This is an important update for Grandfathered Creators.
In the announcement below we stated that starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators, including Grandfathered Creators, will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to be in the Earn Money Program and receive cash payouts.
(This requirement does not affect Grandfathered Creators who are subscribed to legacy VIP (from before Tiered VIP launched).
We realize this is a huge change for many Grandfathered Creators and have been closely following feedback regarding this new policy.
Based on your valuable input, we have come up with a solution that should make it easier for affected Creators to transition.
Details are as follows:
Starting July 1, 2023, Creators will be able to link three Grandfathered Creator accounts together, with only one VIP subscription.
Creators will choose one Grandfathered account for their VIP subscription, and two additional Grandfathered accounts that will not need VIP.
If a Creator already pays for Platinum or Diamond VIP on a non-Grandfathered account, they can apply it to two of their Grandfathered accounts.
All three linked accounts will be eligible for the Earn Money Program and payouts.
Once the accounts are linked, new earnings from these accounts will be combined into one MASA balance. Earnings from before the accounts are linked will not be combined.
Grandfathered accounts that are grouped with a VIP account will not need to apply for the Earn Money Program as long as they have already been approved to participate in the Earn Money Program prior.
Starting August 2023, earnings from the linked accounts can be set up to funnel into the VIP account.
Here’s how to link a Platinum or Diamond VIP Grandfathered account with two additional accounts.
Make sure one of your Creator accounts has Platinum or Diamond VIP
Submit a help ticket to the Earn Money Program, requesting linked accounts. List an account that has VIP, and two Grandfathered accounts that do not have VIP.
If any of the linked accounts is not in the Earn Money Program, those account(s) will need to join to earn money and request a payout. All accounts will be able to apply to the Earn Money Program without a VIP subscription. However, you will not be able to earn money or request a payout until the account has a qualified VIP subscription or is linked to a Grandfathered account with a qualified VIP subscription.
Once the team receives your ticket (and your Earn Money application(s) if applicable), they will:
Check to make sure the accounts are owned by you
Confirm your Earn Money Program application has been accepted.
As soon as your accounts are approved, the team will link them together, so all three can be in the Earn Money Program with only one VIP subscription
Between July 1 and July 30, Earn Money accounts with less than $50 can convert their balances into Credits. To receive Credits, send a help ticket to the Earn Money team.
Attention Creators - Starting July 1 Earn Money Payouts will require VIP
This is an important notice for Creators who are not signed up for VIP but still receive cash payouts in the Earn Money Program.
Starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to receive cash payouts.
This does not include legacy Creators who signed up for VIP before the Tiered VIP system launched. They already have the equivalent of Platinum VIP and do not need to take any action.
Added 5/18/23: By "legacy Creators" we mean Grandfathered Creators. Grandfathered Creators without VIP will still be able to create, submit to their shop and earn Credits.
When this new requirement is introduced, Grandfathered Creators without VIP will still be able to create, submit to their shop and earn Credits.
Added 5/23/23 - You will not be able to earn cash or receive payouts unless you purchase Platinum or Diamond VIP. Once you join VIP you can earn cash and receive payouts. You will not lose existing cash balances. They will simply not be available without VIP.
The Platinum and Diamond VIP memberships offer exclusive benefits that will help Creators make the most of their IMVU experience, including free live chat rooms, live voice broadcasting, and catalog discounts. See our store for more details.
We realize VIP is new to many of you, and to that end, we have provided several weeks of notice so that you can review the Platinum and Diamond VIP offerings and decide which is right for you. See our store for more details.
Thank you!
The IMVU Creator Team
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5 months ago
Posted by “Hexadecimal” on June 02, 2023.
This is ridiculous. Why would you charge money to the people that make this game playable. The people that make this program WORTH SPENDING MONEY ON. 15 years of generating basically free work for this company and now you want me to pay for the privilege of collecting my pennies? no thanks.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Smaro” on June 02, 2023.
