This is an important update for Grandfathered Creators.
In the announcement below we stated that starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators, including Grandfathered Creators, will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to be in the Earn Money Program and receive cash payouts.
(This requirement does not affect Grandfathered Creators who are subscribed to legacy VIP (from before Tiered VIP launched).
We realize this is a huge change for many Grandfathered Creators and have been closely following feedback regarding this new policy.
Based on your valuable input, we have come up with a solution that should make it easier for affected Creators to transition.
Details are as follows:
Starting July 1, 2023, Creators will be able to link three Grandfathered Creator accounts together, with only one VIP subscription.
Creators will choose one Grandfathered account for their VIP subscription, and two additional Grandfathered accounts that will not need VIP.
If a Creator already pays for Platinum or Diamond VIP on a non-Grandfathered account, they can apply it to two of their Grandfathered accounts.
All three linked accounts will be eligible for the Earn Money Program and payouts.
Once the accounts are linked, new earnings from these accounts will be combined into one MASA balance. Earnings from before the accounts are linked will not be combined.
Grandfathered accounts that are grouped with a VIP account will not need to apply for the Earn Money Program as long as they have already been approved to participate in the Earn Money Program prior.
Starting August 2023, earnings from the linked accounts can be set up to funnel into the VIP account.
Here’s how to link a Platinum or Diamond VIP Grandfathered account with two additional accounts.
Make sure one of your Creator accounts has Platinum or Diamond VIP
Submit a help ticket to the Earn Money Program, requesting linked accounts. List an account that has VIP, and two Grandfathered accounts that do not have VIP.
If any of the linked accounts is not in the Earn Money Program, those account(s) will need to join to earn money and request a payout. All accounts will be able to apply to the Earn Money Program without a VIP subscription. However, you will not be able to earn money or request a payout until the account has a qualified VIP subscription or is linked to a Grandfathered account with a qualified VIP subscription.
Once the team receives your ticket (and your Earn Money application(s) if applicable), they will:
Check to make sure the accounts are owned by you
Confirm your Earn Money Program application has been accepted.
As soon as your accounts are approved, the team will link them together, so all three can be in the Earn Money Program with only one VIP subscription
Between July 1 and July 30, Earn Money accounts with less than $50 can convert their balances into Credits. To receive Credits, send a help ticket to the Earn Money team.
Attention Creators - Starting July 1 Earn Money Payouts will require VIP
This is an important notice for Creators who are not signed up for VIP but still receive cash payouts in the Earn Money Program.
Starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to receive cash payouts.
This does not include legacy Creators who signed up for VIP before the Tiered VIP system launched. They already have the equivalent of Platinum VIP and do not need to take any action.
Added 5/18/23: By "legacy Creators" we mean Grandfathered Creators. Grandfathered Creators without VIP will still be able to create, submit to their shop and earn Credits.
When this new requirement is introduced, Grandfathered Creators without VIP will still be able to create, submit to their shop and earn Credits.
Added 5/23/23 - You will not be able to earn cash or receive payouts unless you purchase Platinum or Diamond VIP. Once you join VIP you can earn cash and receive payouts. You will not lose existing cash balances. They will simply not be available without VIP.
The Platinum and Diamond VIP memberships offer exclusive benefits that will help Creators make the most of their IMVU experience, including free live chat rooms, live voice broadcasting, and catalog discounts. See our store for more details.
We realize VIP is new to many of you, and to that end, we have provided several weeks of notice so that you can review the Platinum and Diamond VIP offerings and decide which is right for you. See our store for more details.
Thank you!
The IMVU Creator Team
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Sorted by
6 months ago
Posted by “Erieann” on July 20, 2023.
Usually the only updates that they do is when they do a policy change like the grandfathered accounts needing VIP to earn cash and get cash payouts. They are pretty good about sending out messages when there has been an update to the TOS but they really don't highlight the changes within the agreement. I totally agree with you that it would be better for them to specifically highlight the changes and as for what the other person stated, it would be nice for a way to select that you agree instead of the assumption that you agree when you continue to create or use the service.
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “Sylaraia” on July 19, 2023.
