We would like to address the valid concerns that have been raised by our community regarding the implementation of IMVU's Minimum Coverage Guidelines (MCG). We highly appreciate your feedback and want to assure you that your voices are being heard. Your input is crucial in helping us create a more inclusive and transparent environment for both creators and users.
Clarification on MCG Implementation
We understand that some users are experiencing confusion about how to implement the MCG. Specifically, there are questions about the acceptability of using an MCG opacity map (mcg) wider than the red area. We are actively working on providing more detailed guidelines and examples to clarify this aspect.
Identifying Manipulated MCG/Body
To address concerns about identifying manipulated MCG or body shapes, we are exploring ways to improve our review and flagging processes. Our goal is to make the identification of non-compliant content more accurate and transparent.
Sample Compliant Bodies
We hear your request for sample bodies that conform to the MCG rules, especially on newer mesh bodies. We are actively working on providing these examples to ensure that creators have clear guidance.
Public Understanding and Peer Review
We acknowledge the need for clearer communication during peer reviews. We are committed to providing examples of compliant bodies and exploring standardized mcg skin coverage based on body sizes to enhance clarity and understanding during the review process.
Inconsistent Enforcement
We are aware of concerns about inconsistent enforcement of MCG guidelines. We are actively working to improve our processes to ensure fair and consistent enforcement across all products.
Personal Conflict in Flagging
We take your concerns about flagging seriously and will investigate any instances of unfair flagging. We are working on creating a more transparent and impartial flagging system.
Derived Products and Ratings
We are aware of the concerns surrounding derived products and how they are rated. We will explore ways to ensure that ratings are applied fairly and consistently.
Improved Communication and Collaboration
Finally, we want to emphasize our commitment to better communication and collaboration with the creator community. We value your input and will actively seek your feedback to improve our guidelines and enforcement processes.
We want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these concerns. Our aim is to create an environment where everyone can enjoy IMVU while adhering to guidelines that ensure a positive and safe experience for all.
Please continue to share your thoughts and suggestions with us, as they are invaluable in shaping the future of IMVU. Together, we can make IMVU a better place for all members of our community.
Update:We have updated the MCG section of the Creator Education Center with some additional details and clarification. An anchor has been made for easy access to the updated section. Please note that we'll continue to update this page as the ongoing internal/external conversation regarding MCG continues.
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 27, 2023.
the only thing I would add here is...
I don't trust Live Chat to be as knowledgeable as a Help Case.
This is from experience.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 27, 2023.
Tell someone to f-off in a room and it is flagged, a person gets in trouble.
But on a T-Shirt, it is okay? Confizzled.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 27, 2023.
Yes, anyone can buy a "bong-pipe" that is "idle". If the Bong-Pipe has smoke coming out of it it is AP. I asked why and the answer was... get this...
The Avatar can inhale secondhand smoke from a lit furniture Bong-Pipe...
OMG, the Staff coming onboard has a long hard, row to hoe in this garden...
*I* feel for them, I do :/
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “WolfSpirit29” on September 27, 2023.
@shopdaisylogo Yep! Imvu started catering to the whiney kids that don't want to put in the work & want credits handed to them/beg for gifts, instead of keeping IMVU classy for us long time creators/devs who do put in the work and spend our hard earned $ in here. And yet some wonder why the bad attitude.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 27, 2023.
The hard part is deeming something "skin-toned" with the "intent" to make it nude and remain GA.
I guess intent to skit MCG would be given to the formula of AP re-rate
if the Ttile + Keywords + Skin Toned we all in the product???? IDK
This all came up after the Furry Skins were allowed. Some started talking about well what about the "naked-looking" Bras, Panties, and Men's Underwear?
The next thing was well if it looks like the Creator was purposely making it to skirt the MCG, then it must be AP. So some were re-rated and some not.
I bet someone has a magic-wand and can wave over this to make it clear :)
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “WolfSpirit29” on September 27, 2023.
And THIS is why I refuse to do peer review!! Not going to waste my time not passing something others do pass so my account can be banned! No thank u!
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 27, 2023.
@QBL i think that was raised in the old forums, i wished i had kept it.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 27, 2023.
@Parcel I have been here since 2008, you can not expect members to run the show, if safety is a priority then imvu should step up to the mark. Imvu rely on members to do the work here for free.!! They are a very successful company but greed and making as much out of this app is there priority.