Hello there...I'm stupid...Can someone explain it to me like I am a 5 year old pls? My creator status says veteran. What does that mean? I create from 2010, I signed the creator agreement when Vip was not required. I started earn payments on 2015 tho, is this relevant? Do I need vip to create and earn cash or not?
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.
Dear RigsK,
I want a three month trial membership for all new members that do not pay. If they do not start after irritating us for three months, then wipe them! They mislead us, irritate us, hand our network the deformaties we are dealing with and which is costing IMVU money....and our patience and good will. When they want to create a new account every three months, this must be stopped. These must be exited from our network...since we do not wish to pay for their silly irritations and misuse of our features. Wipe them - Right now!
I want all non paying members, except for grandfather accounts, to be loosing their account and ability to make new ones, without paying for it. So after three month of begging around on IMVU and sitting here annoying us all...wipe them! And stop creating features for those non paying members...start only building our features, on demands and wishes of paying and actively creating members.
The rest...after your three month trial...MUST BE WIPED! It endangers our continuity. They joined us without honors without merci, why hand them?! :) And add this new regulation A.S.A.P. I demand it as a double paying active creator/mesher...and advisor since the dawn of time here...wipe the barbies and ken baby beggars sir!
Good luck sir, have an awesome day!
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Spikes” on June 02, 2023.
Another thing i would highly suggest is maybe polling future updates to the community, like jagex does with runescape. Ask the community first, See the community's response BEFORE you push the update... IMVU has made a lot of dumb, un-necessary decisions over the past decade, which in the end affected the population of their user base, Which also affects my, and other creators shops. Less people to buy our products, The less revenue for both IMVU and their creators. A lot of which came from IMVU shooting themselves in the foot the past decade.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.
I last not least stress to say, Grandfather accounts, is an understatement and a low self esteem outing, of new members. We helped you found IMVU. We where here before the rest even saw you. We where honored by handing us the ability and title of creators that helped you grow.
Stripping away this honorable title and it's known surplus is a stripping of our ranks. And undermines what we did for you in the past. So it is now that we notice that you need more funds for the new feautres and holding those up....that we are called upon again.
And I will and was paying for VIP memberships even having the grandfather title, for many months if not years at the time. Being stripped of my rank is,... to say the least... very low social values you still have for us...that helped you found IMVU. I am 100% sure, that many of us grandfathers also have new accounts, and also pay VIP's on those. At least I do. Being stripped of this for me no issue...I do not care about honor. But I can imagine other grandfathers and -mothers, do have this issue. And having issues with IMVU Inc, and between us, is not a good thing.
We need to solve ways, people can find themselves reflected and honored and not stripped of honors. You now removed their so called nomination title...and with low self esteem call us grandfatherrs...
I am 48 years dear IMVU and totally no grandfather, and not old school. I am of every school from the past upto the new ones. So do not call me "Grandfather" that for a start, would be already less discriminating and less insocial. I feel I need to say this, because of the honorable title coming with honorable abilities YOU handed us, and now you strip away from us? Is...
Decided by who? You...or us? Or can we make this a you and us,...change....uphold my previous your network...IMVU.
Thank you, stay safe...and of course I will pay VIP diamond or Platinum,...who the heck cares...I want IMVU to be healthy and strong, you deplete yourself clearly, by listening to too many new member...that do not pay at all! Feel free to wipe them all I would say. Nobody needs them, their even prevent us from sometimes getting the service we need, because of all their silly things going on, which do not support your finances at all.
We support you,..and I will. But I also want you to be maintaining our full features...with this new regulation...we pay for it. Feel drop the Phone app...first!
Than we talk...about how to get your finances, going up again.........
This is my last reply to this subject. I said my things, handed you my advise and money,'t mess around with it,...and do not import more Barbie accounts by our phone app! Since they ask ask ask,....and pay for nothing....we pay for them...I hope that is clear!
