I hope this message finds you well and that you’re having a great year! I wanted to reach out regarding an issue with my age verification. Recently, I attempted to verify my age using my sister’s passport because I had lost my state ID and wanted to purchase AP. Unfortunately, the verification failed.
The good news is that I’ve now found my state ID and would like to request the opportunity to redo the age verification process using my correct ID. I’m eager to complete this step and proceed with purchasing AP.
Thank you for your understanding and support. Wishing you an amazing end to this year and an even better start to the next!
Best regards,
Alonzo Tovar.
0 Votes
2 months ago
Hello, you can’t use someone passport since it does not belong to them . If it belong to you only it has to be your own identity to match your account information.
Hello IMVU Team
I hope this message finds you well and that you’re having a great year! I wanted to reach out regarding an issue with my age verification. Recently, I attempted to verify my age using my sister’s passport because I had lost my state ID and wanted to purchase AP. Unfortunately, the verification failed.
The good news is that I’ve now found my state ID and would like to request the opportunity to redo the age verification process using my correct ID. I’m eager to complete this step and proceed with purchasing AP.
Thank you for your understanding and support. Wishing you an amazing end to this year and an even better start to the next!
Best regards,
Alonzo Tovar.
0 Votes
Ashleyellen posted 2 months ago
Hello, you can’t use someone passport since it does not belong to them . If it belong to you only it has to be your own identity to match your account information.
this article explains about age verification failed https://support.imvu.com/support/solutions/articles/154000197026-what-if-my-age-verification-attempt-failed-
how to contact imvu and reply http://im.vu/help1097
how to created ticket on mobile http://im.vu/help769
Contact imvu https://support.imvu.com/support/tickets/new
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