I will intellectually agree that it's mostly on us for not reading the creator agreement whenever they update it, but I will also point out - and if I'm wrong on this, please call me out of in it - they never tell you what they changed. You're expected to pour over the newly updated creator agreement while working from memory, trying to figure out what they changed. Their changes should either be presented in bullet points, or highlighted in the new document.
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “Erieann” on July 19, 2023.
When you purchase something online, do you accept the terms that goes with that purchase? If so, there's your signature. Hun, I advise on legal matters for a living. All agreements are legal and binding by IMVU and as much as we may not like all of the terms and agreements, the moment you clicked that accept button when you became a creator, you accepted the TOS, creator agreement, virtual goods policy, etc. It is a legal and binding contract regarding your work and on top of it, again, if you accepted payment for it, just further shows your agreement to the terms of service for your independent contract to IMVU for virtual goods. It is black and white. If you wish to dispute this or get this information verified, I highly recommend you downloading/printing the agreements, speak with a legal advisor/attorney of your choice, then make the informed decision based on factual law and not just based on your opinion of how the legal world should be versus how it has been for centuries. I get it bites but you can't call a banana an apple when it's not the same shape, color, taste, or size.
Also, not that it matters but point and case: I was part of the Essure litigation. I won. I got my settlement. If you truly have the legalities on your side (evidence, etc) then you will usually 9/10 win your case. But when you try to rationalize a legality that holds no water, usually, the judge throws the book at you and laughs you out of court. I hope you take my advice and look into the matters further before continuing to create further.
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “Erieann” on July 19, 2023.
When you accept the TOS and creator agreement, you are legally giving consent to the terms that are in both agreements. Continuing to produce and submit work to the website further provides proof of agreement which is viewed in a court of law as acceptance of terms to the agreement. Thus even further providing the point that you are requesting any form of payment is another agreement to the terms as you are making the request to the specifications laid out within the TOS and creator agreement. When you click the "accept terms" and thus start creating, you put your electronic signature on the agreement. When you receive any payment for product, you are accepting the agreement. That is the reality of a legal agreement in the real world and agreements on IMVU is treated as such. As a judge told me once, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." Not reading a contract or reading updated terms of a contract is no excuse. Again, my advice, read the agreements, download/print, and then make an informed decision. Reach out to get legal advice if you need to to confirm that it is all legal before making that decision. Do what you gotta do to make the best decision for you. But you can't state it was never there when it was always there.
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “Mole” on July 19, 2023.
Yep, I saw it later, but it still mean that I must bought 3 VIPs if I want request payment from all of my accounts.
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “jacquiline515” on July 19, 2023.
@QBL legally it does not matter if they kept creatign is my point .if they never put thier signature on that contract with imvu then it legally is null and void in the real world but were not dealing in the real world and havent been for a really long time. like i said before you really got no rights and no leg to stand on in this world now anymore and if things were done properly with the judicial system we have now in place then yes you could fight it and win with no problem because a contract is a contract and only thing that can bine the agreement between you and that other person or corporation together it then becomes a legal binding contract only then .
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “QBL” on July 19, 2023.
@jacquiline515 It has always been my understanding with the creator agreement that it is our responsibility to read it and if we keep creating after any changes are made its basically our acknowledgement of agreement.
Now I know there are a lot of creators that have never read it Its just to much for them to bother with. Personally I like to read it every 6 months sometimes I will let it go to once a year if its pretty quite in the hood. Just because every now and again they like to sneak things in and I like to be educated all all aspects of my Job.
Iam not entirely sure how legal it all is to say,, Well they Kept creating after the changes to the agreement were made therefor that is acknowledgment of the agreement. Iam not Any kind of law scholar. Its always been pretty sketchy at best. Since some people don't log into imvu for months sometimes years at a time except to request a payout. And some don't even create any more.
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “jacquiline515” on July 19, 2023.
@Erieann And also to tell you a contract is made between one or more people and in order for a contract to be legitimate you have to have put your signature on it in order for it to make it be a real feasable legal contract if you did not put your signature on that contract in black & white , then thier is no contract between you and that person, i know this becasue i studied contract law , go look it up a contract is only legal when the person or persons have put thier signature on it to agree to it then it becomes legitimate, if thier is no signature anyplace on any agreement , then it is null and void , but the way the system is right now its all Admirl , Marshal, and militery law statuates and the court system is for the coporations not the average joe to try and fight it in any court system even if enough people get together to file a class action law suit , as it is now all judes are nothing more than administraters not real judges or common law judges , you have no rights now in the legal system no more and havent for a really long time now but has only gotten worse over time , so good luck if you go to fight anything against anyone now .