And wipe all beggars! NOW please. They cost us...and gain us nothing, while we pay pay pay.
So :? thank you for stripping away my titles...and honors,...but work for it now please! Time to hand us back our great network. bye bye Barbie! Have a great day!
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Spikes” on June 02, 2023.
You charge me to upload. You take a big cut of my sales profit. Now you want me to pay you to get what little profit i do make, which is only a few cents per sale as is.... You cater to mobile users, Not because it's the right thing to do, But because it's the easiest way for you to make a quick buck.
Do you not earn enough from ripping profits from me, and the other tens of thousands of creators, of their effort and their creations? It's almost like you should have listened to PC users a little more. So many stupid changes have been made over the years, Causing SO many of the old users just to up and quit.
IMVU Never even publicly announced this, But imvu classic is in sunset mode. What this means is that there will be no new features for classic. There are only 1 or 2 devs give or take ONLY for bug fixes for classic. If you want to create and see imvu products with the improved graphics on classic, You are boned. And i fear that one day, Even soon maybe, IMVU classic will no longer work whatsoever. I suggest the IMVU team tread lightly, As i can only imagine the majority of their creators still create on and use classic.... And yet classic still, even after reporting the crashes, Will crash when someone joins the room... This has been going on for years. This could be easily fixed by just using imvu next, But that's aside from the point. SO many of my friends quit when imvu next rolled out. NOBODY i know uses imvu next, Because it's like mobile on a pc client. Both of the clients use the same coding language. If an option for a classic user interface were implemented, I would gladly switch over. Now. I prefer the way next feels and performs. i just can not STAND the home interface, The chats, The standing spots... Any of it. I want my classic, And so does everyone else on classic.
I understand the banning of 3rd party resellers. Even that caused some backlash toward IMVU. But now it's like IMVU can't get enough of finding new ways to shoot themselves in the foot, To get rid of as much of their original customer base as possible... From this update, To the removal of the sexual preference option, and anything in between.... IMVU has, And clearly will continue to make some VERY, very dumb changes. I fear for the future of IMVU. My suggestion to imvu is to stop making so many decisions that causes their community to consider leaving the platform. Because at the end of the day... We are your boss. We pay you.
Love me or hate me.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.
I do also need to mention,.... most grandfathers have multiple accounts, most of them new ones. And also they pay already for VIP descriptions, as well as some with diamond ones. And that you make double the income on such members, means, you have...a problem to solve, socially. Solve it please - according to my advise, thanks!
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.
Dear RigsK, IMVU created this issue. So IMVU must enable grandfather accounts, to pay back in time, so still be able to pay for the months/years they had no VIP on, since the new tier system started. That would be a credible and social solution. Thank you, I am 100% sure you understand what I am writing, and since it is positive on IMVU's behalf, enable my advise to be possibility, for grandfather accounts that have this issue now, to undo their issue, by still paying for the months they did not have this VIP diamond whatever description.
That you change things is fine, specially when it upholds equality amongst developers, but also enable the problems you create for grandfather accounts which might be hurt by this, to still pay, for the months in order to uphold their ability for payout.
I am fine with paying for a diamond whatever vip thing. No problem.
Good luck! :) I am sure you are with me on this will help solve the tension IMVU created now.
Thank you.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.
Although deceiving, since we should have heared this announcement, when the new tier system was launched in order to be able to exact to the new regulations and be able to honestly adapt to it's new rule. There for this is deceiving. And mean a trust break by IMVU Inc.
BUT - It is not a bad regulations since it nears a wish for equality, which is important. I am therefor fine with the new regulation. But grandfather creators which had no possibility to react to this before new regulations started, MUST BE COMPENSATED. They should be made able to still pay for the period, back in time. To solve this issue. When IMVU enables this ability for them to pay a Diamond VIP or whatever - from the dat the new tier system started, than I am relaxed because of this, and IMVU is out of blame.
