[Archived - RigsK] Important Update - Requiring VIP for Earn Money Program

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Community Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on May 15, 2023.


This is an important update for Grandfathered Creators.


In the announcement below we stated that starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators, including Grandfathered Creators, will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to be in the Earn Money Program and receive cash payouts. 


(This requirement does not affect Grandfathered Creators who are subscribed to legacy VIP (from before Tiered VIP launched).


We realize this is a huge change for many Grandfathered Creators and have been closely following feedback regarding this new policy.


Based on your valuable input, we have come up with a solution that should make it easier for affected Creators to transition. 


Details are as follows:




  1. Starting July 1, 2023, Creators will be able to link three Grandfathered Creator accounts together, with only one VIP subscription.
  2. Creators will choose one Grandfathered account for their VIP subscription, and two additional Grandfathered accounts that will not need VIP.
  3. If a Creator already pays for Platinum or Diamond VIP on a non-Grandfathered account, they can apply it to two of their Grandfathered accounts.
  4. All three linked accounts will be eligible for the Earn Money Program and payouts.
  5. Once the accounts are linked, new earnings from these accounts will be combined into one MASA balance. Earnings from before the accounts are linked will not be combined.
  6. Grandfathered accounts that are grouped with a VIP account will not need to apply for the Earn Money Program as long as they have already been approved to participate in the Earn Money Program prior.
  7. Starting August 2023, earnings from the linked accounts can be set up to funnel into the VIP account.




Here’s how to link a Platinum or Diamond VIP Grandfathered account with two additional accounts.


  1. Make sure one of your Creator accounts has Platinum or Diamond VIP
  2. Submit a help ticket to the Earn Money Program, requesting linked accounts. List an account that has VIP, and two Grandfathered accounts that do not have VIP.
  3. If any of the linked accounts is not in the Earn Money Program, those account(s) will need to join to earn money and request a payout. All accounts will be able to apply to the Earn Money Program without a VIP subscription. However, you will not be able to earn money or request a payout until the account has a qualified VIP subscription or is linked to a Grandfathered account with a qualified VIP subscription.
  4. Once the team receives your ticket (and your Earn Money application(s) if applicable), they will:
    1. Check to make sure the accounts are owned by you
    2. Confirm your Earn Money Program application has been accepted.
  5. As soon as your accounts are approved, the team will link them together, so all three can be in the Earn Money Program with only one VIP subscription




Between July 1 and July 30, Earn Money accounts with less than $50 can convert their balances into Credits. To receive Credits, send a help ticket to the Earn Money team.


FAQ http://im.vu/help1072



Original Message 5/18/23


Attention Creators - Starting July 1 Earn Money Payouts will require VIP


This is an important notice for Creators who are not signed up for VIP but still receive cash payouts in the Earn Money Program.


Starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to receive cash payouts.


This does not include legacy Creators who signed up for VIP before the Tiered VIP system launched. They already have the equivalent of Platinum VIP and do not need to take any action.



  1. Added 5/18/23: By "legacy Creators" we mean Grandfathered Creators. Grandfathered Creators without VIP will still be able to create, submit to their shop and earn Credits.
  2. When this new requirement is introduced, Grandfathered Creators without VIP will still be able to create, submit to their shop and earn Credits.
  3. Added 5/23/23 - You will not be able to earn cash or receive payouts unless you purchase Platinum or Diamond VIP. Once you join VIP you can earn cash and receive payouts. You will not lose existing cash balances. They will simply not be available without VIP.


The Platinum and Diamond VIP memberships offer exclusive benefits that will help Creators make the most of their IMVU experience, including free live chat rooms, live voice broadcasting, and catalog discounts. See our store https://www.imvu.com/next/store/ for more details.


We realize VIP is new to many of you, and to that end, we have provided several weeks of notice so that you can review the Platinum and Diamond VIP offerings and decide which is right for you. See our store https://www.imvu.com/next/store/ for more details.


Thank you!


The IMVU Creator Team

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.


IF you ever find yourself without funds...and want to create Roy, come to me, identify with this account...and I will ensure you keep you up. ;)For not anything in return. But to keep you here. Just non paying members, I have issues with my friend.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Smaro” on June 02, 2023.



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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.


Problem solved!


0 Votes


Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.


Yuppp! You're absolutely fabulously correct ont that one! Thanks!

0 Votes


Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “QBL” on June 02, 2023.


And make all Guest account register their names after 3 month.. or they lose access to their accounts. If They cant pay they cant Play....................................................... We don't want them here because at this point we are now paying for their Begging black hole shenanigans.. They are the Money Pits NOT US!!!

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.