The blame goes right back to them, cheap staff sourced from overseas, every wear you look it is penny pinching even to the point of making people get vip when they don't and wouldnt need or use it.
The result now is this very murky guidelines which we have been banging our head against a brick wall asking for more clarity for years only for it to fall on deaf ears.
The only difference between us and new developers is we know how they think. We know not to take chances.
But when imvu itself used these products to advertise and show how evolved these avatars are, and how realistic the fashion is ect you can not expect developers to be mind readers. Imvu should lead by example. There is conflict but it is imvu fault.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 27, 2023.
Again if peer review worked we wouldnt be having this conversation.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 27, 2023.
@WolfSpirit29 The crazy thing is you can now buy cigarette type items here , you can buy beer in a glass and a bottle, you can wear swear words on tops, you can have cannabis leaves. IMVU moved the goal post on this, you just cant be seen to smoke them, drink alcohol, use drugs, this is how this developing game and rules is so messed up.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “KellyJo” on September 27, 2023.
Many times, while doing PR, I see full on red on a GA rated item, so I fail it. Later on, I see that the item has passed PR and is GA! Other times I see a slight bit of red and I skip the item, cause I know that if I fail it, it will def pass as GA. And I don't want to keep having a ton of fails on my PR record. So CS or the PR department need to perform the MCG Pose and to maneuver the avi close to the screen to where you can see through the avi and to the actual undergarments. Additionally, how about implementing a flashing red undergarment when in peer. Then, if you not only see the red but also the flashing, from the sides, then you know, without a doubt that it's a fail. This would also be helpful when a dress is red with matching undergarments, sometimes it's hard to tell the AP red from a red dress red or custom red that creators use. And when this happens, I skip that item as well, cause I am not sure what to do. Banning us (as stated above) or punishing us from doing PR due to incorrectly passing or failing an item, will keep everyone away, the very min they get banned. Vips and Creators should be the only ones who are able to do PR, whether they are active or not as creators, as a benefit/perk of the creator subscription. We don't need new accounts, who are the beggars, who can't form sentences or carry on conversations, having control over our submissions and our small businesses! Lastly, one other thing in PR that would be useful is when failing an item, to be able to type in where the item fails, such as: See red on top, bottom, etc. So that when PR reviews the fail, they know where to look.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “CowBae” on September 27, 2023.
THIS!! I would upvote this 1000 times if I could. This might be slightly off topic but I am beyond frustrated with the colors that IMVU deems "skintone" and therefore unsafe for GA lingerie, too. The "IMVU Studio – IMVU Virtual Goods Rating Policy" page shows a pair of beige gold JEANS as being unfit for GA. It doesn't explain why (I swear it used to in the past) but they've pixelated out the butt on the jeans.
But I can't find ANYWHERE in the Virtual Goods pages what "skintone" colors cannot be used for lingerie. But yet it is a "known" rule that if you make pale pink/peach/sand colored GA lingerie/bikinis you may get a rerate to AP based solely on the color. If anyone knows WHERE in IMVU's virtual goods policy this policy is written can they please link me? I would like to read it for myself.
The other thing that frustrates me as a creator is IMVU seems to deem only pale colors (beige, peach, pale pinks) as "nude" or "skintone". I myself had an ORANGE item rerated, due to the color being "peach" and therefore "skintone", but IMVU seems to forget that human skintones run the full gamut of white to black, and every shade of peach and caramel in between. Why are "beige" and pale colors the only colors IMVU deems "skintone"? I've never had a black bikini rerated to AP due to its likeness to skintone, but very black skintones exist, so where is the logic? Why can we not be provided with a color chart of AP only colors? Is it because there is no logic in this rule? There is massive inconsistency in what shades of color are acceptable, and it's frustrating.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 27, 2023.
Yes, @QBL I agree. We need a formal Staff; once and for all, statement. It has been considered/enforced in the past with Re-Rates. The skin-colored flesh tone has been considered AP at some times :/
If it is AP, how can we tell if the color represents intended nudity?
Is it Hot Pink? Regular Pink? Coco Brown? Tan Pink? Tannish Coco?
OMG, what a can or worms, huh?
