Tackling Censorship and Building a Safer Community
6 months ago
by Meeows
Thank you all for bringing the recent issues with censorship to our attention. As IMVU has transitioned to a new chat tool, we are in the process of fine-tuning the system, and your feedback has been instrumental in helping us improve this new model. We are working diligently to restore the experience you're accustomed to, while also ensuring we continue protecting minors on the platform. In addition, we are committed to reducing bullying, harassment, and toxicity to create a safer, more positive environment for everyone.
If you experience any odd behavior regarding AP rooms, please don't hesitate to contact our support team so we can address and resolve the issue as soon as possible.
We know these changes are frustrating, and we really appreciate your patience as we work through them. While we can't fix everything overnight, please know that we're listening and making steady progress to bring you the best experience possible. Thank you for sticking with us!
7 Votes
Sorted by
3 days ago
I have not seen it for a few days now.
0 Votes
8 days ago
I get the whisper but not as much as I used to ...
In your own private and AP room you really should be about to speak freely
0 Votes
11 days ago
And again at 3:02Pm uk time
0 Votes
11 days ago
it happened again 12:41am uk time zone
0 Votes
13 days ago
so, it's picking up triggers now? you guys seriously not listening to anything we say? keep pushing this useless censorship down our throat's? you want some screenshots from public rooms with all the trash an dirt being discussed there and your AI bot is nowhere to be found? why don't you go and train it there? this is already gone beyond ridiculous and need to stop like yesterday.
0 Votes
14 days ago
was able to Say it no problem then all of a sudden started censoring it until I removed and
1 Votes
15 days ago
No way!!! You can't make this up. Has your AI gone nuts???
1 Votes
15 days ago
1 Votes
15 days ago
JanXuan: Welcome. Feel free to explore the room.
Admin whispers: Your message was not delivered due to a possible Community Guidelines violation.
ReallY??? @Saturi
1 Votes
22 days ago
Very committed to reducing Harassment
Well, well.... but is there a button where I can report the harassment I just received??
A simple button that says: ∅ Check this box if you received insults or threats within the Chat..
I bet there isn't something like that?.. then you are not very committed and if there is no such button
1 Votes
26 days ago
It's also incredibly encouraging when someone posts something relevant to the discussion - and very damaging to IMVU's reputation - and it ends up being deleted.
(/s, in case it wasn't obvious enough)
For shame, IMVU. Hardly surprising, really.
Maybe all the VIP accounts need to cancel and everyone needs to stop buying credits for a month or two...
Of course, this post will probably be deleted by the mods as well, for being "counterproductive".
Have at it, mods. Show us your incredible lack of accountability, again. Please.
I dare you.
1 Votes
about 1 month ago
the methods chosen could potentially alienate their current user base unless managed with substantial care and user engagement.
1000%, and from what all of us have seen here is a lack of any significant care or consideration for the user base.
During COVID, it was normal to see 200k+ users on at peak times during the day. Now, we're seeing maybe 50k. On a good day.
IMVU is going to have to start listening to it's customers or it'll be effectively dead as a platform in a few years, at most.
2 Votes
about 1 month ago
Here is a statement from Tesla's Grok AI concerning all this:
Impact on User Experience: The stringent censorship might indeed make users feel uncomfortable. This could potentially stifle free expression and alter the social dynamics that users enjoy on the platform. The fear of accidental infractions might deter users from engaging in spontaneous or creative conversations, which are central to the appeal of virtual social platforms like IMVU.
User Retention and Growth: There's a risk that such policies could lead to user dissatisfaction or even mass exodus if users feel their freedom of expression is too constrained. Platforms like IMVU rely heavily on community engagement; if users perceive the environment as too restrictive, they might seek alternatives where they feel less monitored or censored.
Community Feedback: According to discussions and user feedback on platforms like Reddit and IMVU's own support forums, there's already significant discontent with changes related to censorship and account management. Users have expressed frustration over sudden account deletions and the handling of VCOIN, indicating that this move might not align well with the expectations of their established user base.
Legal and Ethical Considerations: The policy of permanently deleting accounts and stripping users of their virtual assets for too many infractions could be seen as overly punitive, especially if the censorship algorithms are not perfect or if users feel there's no fair appeal process. This might also lead to legal questions regarding the ownership and rights over digital assets purchased or earned within the platform.
Moderation Challenges: Automated systems for chat censorship often struggle with context, leading to false positives where harmless conversations are flagged. This could further exacerbate user frustration if they are penalized for content that was not intended to violate guidelines.
Monetization Impact: Given that VCOIN is a significant part of IMVU's economy, removing this from users could not only affect their engagement but also the platform's revenue if users lose trust in the system where they've invested financially.