Make a continue-three-month-trial membership,...also! But no more free rides, after three months of testing IMVU.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.

  • Make a store - membership, make a store and payout membership. And have us pick what we please...and if my grandfathers get stripped of rights,...count the cost to have them keep their rights, by upping the membership costs. Not strip their rights aways is their given right which belongs with their given title.

So invent the memberships you need and we shall pick... what we need. But do not strip away titles earned, by helping found IMVU Inc. This is my last reply to anything on this threat.


Problem solved.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “QBL” on June 02, 2023.


@Smaro​  This is what I want to know as well.. why couldn't this have been a option for at the very least 1 account holders.. I don't know any of us grandfathered creators that even use any VIP features. So Just stick us with Gold for Payouts.. That would have at least been swallowed a little better

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.


Dear Xinfo, I was actually more reply to, the stripping of our founders rights and status. not the money. If they need sme more I will add some more by keeping the VIP accounts I always had anyway on my grandfather account...I dont't care really. I like to support my network.


But the taking of our given rights...is a pretty big thing. We where given, now stripped...is very dishonorable. I also have a new creator account. And pay for both. I dont want to link them at all. Just do my thing...and seriously...


The income IMVU gives me is to keep up my hobby here. and to chat with nice people. So what do you actually think of doing away with accounts older than 3 months, not paying for a membership at all. They surf along...while we pay...


I think our profits...are...in making sure all members pay. And all creators,...pay for creating, when that costs us more, than our income we gain, over memberships. To keep up IMVU...is a mechanism...we must allow ourselves to save this...by taking a VIP membership.


Why is simple...


This is a social network as well...and I like to keep it. In the recent form. And non paying members are our problem...not us. Simple as that.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Smaro” on June 02, 2023.


why isnt gold vip fit for grandfather creators?? why does IMVU need to make us pay platinum or diamond like the others?? isnt it a privilege to be a veteran? up untill now we paid for nothing. and all of a sudden we pay the same as the others? this isnt fair. how will we differ from the others without any privileges?

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.


Interesting...go teach them to do it better. I am sure your decent and smart way, will serve them...where it serves them. But nt sure if IMVU falls into a same category tax paying category or whatever. I am a soldier...not pencil pusher...


But your answer sounds smart. Please email them?

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on June 02, 2023.


After doing this do you think anyone is going to trust virtual currency vcoin, one change of tactics and they could be made worthless. After people start seeing what you have done it will make them even more cautious in buying any.

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “xinfo” on June 02, 2023.


They don't. My husband was a contractor for the large fortune 500 company here in the states. Not only did they provide paystubs, but they also supplied a portal for us to collect his tax papers, and pay stubs.




They also didn't charge us every time we got paid.




(Unless you count health and vision benefit.)

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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.


Correct but we are a unique network, that calls for unique solutions. And you're right...it is a W9 form. And yes your comment is absolutely correct...but we do not want IMVU to need to go further ... with other drastic measures now do we? And with drastic measures I mean closing down features...in order to keep up IMVU at all.....


Yet...you're right. But we're unique and need to find all together that pay here...a better solution. And Grandfather accounts...is an honorable title given, that is now stripped away from us. This is...not a good social thing...we help IMVU found...this deserves this title. We never asked for it...IMVU wanted to hand us and acknowldge our hard work...we did...to found IMVU.


We should not be the ones...that should be called upon...non paying members should be the ones. No more free rides, longer than three months, and after that, no more free accounts to be made by any given device. If you understand what I mean...


Than I think we found our solution.


Sure I will pay now to keep it all up...and I will for all my accounts which are 2.


I will not link them


I will support to keep us up.


I demand free trials to be ended and not restarted another three month trial after that, by non paying members. Whater they pay for the store I do not care. They need to pay a membership , covering their netwrk demands and costs to keep up a account. We old heroes...will be answering this call for help. But after that one...we keep our honorable titels and their full abilities, for IMVU's life time, even when their are sold and named diffferently while we still be their members, we keep our title!



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Community posted 5 months ago Admin

Posted by “Aislinn” on June 02, 2023.


This is so sad it's almost hysterically funny. You can combine 3 accounts - No MASA change = You can only withdraw the same amount from ONE ACCOUNT now rather than THREE. They get to keep twice the amount of money behind the MASA wall unless you fork over the money for VIP and keep them separate.


When you pair that with converting balances under $50 to credits, which is them allowing you to let them keep your money, it's just awe-inspiring at how they can try to present this as "Doing you a favor" and "making the transition easier" all while finding sneaky round-about ways to keep your money while GASLIGHTING YOU into believing that they're actually helping. Wow. Just, wow.

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