At one time, CS Staff *seemed* to have mixed ideas over this issue. What I mean is, that some called upon Staff members would re-rate while others would pass as GA. The inconsistency confused me :/
I personally know several creators who have had items re-rated to AP over this "Flesh-Tone" issue. I would never take the chance on re-rate and refunds :/ Go with Hot Pink or Sexy Black - LOL I really think it has to do with the Intent behind the coloring. If it is clearly to deceive and make people think it is nude underneath, I believe it should be AP BUT I may be Wrong.
What about if it is "tan-pink" or "medium-coco" colored material with pretty laced edges? Shouldn't that be okay? I think you can see, I too am confused :(
Here is where it gets "spooky". Direct from the VGP quoted and grey-area highlighted.
These parts of the VGP have been quoted to me by Staff in relation to why
GA Colored Undies were re-rated to AP.
I would love to hear from @Saturi on this "skin-tone" or "flesh-tone" underwear issue. It has been Ping-Ponged, back and forth; probably, more than the distorted mesh issue, being addressed.
Please help and clarify...
Thanks in advance! :D
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “SunsetGodess” on September 27, 2023.
If coverage is becoming an issue maybe creators should consider removing ap all together. People have Dicks out, Pussys out, Breasts out , or all of the above out. If coverage is an issue creators should remove all ap items make basic clothing for basic gaming or make the app for adults only.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “QBL” on September 27, 2023.
@shopdaisylogo I have never heard that, and I have never heard that from staff I was never given that option by staff when my products were rerated AP due to a MCG texture being pink or "Air Quote" Flesh Tone. Unless someone has a screen shot of staff saying this and proof it was straight from the horses mouth. I would not believe hearsay. If you have a screen shot or know of someone that may, of Staff agreeing to this outlining or suggesting it I would LOVE LOVE to see it because it would be a tremendous help for me and many others that love to keep the MCG the same color as the product a lot of devs do this to avoid the obvious breakage and clipping. @Saturi This is a really good example why we need clarity straight from staff on which colors are deemed unappropriated for the MCG on GA Items.
0 Votes
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Posted by “Saturi” on September 19, 2023.
[Archived]We would like to address the valid concerns that have been raised by our community regarding the implementation of IMVU's Minimum Coverage Guidelines (MCG). We highly appreciate your feedback and want to assure you that your voices are being heard. Your input is crucial in helping us create a more inclusive and transparent environment for both creators and users.
Clarification on MCG Implementation
We understand that some users are experiencing confusion about how to implement the MCG. Specifically, there are questions about the acceptability of using an MCG opacity map (mcg) wider than the red area. We are actively working on providing more detailed guidelines and examples to clarify this aspect.
Identifying Manipulated MCG/Body
To address concerns about identifying manipulated MCG or body shapes, we are exploring ways to improve our review and flagging processes. Our goal is to make the identification of non-compliant content more accurate and transparent.
Sample Compliant Bodies
We hear your request for sample bodies that conform to the MCG rules, especially on newer mesh bodies. We are actively working on providing these examples to ensure that creators have clear guidance.
Public Understanding and Peer Review
We acknowledge the need for clearer communication during peer reviews. We are committed to providing examples of compliant bodies and exploring standardized mcg skin coverage based on body sizes to enhance clarity and understanding during the review process.
Inconsistent Enforcement
We are aware of concerns about inconsistent enforcement of MCG guidelines. We are actively working to improve our processes to ensure fair and consistent enforcement across all products.
Personal Conflict in Flagging
We take your concerns about flagging seriously and will investigate any instances of unfair flagging. We are working on creating a more transparent and impartial flagging system.
Derived Products and Ratings
We are aware of the concerns surrounding derived products and how they are rated. We will explore ways to ensure that ratings are applied fairly and consistently.
Improved Communication and Collaboration
Finally, we want to emphasize our commitment to better communication and collaboration with the creator community. We value your input and will actively seek your feedback to improve our guidelines and enforcement processes.
We want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these concerns. Our aim is to create an environment where everyone can enjoy IMVU while adhering to guidelines that ensure a positive and safe experience for all.
Please continue to share your thoughts and suggestions with us, as they are invaluable in shaping the future of IMVU. Together, we can make IMVU a better place for all members of our community.