I advise IMVU Inc. to enable grandfather accounts without a vip diamond description from the date the new tier system started, to pay for the period up till now, to hold up their payout abilities, than I have no issues with IMVU because of this. Since then a grandfather account is able to decide whether they want that or not.
Since IMVU Inc. caused this problem, it is also in your hands to solve this credibly and with good intent. So not this fast IMVU...but think properly,...thank you. Enable these grandfather accounts, to overcome the issue you put in front of them, since it is your problem, not theirs. Undo this problem please. Thank you.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on June 02, 2023.
We are already paying per item for the privilege of having it then shop. We do not need to be paying any sort of money for the release of our FUNDS. It is like staff working for their pay then being asked ow you have to do overtime or we are not paying you what you earned. We are self employed, we pay our own taxes. We are paid commission on everything that is sold from our shops. Our cash is not yours, friends, members, bought our products in good faith knowing the hard work that is put into our products, so you imvu can earn from us. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT IN HOLDING OUR CASH, we submitted items in our shops out of our earnings to make money. You benefited from this and still do.
You have no right asking us to part with even more of our earnings so we can actually access our money. We are paid commission on products that are sold, we do not get the full amount. You are robbing your own members and creators, this is nothing short of theft.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “jazzKat” on June 02, 2023.
@RigsK so what I'm not understanding about all this is the following;
Why not create a separate tier that specifically caters to Creators needs?
As many have already said here and elsewhere, they don't need a lot of the services that come with the higher tier VIP subs, so why not create one that's stripped of that but includes pay-out access?
That way Creators can still receive pay-outs while selectively purchasing the extras as and when they need them... nothings worse that having credits accrue that can't be used.
Is there some systemic issue creating new levels in addition to the old ones?
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Roy” on June 02, 2023.
If we link our accounts for the payouts, would it still display how much each of the accounts earned?
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Vorvolaka” on June 02, 2023.
Honestly, this is just the last little straw. On top of the communication problems with your user base, the lack of transparency, Beta still missing so many features/quality of life updates, IMVU making non grandfathered creators pay for this crap already, the way the creator tier system works now, and the fact that my and many people's earnings have plummeted the past two years... If IMVU was making more progress in certain areas I might be more inclined to set the money aside to buy VIP. It's not worth it. I'm not going to willingly support a company that does nothing but step on the people that make it even worth playing.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Vorvolaka” on June 02, 2023.
@RigsK Again I'm pleading with you or someone else on staff to answer me this one question! Why was this decision made?
It's ethically dubious at best but I think more transparency on your end as a company would be extremely welcomed. I'm so sick of shouting into the void because no one on staff answers in the forums, no one is answering here. Getting someone to answer a help ticket takes ages... Please, why was this choice made? That's all I want to know. If this company is going under I only think it's fair that you let people know who are relying on it as a source of income.
0 Votes
5 months ago
Posted by “Vorvolaka” on June 02, 2023.
Okay this is fine for some creators maybe, but you're still forgetting about the rest of us.
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Posted by “RigsK” on May 15, 2023.
[Archived]This is an important update for Grandfathered Creators.
In the announcement below we stated that starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators, including Grandfathered Creators, will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to be in the Earn Money Program and receive cash payouts.
(This requirement does not affect Grandfathered Creators who are subscribed to legacy VIP (from before Tiered VIP launched).
We realize this is a huge change for many Grandfathered Creators and have been closely following feedback regarding this new policy.
Based on your valuable input, we have come up with a solution that should make it easier for affected Creators to transition.
Details are as follows:
Here’s how to link a Platinum or Diamond VIP Grandfathered account with two additional accounts.
Between July 1 and July 30, Earn Money accounts with less than $50 can convert their balances into Credits. To receive Credits, send a help ticket to the Earn Money team.
Original Message 5/18/23
Attention Creators - Starting July 1 Earn Money Payouts will require VIP
This is an important notice for Creators who are not signed up for VIP but still receive cash payouts in the Earn Money Program.
