[Archived - Saturi] Addressing Community Concerns Regarding MCG

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Community Admin

Posted by “Saturi” on September 19, 2023.


We would like to address the valid concerns that have been raised by our community regarding the implementation of IMVU's Minimum Coverage Guidelines (MCG). We highly appreciate your feedback and want to assure you that your voices are being heard. Your input is crucial in helping us create a more inclusive and transparent environment for both creators and users.


Clarification on MCG Implementation


We understand that some users are experiencing confusion about how to implement the MCG. Specifically, there are questions about the acceptability of using an MCG opacity map (mcg) wider than the red area. We are actively working on providing more detailed guidelines and examples to clarify this aspect.


Identifying Manipulated MCG/Body


To address concerns about identifying manipulated MCG or body shapes, we are exploring ways to improve our review and flagging processes. Our goal is to make the identification of non-compliant content more accurate and transparent.


Sample Compliant Bodies


We hear your request for sample bodies that conform to the MCG rules, especially on newer mesh bodies. We are actively working on providing these examples to ensure that creators have clear guidance.


Public Understanding and Peer Review


We acknowledge the need for clearer communication during peer reviews. We are committed to providing examples of compliant bodies and exploring standardized mcg skin coverage based on body sizes to enhance clarity and understanding during the review process.


Inconsistent Enforcement


We are aware of concerns about inconsistent enforcement of MCG guidelines. We are actively working to improve our processes to ensure fair and consistent enforcement across all products.


Personal Conflict in Flagging


We take your concerns about flagging seriously and will investigate any instances of unfair flagging. We are working on creating a more transparent and impartial flagging system.


Derived Products and Ratings


We are aware of the concerns surrounding derived products and how they are rated. We will explore ways to ensure that ratings are applied fairly and consistently.


Improved Communication and Collaboration


Finally, we want to emphasize our commitment to better communication and collaboration with the creator community. We value your input and will actively seek your feedback to improve our guidelines and enforcement processes.


We want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these concerns. Our aim is to create an environment where everyone can enjoy IMVU while adhering to guidelines that ensure a positive and safe experience for all.


Please continue to share your thoughts and suggestions with us, as they are invaluable in shaping the future of IMVU. Together, we can make IMVU a better place for all members of our community.


Update: We have updated the MCG section of the Creator Education Center with some additional details and clarification. An anchor has been made for easy access to the updated section. Please note that we'll continue to update this page as the ongoing internal/external conversation regarding MCG continues.



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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 29, 2023.


Also to do this we would need real clear rules on what is ok and what isn't. At the moment it is very grey in some areas.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 29, 2023.


Suggestion for peer review, invite long term devs to be flag viewers, give them real credits for each item that is passed. After all we are doing this when they are going through wrong we have to find them in the shop and re flag. If devs can't make a decision then it is put forward to staff members. This would ease the workload of staff, one flag should be enough for the item to be viewed by a dev. Use our knowledge but also make sure we get something out of it for our time and effort! Let us help you to make things more quicker in peer, keep the shops safer.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 29, 2023.


@LestatDeLioncourt​ And would these copy devs, because so many do not know how to even load a texture they use the same picture of the one they are deving from, be even able to fix a problem in their own shop the answer is no !!. So where does this leave the customer the ones using their creds they just paid for, many on here just dev blindly, some even just buy files with everything done for them. Pro should be you can do most of the basics to be able to go in and correct any problems that may come up. Like if a mesh looks like it has a tear skins showing through finding where it is on mcg coverage adding white to that part and then adding the same texture to solve it.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 28, 2023.


If this were in a private room or in single-person shopping, I agree :) The MCG Skin by itself is technically AP (red is showing) so it would have to be in an "AP Private Area".



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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 28, 2023.


Hey @trulyfree​ I heard those rumors too. I set them straight as they are just rumors. Until we hear from IMVU Staff directly on this, they *are* just rumors.