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “jacquiline515” on July 19, 2023.
@Erieann yes i understand but did we all sign to agree for the credits we earned to no longer be able to sell them outside of imvu becasue regardles of what the courts say it is a broken contract on thier part if we never resigned a new one giving our rights away for it , is no differnet if you signed a contract with a lease agreement on lets say a resteraunt for example and your leasing the place and the orignal owner says he is uping the amount of your monthly rent for that leased resteraunt then tells you he wants more money to be paid than what was originated on the contract before the contracts time limit is up , he cant legally do that , if he does and you dont agree to it then he can tell you to leave but you can still sue him and file a legal law suit against the owner , and also if it was becasuse IRS put a stop to it and made us all pay for what the reselers not claiming on thier taxres then how is that our faults they should be going after them over it not the creaters here that is between IRS and the reseller selling the credits we have no conrol of what the other person who is reselling does ...
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “jacquiline515” on July 19, 2023.
i agree, its our earrnings we should be able to take it anytime we like to and what i dont like is when you go to take it out they askes you why you want it , to me that is my buissness why i am asking for my money i earned not anyone elses buissness especialyl to even ask that question is lunichrist when we made it at a cost to boot , Sears never told Eatons thier busissness either , so why would you .
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “Erieann” on July 19, 2023.
Actually, the IRS did away with the resellers due to tax purposes. IMVU cannot claim what resellers are doing for tax purposes as they don't own them. So they came up with the new solution and an updated TOS and creator agreement that stated that IMVU would now offer a way to earn cash instead of the creators going outside to get the cash payouts if they wished. All of us grandfathered accounts were notified of that change prior to the change so we could further go and read that agreement. If at that time we did not agree to it, we could stop creating all together regarding new products. This was done back in 2012 and there were several issues with that change as well because many did not feel it was fair that the grandfathered accounts would be able to create and cash out without having to purchase VIP to do either. We were also told at that time that IMVU reserved the right to make any changes to grandfathered accounts later on. 11 years later, they made a change. All of this is outlined in the TOS, creator agreement, etc when we first signed it that it says they have the right to change the terms as needed. It then becomes our responsibility when those changes occur and we are notified of it to go and read it and then make a decision if that is something that we continue to agree to. Considering that we continued to create afterwards, then the legal presumption would take president in any court stating that with that action, we agreed to the new TOS terms. But as for the issue with the resellers, that was clearly underlined on regarding the matter and it was not only IMVU that was hit with that change. SL and many other platforms were hit with that as well. So again, I do really recommend that any time that IMVU makes a change, go read the entirety of the agreements so that you can make an informed decision going forward regarding your work. I even recommend downloading or printing the agreements for records so if there is an issue, then you have all of that to present to legal counsel if so needed. But following the letter of the law and legalities, while we may not agree with it, IMVU has followed all the protocols needed to alert users/creators of the changes prior to the change.
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “jacquiline515” on July 19, 2023.
@Erieannyour quote
This means every time that you submit a product to IMVU, regardless of your status on this site; they have license to those products. You got exactly what you signed up for. You are not working for free. We never have. Credits, cash, vcoin... it's all a form of payment that can be used on IMVU. cash can be used elsewhere and not sure about the vcoin cause I don't use it. But most of us grandfathered accounts started out earning credits with permission to sell to a reseller if we wanted cash.
So, that being said this then means that IMVU has already broken that contract with us once they stoped us from selling to other resellers , i dont ever remember ever resighning anything saying that i agree to them taking that right away from me to only sell to them alone and no one else , every time they make any changes like that you should be sighning something if you agree to it if not then anything they have written in to protect it becomes null and void, if they change it.
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “Anastasianrose” on July 19, 2023.
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “Anastasianrose” on July 19, 2023.
Except we are allowed to edit those items to our hearts content and it sis wildly easy to hit a bugged point in studio beta where the item becomes usable and unfixable.
0 Votes
6 months ago
Posted by “Erieann” on July 19, 2023.