Starting July 1, 2023, all Earn Money Creators will be required to have either Platinum or Diamond VIP in order to receive cash payouts.
This does not include legacy Creators who signed up for VIP before the Tiered VIP system launched. They already have the equivalent of Platinum VIP and do not need to take any action.
The Platinum and Diamond VIP memberships offer exclusive benefits that will help Creators make the most of their IMVU experience, including free live chat rooms, live voice broadcasting, and catalog discounts. See our store for more details.
We realize VIP is new to many of you, and to that end, we have provided several weeks of notice so that you can review the Platinum and Diamond VIP offerings and decide which is right for you. See our store for more details.
Thank you!
The IMVU Creator Team
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Hexadecimal” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]This is ridiculous. Why would you charge money to the people that make this game playable. The people that make this program WORTH SPENDING MONEY ON. 15 years of generating basically free work for this company and now you want me to pay for the privilege of collecting my pennies? no thanks.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Smaro” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]Hello there...I'm stupid...Can someone explain it to me like I am a 5 year old pls? My creator status says veteran. What does that mean? I create from 2010, I signed the creator agreement when Vip was not required. I started earn payments on 2015 tho, is this relevant? Do I need vip to create and earn cash or not?
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.
Dear RigsK,
I want a three month trial membership for all new members that do not pay. If they do not start after irritating us for three months, then wipe them! They mislead us, irritate us, hand our network the deformaties we are dealing with and which is costing IMVU money....and our patience and good will. When they want to create a new account every three months, this must be stopped. These must be exited from our network...since we do not wish to pay for their silly irritations and misuse of our features. Wipe them - Right now!
I want all non paying members, except for grandfather accounts, to be loosing their account and ability to make new ones, without paying for it. So after three month of begging around on IMVU and sitting here annoying us all...wipe them! And stop creating features for those non paying members...start only building our features, on demands and wishes of paying and actively creating members.
The rest...after your three month trial...MUST BE WIPED! It endangers our continuity. They joined us without honors without merci, why hand them?! :) And add this new regulation A.S.A.P. I demand it as a double paying active creator/mesher...and advisor since the dawn of time here...wipe the barbies and ken baby beggars sir!
Good luck sir, have an awesome day!
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Spikes” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]Another thing i would highly suggest is maybe polling future updates to the community, like jagex does with runescape. Ask the community first, See the community's response BEFORE you push the update... IMVU has made a lot of dumb, un-necessary decisions over the past decade, which in the end affected the population of their user base, Which also affects my, and other creators shops. Less people to buy our products, The less revenue for both IMVU and their creators. A lot of which came from IMVU shooting themselves in the foot the past decade.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]I last not least stress to say, Grandfather accounts, is an understatement and a low self esteem outing, of new members. We helped you found IMVU. We where here before the rest even saw you. We where honored by handing us the ability and title of creators that helped you grow.
Stripping away this honorable title and it's known surplus is a stripping of our ranks. And undermines what we did for you in the past. So it is now that we notice that you need more funds for the new feautres and holding those up....that we are called upon again.
And I will and was paying for VIP memberships even having the grandfather title, for many months if not years at the time. Being stripped of my rank is,... to say the least... very low social values you still have for us...that helped you found IMVU. I am 100% sure, that many of us grandfathers also have new accounts, and also pay VIP's on those. At least I do. Being stripped of this for me no issue...I do not care about honor. But I can imagine other grandfathers and -mothers, do have this issue. And having issues with IMVU Inc, and between us, is not a good thing.
We need to solve ways, people can find themselves reflected and honored and not stripped of honors. You now removed their so called nomination title...and with low self esteem call us grandfatherrs...
I am 48 years dear IMVU and totally no grandfather, and not old school. I am of every school from the past upto the new ones. So do not call me "Grandfather" that for a start, would be already less discriminating and less insocial. I feel I need to say this, because of the honorable title coming with honorable abilities YOU handed us, and now you strip away from us? Is...