Update: We have updated the MCG section of the Creator Education Center with some additional details and clarification. An anchor has been made for easy access to the updated section. Please note that we'll continue to update this page as the ongoing internal/external conversation regarding MCG continues.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]the only thing I would add here is...
I don't trust Live Chat to be as knowledgeable as a Help Case.
This is from experience.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]Tell someone to f-off in a room and it is flagged, a person gets in trouble.
But on a T-Shirt, it is okay? Confizzled.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]Yes, anyone can buy a "bong-pipe" that is "idle". If the Bong-Pipe has smoke coming out of it it is AP. I asked why and the answer was... get this...
The Avatar can inhale secondhand smoke from a lit furniture Bong-Pipe...
OMG, the Staff coming onboard has a long hard, row to hoe in this garden...
*I* feel for them, I do :/
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “WolfSpirit29” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]@shopdaisylogo Yep! Imvu started catering to the whiney kids that don't want to put in the work & want credits handed to them/beg for gifts, instead of keeping IMVU classy for us long time creators/devs who do put in the work and spend our hard earned $ in here. And yet some wonder why the bad attitude.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]The hard part is deeming something "skin-toned" with the "intent" to make it nude and remain GA.
I guess intent to skit MCG would be given to the formula of AP re-rate
if the Ttile + Keywords + Skin Toned we all in the product???? IDK
This all came up after the Furry Skins were allowed. Some started talking about well what about the "naked-looking" Bras, Panties, and Men's Underwear?
The next thing was well if it looks like the Creator was purposely making it to skirt the MCG, then it must be AP. So some were re-rated and some not.
I bet someone has a magic-wand and can wave over this to make it clear :)
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “WolfSpirit29” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]And THIS is why I refuse to do peer review!! Not going to waste my time not passing something others do pass so my account can be banned! No thank u!
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]@QBL i think that was raised in the old forums, i wished i had kept it.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]@Parcel I have been here since 2008, you can not expect members to run the show, if safety is a priority then imvu should step up to the mark. Imvu rely on members to do the work here for free.!! They are a very successful company but greed and making as much out of this app is there priority.
The blame goes right back to them, cheap staff sourced from overseas, every wear you look it is penny pinching even to the point of making people get vip when they don't and wouldnt need or use it.
The result now is this very murky guidelines which we have been banging our head against a brick wall asking for more clarity for years only for it to fall on deaf ears.
The only difference between us and new developers is we know how they think. We know not to take chances.
But when imvu itself used these products to advertise and show how evolved these avatars are, and how realistic the fashion is ect you can not expect developers to be mind readers. Imvu should lead by example. There is conflict but it is imvu fault.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]Again if peer review worked we wouldnt be having this conversation.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]@WolfSpirit29 The crazy thing is you can now buy cigarette type items here , you can buy beer in a glass and a bottle, you can wear swear words on tops, you can have cannabis leaves. IMVU moved the goal post on this, you just cant be seen to smoke them, drink alcohol, use drugs, this is how this developing game and rules is so messed up.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “KellyJo” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]Many times, while doing PR, I see full on red on a GA rated item, so I fail it. Later on, I see that the item has passed PR and is GA! Other times I see a slight bit of red and I skip the item, cause I know that if I fail it, it will def pass as GA. And I don't want to keep having a ton of fails on my PR record. So CS or the PR department need to perform the MCG Pose and to maneuver the avi close to the screen to where you can see through the avi and to the actual undergarments. Additionally, how about implementing a flashing red undergarment when in peer. Then, if you not only see the red but also the flashing, from the sides, then you know, without a doubt that it's a fail. This would also be helpful when a dress is red with matching undergarments, sometimes it's hard to tell the AP red from a red dress red or custom red that creators use. And when this happens, I skip that item as well, cause I am not sure what to do. Banning us (as stated above) or punishing us from doing PR due to incorrectly passing or failing an item, will keep everyone away, the very min they get banned. Vips and Creators should be the only ones who are able to do PR, whether they are active or not as creators, as a benefit/perk of the creator subscription. We don't need new accounts, who are the beggars, who can't form sentences or carry on conversations, having control over our submissions and our small businesses! Lastly, one other thing in PR that would be useful is when failing an item, to be able to type in where the item fails, such as: See red on top, bottom, etc. So that when PR reviews the fail, they know where to look.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “CowBae” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]THIS!! I would upvote this 1000 times if I could. This might be slightly off topic but I am beyond frustrated with the colors that IMVU deems "skintone" and therefore unsafe for GA lingerie, too. The "IMVU Studio – IMVU Virtual Goods Rating Policy" page shows a pair of beige gold JEANS as being unfit for GA. It doesn't explain why (I swear it used to in the past) but they've pixelated out the butt on the jeans.