So I am going to guess there are many that really don't read that creator agreement. So I will quote directly from it so that anyone that threatens to take their products away that you are actually violating an agreement that you knowingly signed.
"5. When you submit any virtual product or other Submission to the IMVU catalog, you grant IMVU a worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive license in regard to your Submissions, including a grant to IMVU of the license rights provided in the "Submissions" section and other sections of the Terms . If your Creator account is disabled or terminated, for a Terms/terms of service violation or for any other reason, the licenses you have granted to IMVU will survive and will continue in perpetuity."
This means every time that you submit a product to IMVU, regardless of your status on this site; they have license to those products. You got exactly what you signed up for. You are not working for free. We never have. Credits, cash, vcoin... it's all a form of payment that can be used on IMVU. cash can be used elsewhere and not sure about the vcoin cause I don't use it. But most of us grandfathered accounts started out earning credits with permission to sell to a reseller if we wanted cash.
I really recommend to go over that creator agreement in it's entirety. If you don't like what's in the contract, you have a decision to make. But it's always been there in plain black and white. Just the TOS has been updated as needed as time went on.
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Posted by “RigsK” on May 15, 2023.
[Archived]This is an important update for Grandfathered Creators.
In the announcement below we stated that starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators, including Grandfathered Creators, will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to be in the Earn Money Program and receive cash payouts.
(This requirement does not affect Grandfathered Creators who are subscribed to legacy VIP (from before Tiered VIP launched).
We realize this is a huge change for many Grandfathered Creators and have been closely following feedback regarding this new policy.
Based on your valuable input, we have come up with a solution that should make it easier for affected Creators to transition.
Details are as follows:
Here’s how to link a Platinum or Diamond VIP Grandfathered account with two additional accounts.
Between July 1 and July 30, Earn Money accounts with less than $50 can convert their balances into Credits. To receive Credits, send a help ticket to the Earn Money team.
Original Message 5/18/23
Attention Creators - Starting July 1 Earn Money Payouts will require VIP
This is an important notice for Creators who are not signed up for VIP but still receive cash payouts in the Earn Money Program.
Starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to receive cash payouts.
This does not include legacy Creators who signed up for VIP before the Tiered VIP system launched. They already have the equivalent of Platinum VIP and do not need to take any action.
The Platinum and Diamond VIP memberships offer exclusive benefits that will help Creators make the most of their IMVU experience, including free live chat rooms, live voice broadcasting, and catalog discounts. See our store for more details.
We realize VIP is new to many of you, and to that end, we have provided several weeks of notice so that you can review the Platinum and Diamond VIP offerings and decide which is right for you. See our store for more details.
Thank you!
The IMVU Creator Team
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “Erieann” on July 20, 2023.
[Archived]Usually the only updates that they do is when they do a policy change like the grandfathered accounts needing VIP to earn cash and get cash payouts. They are pretty good about sending out messages when there has been an update to the TOS but they really don't highlight the changes within the agreement. I totally agree with you that it would be better for them to specifically highlight the changes and as for what the other person stated, it would be nice for a way to select that you agree instead of the assumption that you agree when you continue to create or use the service.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “Sylaraia” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]I will intellectually agree that it's mostly on us for not reading the creator agreement whenever they update it, but I will also point out - and if I'm wrong on this, please call me out of in it - they never tell you what they changed. You're expected to pour over the newly updated creator agreement while working from memory, trying to figure out what they changed. Their changes should either be presented in bullet points, or highlighted in the new document.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “Erieann” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]When you purchase something online, do you accept the terms that goes with that purchase? If so, there's your signature. Hun, I advise on legal matters for a living. All agreements are legal and binding by IMVU and as much as we may not like all of the terms and agreements, the moment you clicked that accept button when you became a creator, you accepted the TOS, creator agreement, virtual goods policy, etc. It is a legal and binding contract regarding your work and on top of it, again, if you accepted payment for it, just further shows your agreement to the terms of service for your independent contract to IMVU for virtual goods. It is black and white. If you wish to dispute this or get this information verified, I highly recommend you downloading/printing the agreements, speak with a legal advisor/attorney of your choice, then make the informed decision based on factual law and not just based on your opinion of how the legal world should be versus how it has been for centuries. I get it bites but you can't call a banana an apple when it's not the same shape, color, taste, or size.