Decided by who? You...or us? Or can we make this a you and us,...change....uphold my previous your network...IMVU.
Thank you, stay safe...and of course I will pay VIP diamond or Platinum,...who the heck cares...I want IMVU to be healthy and strong, you deplete yourself clearly, by listening to too many new member...that do not pay at all! Feel free to wipe them all I would say. Nobody needs them, their even prevent us from sometimes getting the service we need, because of all their silly things going on, which do not support your finances at all.
We support you,..and I will. But I also want you to be maintaining our full features...with this new regulation...we pay for it. Feel drop the Phone app...first!
Than we talk...about how to get your finances, going up again.........
This is my last reply to this subject. I said my things, handed you my advise and money,'t mess around with it,...and do not import more Barbie accounts by our phone app! Since they ask ask ask,....and pay for nothing....we pay for them...I hope that is clear!
And wipe all beggars! NOW please. They cost us...and gain us nothing, while we pay pay pay.
So :? thank you for stripping away my titles...and honors,...but work for it now please! Time to hand us back our great network. bye bye Barbie! Have a great day!
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Spikes” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]You charge me to upload. You take a big cut of my sales profit. Now you want me to pay you to get what little profit i do make, which is only a few cents per sale as is.... You cater to mobile users, Not because it's the right thing to do, But because it's the easiest way for you to make a quick buck.
Do you not earn enough from ripping profits from me, and the other tens of thousands of creators, of their effort and their creations? It's almost like you should have listened to PC users a little more. So many stupid changes have been made over the years, Causing SO many of the old users just to up and quit.
IMVU Never even publicly announced this, But imvu classic is in sunset mode. What this means is that there will be no new features for classic. There are only 1 or 2 devs give or take ONLY for bug fixes for classic. If you want to create and see imvu products with the improved graphics on classic, You are boned. And i fear that one day, Even soon maybe, IMVU classic will no longer work whatsoever. I suggest the IMVU team tread lightly, As i can only imagine the majority of their creators still create on and use classic.... And yet classic still, even after reporting the crashes, Will crash when someone joins the room... This has been going on for years. This could be easily fixed by just using imvu next, But that's aside from the point. SO many of my friends quit when imvu next rolled out. NOBODY i know uses imvu next, Because it's like mobile on a pc client. Both of the clients use the same coding language. If an option for a classic user interface were implemented, I would gladly switch over. Now. I prefer the way next feels and performs. i just can not STAND the home interface, The chats, The standing spots... Any of it. I want my classic, And so does everyone else on classic.
I understand the banning of 3rd party resellers. Even that caused some backlash toward IMVU. But now it's like IMVU can't get enough of finding new ways to shoot themselves in the foot, To get rid of as much of their original customer base as possible... From this update, To the removal of the sexual preference option, and anything in between.... IMVU has, And clearly will continue to make some VERY, very dumb changes. I fear for the future of IMVU. My suggestion to imvu is to stop making so many decisions that causes their community to consider leaving the platform. Because at the end of the day... We are your boss. We pay you.
Love me or hate me.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]I do also need to mention,.... most grandfathers have multiple accounts, most of them new ones. And also they pay already for VIP descriptions, as well as some with diamond ones. And that you make double the income on such members, means, you have...a problem to solve, socially. Solve it please - according to my advise, thanks!
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]Dear RigsK, IMVU created this issue. So IMVU must enable grandfather accounts, to pay back in time, so still be able to pay for the months/years they had no VIP on, since the new tier system started. That would be a credible and social solution. Thank you, I am 100% sure you understand what I am writing, and since it is positive on IMVU's behalf, enable my advise to be possibility, for grandfather accounts that have this issue now, to undo their issue, by still paying for the months they did not have this VIP diamond whatever description.