But I can't find ANYWHERE in the Virtual Goods pages what "skintone" colors cannot be used for lingerie. But yet it is a "known" rule that if you make pale pink/peach/sand colored GA lingerie/bikinis you may get a rerate to AP based solely on the color. If anyone knows WHERE in IMVU's virtual goods policy this policy is written can they please link me? I would like to read it for myself.
The other thing that frustrates me as a creator is IMVU seems to deem only pale colors (beige, peach, pale pinks) as "nude" or "skintone". I myself had an ORANGE item rerated, due to the color being "peach" and therefore "skintone", but IMVU seems to forget that human skintones run the full gamut of white to black, and every shade of peach and caramel in between. Why are "beige" and pale colors the only colors IMVU deems "skintone"? I've never had a black bikini rerated to AP due to its likeness to skintone, but very black skintones exist, so where is the logic? Why can we not be provided with a color chart of AP only colors? Is it because there is no logic in this rule? There is massive inconsistency in what shades of color are acceptable, and it's frustrating.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]Yes, @QBL I agree. We need a formal Staff; once and for all, statement. It has been considered/enforced in the past with Re-Rates. The skin-colored flesh tone has been considered AP at some times :/
If it is AP, how can we tell if the color represents intended nudity?
Is it Hot Pink? Regular Pink? Coco Brown? Tan Pink? Tannish Coco?
OMG, what a can or worms, huh?
At one time, CS Staff *seemed* to have mixed ideas over this issue. What I mean is, that some called upon Staff members would re-rate while others would pass as GA. The inconsistency confused me :/
I personally know several creators who have had items re-rated to AP over this "Flesh-Tone" issue. I would never take the chance on re-rate and refunds :/ Go with Hot Pink or Sexy Black - LOL I really think it has to do with the Intent behind the coloring. If it is clearly to deceive and make people think it is nude underneath, I believe it should be AP BUT I may be Wrong.
What about if it is "tan-pink" or "medium-coco" colored material with pretty laced edges? Shouldn't that be okay? I think you can see, I too am confused :(
Here is where it gets "spooky". Direct from the VGP quoted and grey-area highlighted.
" Nudity (APO) - Virtual goods depicting full or partial nudity, including but not limited to nude humans, nude avatars, skins, and/or products (transparent or otherwise) that cover less than the GA minimum coverage guidelines below. Depiction of uncovered female breasts and un-aroused male or female genitals are considered part of this category. Products that may meet the minimum coverage guidelines but due to enhancements/enlargements of avatar bodies and parts project the sense of nudity fall under this category as well."
These parts of the VGP have been quoted to me by Staff in relation to why
GA Colored Undies were re-rated to AP.
I would love to hear from @Saturi on this "skin-tone" or "flesh-tone" underwear issue. It has been Ping-Ponged, back and forth; probably, more than the distorted mesh issue, being addressed.
Please help and clarify...
Thanks in advance! :D
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “SunsetGodess” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]If coverage is becoming an issue maybe creators should consider removing ap all together. People have Dicks out, Pussys out, Breasts out , or all of the above out. If coverage is an issue creators should remove all ap items make basic clothing for basic gaming or make the app for adults only.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “QBL” on September 27, 2023.
[Archived]@shopdaisylogo I have never heard that, and I have never heard that from staff I was never given that option by staff when my products were rerated AP due to a MCG texture being pink or "Air Quote" Flesh Tone. Unless someone has a screen shot of staff saying this and proof it was straight from the horses mouth. I would not believe hearsay. If you have a screen shot or know of someone that may, of Staff agreeing to this outlining or suggesting it I would LOVE LOVE to see it because it would be a tremendous help for me and many others that love to keep the MCG the same color as the product a lot of devs do this to avoid the obvious breakage and clipping. @Saturi This is a really good example why we need clarity straight from staff on which colors are deemed unappropriated for the MCG on GA Items.
0 Votes