what's in it for us? A "perk" that, it seems to me, better than half of us wont use and don't want?

I have an endless inventory as it is. I could care less about whisper. To me that kinda ruined the idea of a public chat room anyway. I go into rooms and everyone is whispering and no one talks, kinda defeated the purpose of a CHAT room. If I want to say something private to someone I simply message them. The other VIP features are so worthless to me that I cant even recall what they are.

If forced into purchasing this mess, using Dev tokens and Predits should be an allowable way to pay. And if I were to set a price, no more than 5 dev tokens or 10 Predits a month would be drastically overpaying. As again, my sales have drastically dropped and there have been several months I'm not sure I could even pay that. And keep all the free rooms to yourself. I don't want want em.

As a company IMVU, if you want to make money go back to the basics and learn how to treat people as you personally would want to be treated.

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “DarkEminence” on June 04, 2023.


It is very simple really. Imvu is NOT our master, it is a provider of services just like any other store. You dissapoint your clients, disrespect, ignore - you fail. Simple. You have hundreds ( if not thousands by now) voices raised up in unison towards this one thing: comply, or face the consequences. If they won't show now, time certainly will do its job, as with all things! And that's it. WITHDRAW YOUR DECISION!

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 04, 2023.


Yupp...I just can't stop trying,...people even newer then we are...will suffer from this...eventually...and it won't be our heads rolling...if I where you...dig in. Cuz we might just survive the storm passing. It's the newer derivers and fake creators...that will drop...by bushes...

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “Dureall” on June 04, 2023.


Please explain why I wouldn't receive my cash payment for developing even if my amount was below the $50.00 pay-out? Would not doing so breech the current contract you have with us? I did not agree to be paid out in credits, when I had the option to choose. So I expect to be made whole. That would only be accomplished by the amount owed to my account on July 1st in Cash. Not credits. 


After you implement this VIP policy requiring all developers to be VIP to receive cash payments. Anyone owed less than $50.00 would be converted to credits, But they have to ask before a certain time? I'm not sure as to why I would support a company that treats their loyal creator base this way.


 Please explain it as though you are talking as to how a person who would plan on closing their accounts on July 1st be compensated for their contributions? Thank you.


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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 04, 2023.


We oldies are fighting here,...to also uphold your new wind blowing... it will downgrade all their chances.

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 04, 2023.


Eventually derivers will produce less, so running this along a time span, means, we will loose numbers of derivers, flowing more to the pockets of mesher/graphic artists...and lower our possibilities to fill the newer features...rather later then sooner... While overall income on resales of content will drop...might stay the same, but the amount of items passing a sale, will go down...which means we have even less to share amongst the still living here...

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 04, 2023.


Mesh prices will have to go up, all general prices will go up, Barbie baby and daddy will have less to gain for each credit. Poor people will grow more pore and margins will come down. How is that serving the rest of our community full of derivers, and depending on their incomes...they grow more poor.


Will have less margins,...equality will loose...because of this. What will win is difference...and whatever stories written here...will fade...while we are right...I meant out of rights... Our full community is rather depending on lowering down prices, so people feel more eager to buy...this is countering the few chances we still had, to deliver you content for the lowest prices...now you make our need for price ups, in a time...where we actually need price downs, to fuel our economy.


How is that...as for logics to you?

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “DarkEminence” on June 04, 2023.


I keep reading all of these posts about bridges, lack of success in covering them, even on speculations on account of people's gear to run them, and ultimately an economy system failing.


Well here is my two cents of impressions: First and foremost imvu is a business trying to sell us a product. To be fair, a business with an appealing product 10+ years ago, upon which it was built. It was built until a certain point, and then some new heads came around and said - "no lets go this other way". All is fine and well with novelty, especially when tech is involved.


BUT - when you see your new product FAILS to appeal to your base clientelle, when those same PATRONS ( and not servants tyvm!) REFUSE to take in your new product, simply because it doesn't blow a candle to your old one! When there are OTHER OPTIONS out there to satisfy those needs of your customers better and more fair and plain then your service, the only "why" left in the matter is why do you inssist on a path nobody likes?


Ultimately imvu is a service just like many others out there, and for my part I DO pay for online services, and I DO support the platforms I enjoy - for as long as I enjoy them!


I have payed in the past for imvu, and I have supported it's path through time, while I enjoyed it. That's right - past tense: enjoyed!


The course the new imvu is taking is every kind of unappealing and as I am FIRST a customer I see no reason what so ever to support a business which no longer appeals to me. I kept saying ( and shall to the last) that the imvu- beta is BELLOW the standards of the classic! The only feature which was supposed to bring that place into attention being the increased graphics is BELLOW the general graphics available these days on the internet, and every other feature implemented to it is BELLOW what we were used to. NOT above!


The new Studio and its functionalities is no big deal to get used to, but why would I create things for a place I have no intention to use in its current form? ( A form which ever since proposed has not changed for the better!). And why would I pay for a service I only use less and less and for the sake of that PAST which I have enjoyed and PAYED for already?


NOW: If you wish to tax your customers for the use of your service on a regular bases, the ONLY fair option is to cease advertising your product as a free one and tax EVERYONE you receive within its borders ( That's right! no more "guest" accounts! no more freedom, no more OLD!) - and go on the merry way the whole of the internet is going - You sell? You get payed.


And good luck creating a new users base willing to partake in your new show for it all, and may the love and dedication FORMER users ( because the moment classic dies even I shall become a former user, and many which aren't even creators, simply because what I said above stands true!) invested into it raise to the same amounts. But we all know this will not happen. People will not pay for your 2cents graphic-design service for two simple reasons: new housewives and their pets won't have enough to approach your service in order to make an income - as of old, and proper graphic designers ( which IS ultimately what creating in imvu is) go for REAL GAMES.


So what options do you REALLY have? as a business?

Hold on to your BASE CUSTOMERS while you still can - or enjoy the struggle you will be faced with as a consequence of your rushed and unwise decisions.


But of course the ultimate answer remains with you. You've done a great job chasing away your customers ever since this whole circus with beta and phone started, now you're ditching and what's left of them. And that's... what's showing.



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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “XCorpsBrideX” on June 04, 2023.


No one will answer our questions,and u will see they will "clean"the page again lol,f* imvu,i'll go on Youtube listening The Doo shredding to calm my nerves,i made my peace with this,they take action i take action and thats it.

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “brokenpassage” on June 04, 2023.


What will they do if we all leave..

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “XCorpsBrideX” on June 04, 2023.


Its bad man its bad,i am 100% sure this is illegal here,i am from Switzerland,its not about money even if these 150-200 USD help me nowadays as a single mom,its about principle,its incorect,unethical,greedy and disgusting to us that passed last decade and more to build IMVU as it is,am not afraid to take action on my part,hope others will do the same,hit 'em in the pocket,maybe that make them think a little with theirs empty greedy heads,we should get raises lol not be robbed.

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Community posted 6 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 04, 2023.


You cut away ability to pay out, and pay for memberships with our profits,...this was a system,...now it already does not match any of the calculations anymore prognosed on it. Since ...as we all see here ... we are bleeding out our core...breaking a system...why?

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