That you change things is fine, specially when it upholds equality amongst developers, but also enable the problems you create for grandfather accounts which might be hurt by this, to still pay, for the months in order to uphold their ability for payout.
I am fine with paying for a diamond whatever vip thing. No problem.
Good luck! :) I am sure you are with me on this will help solve the tension IMVU created now.
Thank you.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Incorruptus” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]Although deceiving, since we should have heared this announcement, when the new tier system was launched in order to be able to exact to the new regulations and be able to honestly adapt to it's new rule. There for this is deceiving. And mean a trust break by IMVU Inc.
BUT - It is not a bad regulations since it nears a wish for equality, which is important. I am therefor fine with the new regulation. But grandfather creators which had no possibility to react to this before new regulations started, MUST BE COMPENSATED. They should be made able to still pay for the period, back in time. To solve this issue. When IMVU enables this ability for them to pay a Diamond VIP or whatever - from the dat the new tier system started, than I am relaxed because of this, and IMVU is out of blame.
I advise IMVU Inc. to enable grandfather accounts without a vip diamond description from the date the new tier system started, to pay for the period up till now, to hold up their payout abilities, than I have no issues with IMVU because of this. Since then a grandfather account is able to decide whether they want that or not.
Since IMVU Inc. caused this problem, it is also in your hands to solve this credibly and with good intent. So not this fast IMVU...but think properly,...thank you. Enable these grandfather accounts, to overcome the issue you put in front of them, since it is your problem, not theirs. Undo this problem please. Thank you.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]We are already paying per item for the privilege of having it then shop. We do not need to be paying any sort of money for the release of our FUNDS. It is like staff working for their pay then being asked ow you have to do overtime or we are not paying you what you earned. We are self employed, we pay our own taxes. We are paid commission on everything that is sold from our shops. Our cash is not yours, friends, members, bought our products in good faith knowing the hard work that is put into our products, so you imvu can earn from us. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT IN HOLDING OUR CASH, we submitted items in our shops out of our earnings to make money. You benefited from this and still do.
You have no right asking us to part with even more of our earnings so we can actually access our money. We are paid commission on products that are sold, we do not get the full amount. You are robbing your own members and creators, this is nothing short of theft.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “jazzKat” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]@RigsK so what I'm not understanding about all this is the following;
Why not create a separate tier that specifically caters to Creators needs?
As many have already said here and elsewhere, they don't need a lot of the services that come with the higher tier VIP subs, so why not create one that's stripped of that but includes pay-out access?
That way Creators can still receive pay-outs while selectively purchasing the extras as and when they need them... nothings worse that having credits accrue that can't be used.
Is there some systemic issue creating new levels in addition to the old ones?
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Roy” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]If we link our accounts for the payouts, would it still display how much each of the accounts earned?
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Vorvolaka” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]Honestly, this is just the last little straw. On top of the communication problems with your user base, the lack of transparency, Beta still missing so many features/quality of life updates, IMVU making non grandfathered creators pay for this crap already, the way the creator tier system works now, and the fact that my and many people's earnings have plummeted the past two years... If IMVU was making more progress in certain areas I might be more inclined to set the money aside to buy VIP. It's not worth it. I'm not going to willingly support a company that does nothing but step on the people that make it even worth playing.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Vorvolaka” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]@RigsK Again I'm pleading with you or someone else on staff to answer me this one question! Why was this decision made?
It's ethically dubious at best but I think more transparency on your end as a company would be extremely welcomed. I'm so sick of shouting into the void because no one on staff answers in the forums, no one is answering here. Getting someone to answer a help ticket takes ages... Please, why was this choice made? That's all I want to know. If this company is going under I only think it's fair that you let people know who are relying on it as a source of income.
0 Votes
Community posted 5 months ago Admin
Posted by “Vorvolaka” on June 02, 2023.
[Archived]Okay this is fine for some creators maybe, but you're still forgetting about the rest of us.
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