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[Archived - shopdaisylogo] Question for staff, when creating an amount of items to get your tier points, if they are still in peer when the next month overlaps does it count for the following month or the month just gone. SInce they take around 3 days now
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[Archived - RigsK] Slight delay in payouts
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[Archived - DiamondBones]
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[Archived - akin] DMCA copyright violation notice
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[Archived - shopdaisylogo]
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[Archived - mofaux] VIP Update or biting the hand that feeds you?
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[Archived - Nums] How many days are calculated in your MASA?
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[Archived - Celeb]
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[Archived - Lexique] How to turn off promo rewards?
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[Archived - MissMaya]
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