From the information available on the web, it appears that IMVU might be aiming to create a safer, more family-friendly environment, possibly to attract a broader or younger demographic. However, the execution and communication of these changes seem to have been met with backlash. A more balanced approach might involve:
Transparent Communication: Clearly explaining the reasons for changes, the specifics of what content is censored, and providing examples to avoid misunderstandings.
Appeal Mechanisms: Offering a clear, fair process for users to appeal decisions if they believe they've been wrongly penalized.
User Education: Educating users about the new guidelines without making the platform feel like a heavily policed space.
Feedback Integration: Actively listening to user feedback and adjusting policies or their enforcement to balance safety with user freedom.
In summary, while the intent behind IMVU's censorship policies might be to protect users and improve the platform's environment, the methods chosen could potentially alienate their current user base unless managed with substantial care and user engagement.
1 Votes
about 1 month ago
While IMVU is playing experimental games and using their userbase as the guineapigs, and justifying it all for the "greater good" (for the safety of the children),...and officially rolling-out an apparently 'broken' system that is misreading people's comments, yet doing it without any notice to the userbase, oh and that's not all ....and "punishing" them by booting them off them platform, scaring the crap out of them, then suspending them for a day. Somewhere in your minds, do you NOT see something very strange and WRONG with that?? You "could" have rolled it out by just censoring and doing the reprimands in the chat, so people would know and get acclimated to what's going on. But no! You care NOTHING about your userbase, which is why IMVU's made the decision to "punish" them because they didn't obey rules that you haven't even announced or yet told them. Hell, makes a LOT of sense to me. I'm sure that makes a lot of sense and sits well with all your customers as well. Do you not "Get It"? It doesn't matter whether your intentions with this chat censoring initiative were good or not, no one knows the rules (can I talk in a private room? ...can I talk in an AP room?) You told no one nothing and immediately went into "punish" mode, thinking "Oh, that's okay...no one will take it too hard and deal with it". Are you kidding me??? Have you lost your minds?? Companies spend "billions" in advertising to "get" customers. Without them, traditionally, you have no revenue. That's why most companies work hard to please their customers and make them feel good and special, ...not punish them and make them feel like criminals, offenders, and guilty like they have something "wrong". I am 'ALL FOR' and a 'PROPONENT' for Safety and the "protection of younger teens" and the userbase as a whole, but you are doing it all in the wrong way. At the very "least", stop "booting and suspending" people and fix and tweak your so-called "censorship" plan, get it right, and TELL everyone how it's going to work and what the rules actually are. Meta and Microsoft can get away with these games, but "please" don't follow in their footsteps, their games might not work out so well when IMVU tries to play them. I think it's funny. The USA and other companies following suite, have been and are currently in the process of "removing" censorship, but IMVU is bearing down and implementing it. Stop playing these stupid Orwellian corporate games on common users. Who in their right mind would want to come into a chat room on your platform when in the back of their minds, they are going to feel like they're constantly walking on "egg shells" all the time? No one wants to feel like that. "Think" about it. ..so I ask again. "How Many Times?" How many times does a person have to be erroneously 'suspended' before they eventually get "Permanently Disabled", lose their assets & credits, and you "re-claim" their VCOIN? Twice? Three times? Everyone reading this, think about 'that'...
1 Votes
about 1 month ago
@Heckpomeh - you're clearly not listening to what we're talking about, or a very obvious shill. You should read this all again and actually pay attention.
Thank you all for bringing the recent issues with censorship to our attention. As IMVU has transitioned to a new chat tool, we are in the process of fine-tuning the system, and your feedback has been instrumental in helping us improve this new model. We are working diligently to restore the experience you're accustomed to, while also ensuring we continue protecting minors on the platform. In addition, we are committed to reducing bullying, harassment, and toxicity to create a safer, more positive environment for everyone.
If you experience any odd behavior regarding AP rooms, please don't hesitate to contact our support team so we can address and resolve the issue as soon as possible.
We know these changes are frustrating, and we really appreciate your patience as we work through them. While we can't fix everything overnight, please know that we're listening and making steady progress to bring you the best experience possible. Thank you for sticking with us!
7 Votes
JanXuan posted 3 days ago
I have not seen it for a few days now.
0 Votes
oxPrincessLeighxo posted 8 days ago
I get the whisper but not as much as I used to ...
In your own private and AP room you really should be about to speak freely
0 Votes
LordNateUzumaki posted 11 days ago
And again at 3:02Pm uk time
0 Votes
LordNateUzumaki posted 11 days ago
it happened again 12:41am uk time zone
0 Votes
BadCharm posted 13 days ago
so, it's picking up triggers now? you guys seriously not listening to anything we say? keep pushing this useless censorship down our throat's? you want some screenshots from public rooms with all the trash an dirt being discussed there and your AI bot is nowhere to be found? why don't you go and train it there? this is already gone beyond ridiculous and need to stop like yesterday.