Also, not that it matters but point and case: I was part of the Essure litigation. I won. I got my settlement. If you truly have the legalities on your side (evidence, etc) then you will usually 9/10 win your case. But when you try to rationalize a legality that holds no water, usually, the judge throws the book at you and laughs you out of court. I hope you take my advice and look into the matters further before continuing to create further.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “Erieann” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]When you accept the TOS and creator agreement, you are legally giving consent to the terms that are in both agreements. Continuing to produce and submit work to the website further provides proof of agreement which is viewed in a court of law as acceptance of terms to the agreement. Thus even further providing the point that you are requesting any form of payment is another agreement to the terms as you are making the request to the specifications laid out within the TOS and creator agreement. When you click the "accept terms" and thus start creating, you put your electronic signature on the agreement. When you receive any payment for product, you are accepting the agreement. That is the reality of a legal agreement in the real world and agreements on IMVU is treated as such. As a judge told me once, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." Not reading a contract or reading updated terms of a contract is no excuse. Again, my advice, read the agreements, download/print, and then make an informed decision. Reach out to get legal advice if you need to to confirm that it is all legal before making that decision. Do what you gotta do to make the best decision for you. But you can't state it was never there when it was always there.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “Mole” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]Yep, I saw it later, but it still mean that I must bought 3 VIPs if I want request payment from all of my accounts.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “jacquiline515” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]@QBL legally it does not matter if they kept creatign is my point .if they never put thier signature on that contract with imvu then it legally is null and void in the real world but were not dealing in the real world and havent been for a really long time. like i said before you really got no rights and no leg to stand on in this world now anymore and if things were done properly with the judicial system we have now in place then yes you could fight it and win with no problem because a contract is a contract and only thing that can bine the agreement between you and that other person or corporation together it then becomes a legal binding contract only then .
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “QBL” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]@jacquiline515 It has always been my understanding with the creator agreement that it is our responsibility to read it and if we keep creating after any changes are made its basically our acknowledgement of agreement.
Now I know there are a lot of creators that have never read it Its just to much for them to bother with. Personally I like to read it every 6 months sometimes I will let it go to once a year if its pretty quite in the hood. Just because every now and again they like to sneak things in and I like to be educated all all aspects of my Job.
Iam not entirely sure how legal it all is to say,, Well they Kept creating after the changes to the agreement were made therefor that is acknowledgment of the agreement. Iam not Any kind of law scholar. Its always been pretty sketchy at best. Since some people don't log into imvu for months sometimes years at a time except to request a payout. And some don't even create any more.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “jacquiline515” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]@Erieann And also to tell you a contract is made between one or more people and in order for a contract to be legitimate you have to have put your signature on it in order for it to make it be a real feasable legal contract if you did not put your signature on that contract in black & white , then thier is no contract between you and that person, i know this becasue i studied contract law , go look it up a contract is only legal when the person or persons have put thier signature on it to agree to it then it becomes legitimate, if thier is no signature anyplace on any agreement , then it is null and void , but the way the system is right now its all Admirl , Marshal, and militery law statuates and the court system is for the coporations not the average joe to try and fight it in any court system even if enough people get together to file a class action law suit , as it is now all judes are nothing more than administraters not real judges or common law judges , you have no rights now in the legal system no more and havent for a really long time now but has only gotten worse over time , so good luck if you go to fight anything against anyone now .
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “jacquiline515” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]@Erieann yes i understand but did we all sign to agree for the credits we earned to no longer be able to sell them outside of imvu becasue regardles of what the courts say it is a broken contract on thier part if we never resigned a new one giving our rights away for it , is no differnet if you signed a contract with a lease agreement on lets say a resteraunt for example and your leasing the place and the orignal owner says he is uping the amount of your monthly rent for that leased resteraunt then tells you he wants more money to be paid than what was originated on the contract before the contracts time limit is up , he cant legally do that , if he does and you dont agree to it then he can tell you to leave but you can still sue him and file a legal law suit against the owner , and also if it was becasuse IRS put a stop to it and made us all pay for what the reselers not claiming on thier taxres then how is that our faults they should be going after them over it not the creaters here that is between IRS and the reseller selling the credits we have no conrol of what the other person who is reselling does ...