Enjoy Life :)

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “trulyfree” on September 28, 2023.


and i was getting worried at some of the talk about getting rid of GA and sending the kiddies off because of these cheats on coverage. I hope by now you realize not all adults enjoy, or wish to see AP while enjoying friendships on IMVU. thank you IMVU

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “trulyfree” on September 28, 2023.


i think we are tired of looking around the old green tee and shorts to see items. I have to go put on my avi with a bikini on to see simple things like tats and jewelry. why lot just set the avi in a red minimal outfit. for GA

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 28, 2023.


Not some loads have left, it is now only a few that we can really find to do good work with, with the tiers and pay grade on that i search for the ones that have overlays already to work with, it cuts so much time out. Any new ones cant even be seen.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “WolfSpirit29” on September 28, 2023.


@StarShineDesigns Yep. Sadly that's true.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “StarShineDesigns” on September 28, 2023.


Well they will lose good long term creators over this some have left and closed shop already

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 28, 2023.


Rule of thumb with any business, it is not a problem till it becomes a problem. By using this method they can gain more revenue.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “WolfSpirit29” on September 27, 2023.


@StarShineDesigns I agree! But IMVU usually makes things more complicated than they need to. Many creators/devs have already given good ideas to help them solve this quickly & easily. However, IMVU is showing us all that they love to hmm & haw & drag their feet on an already long ongoing issue. Yall have told them to set standards in many different ways so we all know what to follow. What we get is ooo great ideas keep them coming! It's a joke at best. How long has the issue been going on? And when was this thread started? Look at those 2 dates & that tells u everything u need to know about how IMVU drags their feet & or tries to skirt an issue hoping it will go away until some big corporation threatens to sue them.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “StarShineDesigns” on September 27, 2023.


Can someone please Explain to me why does any of this matter??? Imvu wants to a part of everything going on in the world as Pride, lgbq blm ect and im sorry im not against personal choice dont hate on me but have they ever seen a pride event? And what the children are being Exposed to. Has any of the ppl working for vu ever been out side the office to a mall where most kids 11 and up wear things that show more then most adults would dare. To me this is kinda all bs . Its ok to Expose "children' to the adult world on vu but omg dont show any skin to them. Further more if parents are allowing thier child on here after reading the real reviews of imvu on line then thats on them not us as creators . Im NOT saying we as responsable adults shouldnt do what we can to make imvu a SAFE PLACE because i feel we Most certainly should. But i just find it odd that imvu wants it boths ways expose children in one way but then freak out in another. Most of us try are best to fallow the rules when creating. Its real easy if in doubt mark it Ap. But truthfully double standards dont really work for me. This color stuff is bs if NOTHING is showing no nipple or privite area regaurdless of if its pink nude tan ect then why the fuss ??? I think this would be a simple fix if imvu made their rules to fit the real world. Instead of the handbook from the 1700 hundreds they are using.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “AfroVibes” on September 27, 2023.


Leave me alone okay?I wasnt even trying to be negative towards u,so i'd would appreciate if u would stop stop @ my name i dont want nothing more to do with talking or communicating with u like do i have to go to imvu and tell them ur literally harrassing me?Im done with the matter the whole conversation revolving around this needs to end ur doing way too much at this point in time because you see im desperately trying to get away from you.Leave me alone.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “AfroVibes” on September 27, 2023.


Ik the meaning of a rumor so for u to actually take time out ur day and look up the definition just to tell me to go learn the meaning of words before i actually use them is very rude and very condescending i may not have made correct use of the word that time but that does not change the fact that u will not leave me alone you keep coming at me with every chance u get ur literally harassing me over a simple message that in other words was asking u to be a bit more considerate to the opinions other than your own of hte people around you because u were literally being rude under someones post and im not ur sweeteie seriously stop.Im done with the convo and yes im mad because somebody who is probs way older than me meaning they know better is steadily baiting me into arguing with them online its getting tiring u really need to stop before i make a case of harassment against u on imvu live wasnt even trying to be rude or mean or hostile to u in any way with the message i sent yet here u are trying to find just about any way to upset me,and i just had enough if somebody sees this please tell me how to report this guy cus i literally just want out of this situation he seems to have made up with me being the bad guy he must take revenge on.


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