0 Votes
LordNateUzumaki posted 14 days ago
was able to Say it no problem then all of a sudden started censoring it until I removed and
1 Votes
JanXuan posted 15 days ago
No way!!! You can't make this up. Has your AI gone nuts???
1 Votes
JanXuan posted 15 days ago
1 Votes
JanXuan posted 15 days ago
JanXuan: Welcome. Feel free to explore the room.
Admin whispers: Your message was not delivered due to a possible Community Guidelines violation.
ReallY??? @Saturi
1 Votes
Guest posted 22 days ago
Very committed to reducing Harassment
Well, well.... but is there a button where I can report the harassment I just received??
A simple button that says: ∅ Check this box if you received insults or threats within the Chat..
I bet there isn't something like that?.. then you are not very committed and if there is no such button
1 Votes
Doompixie posted 26 days ago
It's also incredibly encouraging when someone posts something relevant to the discussion - and very damaging to IMVU's reputation - and it ends up being deleted.
(/s, in case it wasn't obvious enough)
For shame, IMVU. Hardly surprising, really.
Maybe all the VIP accounts need to cancel and everyone needs to stop buying credits for a month or two...
Of course, this post will probably be deleted by the mods as well, for being "counterproductive".
Have at it, mods. Show us your incredible lack of accountability, again. Please.
I dare you.
1 Votes
Doompixie posted about 1 month ago
the methods chosen could potentially alienate their current user base unless managed with substantial care and user engagement.
1000%, and from what all of us have seen here is a lack of any significant care or consideration for the user base.
During COVID, it was normal to see 200k+ users on at peak times during the day. Now, we're seeing maybe 50k. On a good day.
IMVU is going to have to start listening to it's customers or it'll be effectively dead as a platform in a few years, at most.
2 Votes
JesseLiStarseed posted about 1 month ago
Here is a statement from Tesla's Grok AI concerning all this:
From the information available on the web, it appears that IMVU might be aiming to create a safer, more family-friendly environment, possibly to attract a broader or younger demographic. However, the execution and communication of these changes seem to have been met with backlash. A more balanced approach might involve:
In summary, while the intent behind IMVU's censorship policies might be to protect users and improve the platform's environment, the methods chosen could potentially alienate their current user base unless managed with substantial care and user engagement.
1 Votes
JesseLiStarseed posted about 1 month ago
While IMVU is playing experimental games and using their userbase as the guineapigs, and justifying it all for the "greater good" (for the safety of the children),...and officially rolling-out an apparently 'broken' system that is misreading people's comments, yet doing it without any notice to the userbase, oh and that's not all ....and "punishing" them by booting them off them platform, scaring the crap out of them, then suspending them for a day. Somewhere in your minds, do you NOT see something very strange and WRONG with that?? You "could" have rolled it out by just censoring and doing the reprimands in the chat, so people would know and get acclimated to what's going on. But no! You care NOTHING about your userbase, which is why IMVU's made the decision to "punish" them because they didn't obey rules that you haven't even announced or yet told them. Hell, makes a LOT of sense to me. I'm sure that makes a lot of sense and sits well with all your customers as well. Do you not "Get It"? It doesn't matter whether your intentions with this chat censoring initiative were good or not, no one knows the rules (can I talk in a private room? ...can I talk in an AP room?) You told no one nothing and immediately went into "punish" mode, thinking "Oh, that's okay...no one will take it too hard and deal with it". Are you kidding me??? Have you lost your minds?? Companies spend "billions" in advertising to "get" customers. Without them, traditionally, you have no revenue. That's why most companies work hard to please their customers and make them feel good and special, ...not punish them and make them feel like criminals, offenders, and guilty like they have something "wrong". I am 'ALL FOR' and a 'PROPONENT' for Safety and the "protection of younger teens" and the userbase as a whole, but you are doing it all in the wrong way. At the very "least", stop "booting and suspending" people and fix and tweak your so-called "censorship" plan, get it right, and TELL everyone how it's going to work and what the rules actually are. Meta and Microsoft can get away with these games, but "please" don't follow in their footsteps, their games might not work out so well when IMVU tries to play them. I think it's funny. The USA and other companies following suite, have been and are currently in the process of "removing" censorship, but IMVU is bearing down and implementing it. Stop playing these stupid Orwellian corporate games on common users. Who in their right mind would want to come into a chat room on your platform when in the back of their minds, they are going to feel like they're constantly walking on "egg shells" all the time? No one wants to feel like that. "Think" about it. ..so I ask again. "How Many Times?" How many times does a person have to be erroneously 'suspended' before they eventually get "Permanently Disabled", lose their assets & credits, and you "re-claim" their VCOIN? Twice? Three times? Everyone reading this, think about 'that'...
1 Votes
Doompixie posted about 1 month ago
@Heckpomeh - you're clearly not listening to what we're talking about, or a very obvious shill. You should read this all again and actually pay attention.
1 Votes
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