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “jacquiline515” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]i agree, its our earrnings we should be able to take it anytime we like to and what i dont like is when you go to take it out they askes you why you want it , to me that is my buissness why i am asking for my money i earned not anyone elses buissness especialyl to even ask that question is lunichrist when we made it at a cost to boot , Sears never told Eatons thier busissness either , so why would you .
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “Erieann” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]Actually, the IRS did away with the resellers due to tax purposes. IMVU cannot claim what resellers are doing for tax purposes as they don't own them. So they came up with the new solution and an updated TOS and creator agreement that stated that IMVU would now offer a way to earn cash instead of the creators going outside to get the cash payouts if they wished. All of us grandfathered accounts were notified of that change prior to the change so we could further go and read that agreement. If at that time we did not agree to it, we could stop creating all together regarding new products. This was done back in 2012 and there were several issues with that change as well because many did not feel it was fair that the grandfathered accounts would be able to create and cash out without having to purchase VIP to do either. We were also told at that time that IMVU reserved the right to make any changes to grandfathered accounts later on. 11 years later, they made a change. All of this is outlined in the TOS, creator agreement, etc when we first signed it that it says they have the right to change the terms as needed. It then becomes our responsibility when those changes occur and we are notified of it to go and read it and then make a decision if that is something that we continue to agree to. Considering that we continued to create afterwards, then the legal presumption would take president in any court stating that with that action, we agreed to the new TOS terms. But as for the issue with the resellers, that was clearly underlined on regarding the matter and it was not only IMVU that was hit with that change. SL and many other platforms were hit with that as well. So again, I do really recommend that any time that IMVU makes a change, go read the entirety of the agreements so that you can make an informed decision going forward regarding your work. I even recommend downloading or printing the agreements for records so if there is an issue, then you have all of that to present to legal counsel if so needed. But following the letter of the law and legalities, while we may not agree with it, IMVU has followed all the protocols needed to alert users/creators of the changes prior to the change.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “jacquiline515” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]@Erieannyour quote
This means every time that you submit a product to IMVU, regardless of your status on this site; they have license to those products. You got exactly what you signed up for. You are not working for free. We never have. Credits, cash, vcoin... it's all a form of payment that can be used on IMVU. cash can be used elsewhere and not sure about the vcoin cause I don't use it. But most of us grandfathered accounts started out earning credits with permission to sell to a reseller if we wanted cash.
So, that being said this then means that IMVU has already broken that contract with us once they stoped us from selling to other resellers , i dont ever remember ever resighning anything saying that i agree to them taking that right away from me to only sell to them alone and no one else , every time they make any changes like that you should be sighning something if you agree to it if not then anything they have written in to protect it becomes null and void, if they change it.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “Anastasianrose” on July 19, 2023.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “Anastasianrose” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]Except we are allowed to edit those items to our hearts content and it sis wildly easy to hit a bugged point in studio beta where the item becomes usable and unfixable.
0 Votes
Community posted 6 months ago Admin
Posted by “Erieann” on July 19, 2023.
[Archived]So I am going to guess there are many that really don't read that creator agreement. So I will quote directly from it so that anyone that threatens to take their products away that you are actually violating an agreement that you knowingly signed.
"5. When you submit any virtual product or other Submission to the IMVU catalog, you grant IMVU a worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive license in regard to your Submissions, including a grant to IMVU of the license rights provided in the "Submissions" section and other sections of the Terms . If your Creator account is disabled or terminated, for a Terms/terms of service violation or for any other reason, the licenses you have granted to IMVU will survive and will continue in perpetuity."
This means every time that you submit a product to IMVU, regardless of your status on this site; they have license to those products. You got exactly what you signed up for. You are not working for free. We never have. Credits, cash, vcoin... it's all a form of payment that can be used on IMVU. cash can be used elsewhere and not sure about the vcoin cause I don't use it. But most of us grandfathered accounts started out earning credits with permission to sell to a reseller if we wanted cash.
I really recommend to go over that creator agreement in it's entirety. If you don't like what's in the contract, you have a decision to make. But it's always been there in plain black and white. Just the TOS has been updated as needed as time went on.
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